Mar 10, 2025
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]
General Studies (B.G.S.)
Program: B.G.S.
Department of Integrated Studies
Kettler Hall 144 ~ 260-481-6828
The Department of Integrated Studies offers a wide variety of personalized degree options to students. They may individually tailor their programs to combine a substantial core of courses basic to a traditional university education and study in career-related areas. Within the flexible framework of degree requirements, students may design an undergraduate program that can more readily meet their career and personal-development goals. Students will be encouraged and assisted in developing a unique academic program complementing their individual interests, abilities, and intellectual and practical concerns.
The Bachelor of General Studies (B.G.S.) includes courses in broad categories called required areas of learning (listed below) and elective credit that students may earn in any Purdue University Fort Wayne program. The required areas of learning provide broad exposure to the humanities, social sciences, and sciences, while the electives permit students to explore areas of interest, receive credit for prior university-level experiential learning, and tailor the degree to their individual needs. In each plan of study, students must demonstrate competency in each of the following areas: written communication (two courses), oral communication, mathematics, computer literacy, and a diversity course. After students are admitted to a Integrated Studies degree program, students will develop a plan of study to meet their objectives. An advisor will provide assistance in this effort.
Student Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this degree, students will:
- Make use of their knowledge in written and oral communication by writing and speaking precisely, clearly, and persuasively.
- Formulate arguments in a variety of contexts.
- Assess their own arguments and compare and evaluate them with the arguments of others.
- Compare the nature and diversity of individuals, organizations, cultures, and societies.
- Distinguish that different scholarly disciplines require different types of evidence.
- Gather, evaluate, select, organize, and synthesize material in order to complete a research or creative project.
- Combine the knowledge gained across interdisciplinary boundaries
Program Delivery:
Students may take advantage of the wide variety of daytime, evening, weekend, hybrid, and online courses at Purdue Fort Wayne. Consideration is given to all previously earned college credit from other accredited institutions and students may also earn credit by examination. The Bachelor of General Studies (B.G.S.) program may also be tailored to the needs of those unable to study on campus during regularly scheduled periods and may be completed online.
For questions regarding the B.G.S. program, contact the Executive Director of Integrated Studies.
Department of Workforce Development (DWD) funding: Individuals who qualify for WIOA education and training funds through their local WorkOne office will receive tuition and supply fee financial assistance for this program.
General Education Requirements:
Required Areas of Learning: Credits 54
Area A: Arts & Humanities: Credits 12
A grade of C- or above is required. Must include at least two different subjects. Written & Oral Communication: Credits 9
Arts & Humanities Options: Credits 3
Choose one course in the following Arts & Humanities area: - African American Studies
- Art & Design
- Classical Studies
- Communication
- Comparative Literature
- Dance
- English (except 15000, 19000, 12900, P131, R150, R190, W115, W116, W129, W130)
- Film & Video Studies
- Folklore
- History
- International Languages (CLCS, EALC, FR, GER, ILCS, NELC, SPAN)
- International Language & Culture Studies
- International Studies
- Medieval & Renaissance Studies
- Music (unless used as a professional school)
- Philosophy
- Religious Studies
- Theatre
Area B: Science & Mathematics: Credits 12
A grade of C- or above is required. Must include at least two different subjects. Mathematics: Credits 3
Choose one of the following: Computer Literacy: Credits 1-3
Choose one of the following: Science & Mathematics Options: Credits 6-8
