Listed below are academic changes that have been made after the 2025-2026 PFW University catalog was published.
Please see your advisor if you have any questions.
Programs (New for Fall 2025):
Pre-Musical Theatre beginning Fall 2025, catalog term 202610 or later.
New Courses:
BUS 23787 - Entrepreneurial Ventures Powered By IncubatorEdu
BUS 43601 - Healthcare Finance
BUS 44201 - Business Law And Ethics
CS 38300 - Machine Learning
ENGL 44500 - World Englishes
LING 10500 - Academic Writing, Language, And Artificial Intelligence
LING 20700 - Introduction To Forensic Linguistics
MUSC 38315 - Studio Management
MUSC 40505 - Women, Music, And Salons