Choose two courses in the following Science & Mathematics area: - ANTH 20001, 44500 (ONLY)
- Astronomy
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Computer Science (Includes BUS 20101)
- CRIM 30000 (ONLY)
- Earth, Atmospheric & Planetary Sciences
- ECON 20101, 27000 (ONLY)
- Entomology
- Forestry & Natural Resources
- GEOG 10700, 10900, 31500 (ONLY)
- Horticulture
- Industrial Engineering Technology 20500, 35000 (ONLY)
- Information System Technology
- Mathematics (except MA 10900, 11100, 11101, 11300, 12401)
- NUTR 30300 (ONLY)
- PCTX 20100 (ONLY)
- Physics
- PSY 12000, 20100, 31000, 31100, 31400, 31700, 32900, 41600 (ONLY)
- SOC 35100 (ONLY)
- Statistics
Area C: Social & Behavioral Sciences: Credits 12
A grade of C- or above is required. Must include at least two different subjects. Choose four courses in the following Social & Behavioral Sciences area: - Anthropology
- Communication Sciences & Disorders
- CRIM 10100 (ONLY)
- Economics
- Geography
- Gerontology
- Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender
- Linguistics
- Peace & Conflict Studies
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Women’s Studies
Area D: Choose ONE Area of Learning: Credits 18
Choose ONE Area of Learning (Area A or B or C) and complete 18 additional credits from that area. A grade of C- or above is required. Must include at least two different subjects from the selected Area of Learning. Area A: Arts & Humanities: (Credits 18) - African American Studies
- Art & Design
- Classical Studies
- Communication
- Comparative Literature
- Dance
- English (except 15000, 19000, 12900, P131, R150, R190, W115, W116, W129, W130)
- Film & Video Studies
- Folklore
- History
- International Languages & Culture Studies
- International Languages
- International Studies
- Medieval & Renissance Studies
- Music (unless used as a professional school)
- Philosophy
- Religious Studies
- Theatre
OR Area B: Science & Mathematics: (Credits 18) - ANTH 20001, 44500 (ONLY)
- Astronomy
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Computer Science (Includes BUS 20101)
- CRIM 30000 (ONLY)
- Earth, Atmospheric & Planetary Sciences
- ECON 20101, 27000 (ONLY)
- Entomology
- Forestry & Natural Resources
- GEOG 10700, 10900, 31500 (ONLY)
- Horticulture
- Industrial Engineering Technology 20500, 35000 (ONLY)
- Information System Technology
- Mathematics (Except MA 11100, 12401)
- NUTR 30300 (ONLY)
- PCTX 20100 (ONLY)
- Physics
- PSY 12000, 20100, 31000, 31100, 31400, 31700, 32900, 41600 (ONLY)
- SOC 35100 (ONLY)
- Statistics
OR Area C: Social & Behavioral Sciences: (Credits 18) - Anthropology
- Communication Sciences & Disorders
- CRIM 10100 (ONLY)
- Economics
- Geography
- Gerontology
- Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender
- Linguistics
- Peace & Conflict Studies
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Women’s Studies
General Electives: Credits 63
Students may choose from any available subjects/courses that they meet the prerequistes for and have not already taken. Courses with a D- or higher will be accepted in electives. General Studies Capstone: Credits 3
A grade of C- or above is required. Additional Program Requirements
Residency Requirement: - A minimum of 32 credits at the 200-level or above must be completed at PFW or another campus of Purdue University.
Upper-Level Requirement: 30 Credits - A minimum of 30 credits must be taken at the 30000-40000 level.
Diversity Requirement: 1-3 Credits - AFRO (ANY)
- ANTH 10501, 20002, 20003, 30000, 31001, 33000, 35001, 35600, 37001, 37500, 44500, 45500, 45700, 47000
- BIOL 25000, 32700
- BUS 20400, 30000, 30200, 49001, 49400
- CMPL 21700
- COM 21200, 30300, 31200, 32400, 41000, 42200, 52700, 59000
- CRIM 30500
- CSD 11500, 18100, 18200, 28300, 28400, 30600
- ECON 40800, 43000
- EDU 30500, 30700, 34001, 35201, 37001, 40001, 41000
- ENGL 10700, 37202, 38101, 38800, 39201, 46201, 46401, 46901,47800, 47901
- FOLK 11100, 25400, 30500, 35200
- FR (ANY)
- GEOG 10700
- GERN 23100
- HIST 10001, 11300, 11400, 20101, 22200, 23200, 31001, 31002, 31101, 31102, 32503 (***), 32701, 33101, 33201, 33503, 34201, 34502, 34601, 35102, 35202, 35501, 36102, 38601, 38801, 39301, 40201, 42501 (***), 42601 (***), 43200
- IDIS 20200
- ILCS 20800, 35000
- INTD 33000
- LING 46000
- LSTU 10100, 21000, 29000 (***), 33000, 38500, 39000 (***)
- MUSC 10500, 20103, 39300
- NUR 30900
- NUTR 20400
- OLS 25200, 45400
- POL 10700, 10900, 20001 (***), 32400, 32800, 33501, 33900, 34000, 35001, 36001, 37101, 37600, 40100 (***), 49001 (***)
- PSY 24000, 33400, 33500, 34500, 36500, 37100
- REL 11200, 23000, 23100, 29300 (***), 30100, 30500, 30600, 30700, 31100, 31200, 31500, 32100, 37500, 37800, 38100
- SOC 16300, 30000
***See your academic advisor to have variable topic courses approved for diversity Course Subject Limits - 3 credit limit in each of the following: ENG W135*, MA 149* - 21 credit limit in each of the following department/subject areas: AD, AFRO, ANTH, ASTR, BIOL, CHM, CLCS, CMPL, COM, CS, CSD, DANC, EALC, EAPS, ECON, ENGL, ETCS, FINA*/VART*/VCD*, FOLK, FR, FVS, GEOG, GER, GERN, HIST, HONR, HORT, ILCS, INTL, IST, JOUR*, LGBT, LING, MA, MARS, MUSC (unless used as a professional school, see professional school areas below. Only 10 credits in any MUSC 0xxxx classes), NELC, PACS, PCTX, PHIL, PHYS, POL, PSY, REL, SOC, SPAN, STAT, THTR, WOST. - 30 credit limit in each of the following professional school/college disciplines: BUS, CRIM/PPOL/SPEA, DAST*/DHYG*/DLTP*, EDU/EDUA*/EDUC*, HPER (only 1 course allowed in an athletes participating sport), HSRV, IDIS, INTD, LSTU, MSL/MIL, MUSC (if used as a professional school, which only counts as electives with only 10 credits in any MUSC 0xxxx classes), NUR, OLS (unless paired with other classes/subjects within the School of Engineering Technology and Computer Science; see below), PHRM, RADX, VM. - 30 credit limit in each of the following professional school areas, but only 21 credits in each subject within the school/college: - Engineering Technology and Computer Science (30 total; 21 allowed in each, except OLS): ARET , CE, CET, CEPT, CNET, ECET, ECE, ENGR, ET, IET, IT, IM, ITC, ME, MET, SE, TECH, and up to 30 in OLS unless paired with any of the above for a total of 30 within the college/school
- Consumer and Family Sciences (30 total; 21 allowed in each): CDFS, CFS, FNN*/NUTR, HTM
- Agriculture (30 total; 21 allowed in each): AGRI, ANSC, ENTM, FNR, HORT
- 30 credit limit in the following situations: - Credit by exams: AP/CLEP
- Prior Learning Assessment (PLA)
- Older credit that begins with the letter “T”: TBUS/TENG/TPSY etc.
- 48 credit Limit in the following subject area: AHLT*/CHHS*/HSCI *Courses no longer offered at PFW. Total Credits: 120
All students must have a minimum GPA of 2.0 or higher to graduate. Student Responsibility
You are responsible for ensuring that you satisfy all graduation requirements specified for each selected program. Thus, it is essential that you develop a thorough understanding of the required courses, academic policies, and procedures governing your academic career. If you cannot complete all program requirements by your stated graduation date but fail to remove those from your plan of study, the Registrar’s Office in consultation with your academic advisor will remove unmet pursuits from your plan of study. Changing curricular records during the graduation term of application may affect state or federal financial aid awards. All requests for exceptions to specific requirements must be made in writing and may be granted only by written approval from the appropriate chair or dean. Additional Course Use
Courses listed below may also be considered in meeting specific degree requirements. The following old course subject codes will be accepted into Area A Requirement: - AFRO
The following old course subject codes will be accepted into Area B Requirement: - CHEM
The following old course subject codes will be accepted into Area C Requirement: The following old course subject codes will be accepted into the Diversity Requirement: - AFRO
- AMST (A200, A301, A441)
- CMLT (C340)
- ECON (E323, E346)
- ENG (G104, G310, L107, L113, L207, L364, L369, L378, L379, L381, L388, L392, W372, W462)
- EDUC (H340, K201, K205, K206, K305, K306, K307, K350, K351, K352, K360, K370, K410, Q400)
- FINA (A170, A270)
- FOLK (F350, F354, F378)
- FWAS (H201, H202)
- LSTU (L101, L385)
- POLS (Y337, Y374, Y496)
The following old course subject codes will be accepted into the Math Competency Requirement: - MA 21300
- MATH (M118, 150, 163, 164, 261)
- POLS Y395