Feb 15, 2025  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog 
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Overlapping Course Content

Courses below are considered to have overlapping course content.  Only one overlapping content course will apply toward graduation requirements.  Courses listed in the individual blocks by group are representative of the overlapping relationship.  Check your online degree audit or consult an advisor for further questions.

College Department Subject Courses Former Purdue University Fort Wayne Course Offerings (for reference purpose)
Science  Biology Medical Terminology BIOL 10500 AHSP M195*
Science Biology Addiction:  BIOL/PSY BIOL 31700, PSY 31700  
Science Biology Anatomy and Physiology I BIOL 20300, 21500  
Science Biology Anatomy and Physiology II BIOL 20400, 21600  
Science Biology Biology I BIOL 10000, 10001, 11700 BIOL 25000, 10800*
Science Biology Biology II BIOL 11900 BIOL 10900*
Science Biology Microbiology BIOL 22000, 43700 BIOL 22100*, 43800*, 43900*
Science Chemistry Analytical Chemistry I CHM 32100 CHM 22400*
Science Chemistry Chemistry I CHM 10400, 11100, 11500 CHM 12900*, 15100*
Science Chemistry Chemistry II CHM 10200, 11600  
Science Chemistry Organic Chemistry I CHM 25100, 25500, 26100  
Science Chemistry Organic Chemistry I Lab CHM 25200, 25400, 26500  
Science Chemistry Organic Chemistry II CHM 25600, 26200  
Science Chemistry Organic Chemistry II Lab CHM 25800, 26600  
Science Chemistry Physical Chemistry I CHM 37100, 37200, 38300 CHM 37300*
Science Chemistry Physical Chemistry II CHM 37100, 37200, 38400 CHM 37400*
Liberal Arts Communication Mass Commun & Society COM 25000 JOUR C200*
Liberal Arts Communication Mass Communication Law COM 30002, 35200 JOUR J300*
Liberal Arts Communication Public Relations, Intro To COM 25300 COM 21900*, JOUR J219*
Liberal Arts

International Languages & Culture Studies

Modern & Contemporary Japanese Culture EALC 27100, SOC 21001  
Liberal Arts English & Linguistics  American Ethnic And Minority Literature ENGL 47901 ENG L379*, L374*
Liberal Arts English & Linguistics Religion and Culture REL 11200 PHIL 11200*
Liberal Arts English & Linguistics  Religions of the East REL 23000 PHIL 33000*
Liberal Arts English & Linguistics  Religions of the West REL 23100 PHIL 33100*
Liberal Arts English & Linguistics  Shakespeare, Intro to/Major Plays of ENGL 22001, 31501 ENG L220*, L315*
Liberal Arts English & Linguistics  Writing, Intermediate Expos/Read, Writ & Inq I Honors ENGL 23301, 14000 ENG W233*, W140*
Liberal Arts History African History Ancient Times to Empires & City States HIST 33101 HIST E331*, E431*
Liberal Arts History African History from Colonial Rule to Independence HIST 33201 HIST E332*, E432*
Liberal Arts History Russian Revolutions and Soviet Regime HIST 31002 HIST D310*, D410*
Liberal Arts History American Diplomatic History HIST 34501 HIST A316*, HIST A345* or A346*
Unit of Affiliated Programs Interdisciplinary Studies Freshman Success IDIS 11000 IDIS G102*, G103*, G104*, 10301*, 10401*
Liberal Arts Interdisciplinary Studies Rock and Roll/History of Rock and Roll FOLK 25400, MUSC 20103 MUS Z201*
Science Mathematical Sciences Calculus I MA 16300, 16500, 22700, 22900  
Science Mathematical Sciences Calculus II MA 16400, 16600, 22800, 23000  
Science Mathematical Sciences College Algebra I/Basic and College Algebra MA 15300, 14900  
Science Mathematical Sciences College Algebra II/Precalculus MA 15400, 15900  
Science Mathematical Sciences Differential Equations/Applied Differential Equations MA 32100, 36300 MA 26200*
Science Mathematical Sciences Multivariate Calculus/Multivariate and Vector Calculus MA 26100, 26300  
Science Mathematical Sciences Practical Quantitative Reasoning MA 14000 MA 16800*
Science Mathematical Sciences Probability & Applications, Basic STAT 51600 STAT 311*, EE 302*, ECE 30200
Science Mathematical Sciences Statistics POL 39500, CRIM 30000, PSY 20100, SOC 35100, STAT 24000 POL Y395*, PPOL K300*, SOC S351*, SPEA K300*, PPOL 30000
Science Mathematical Sciences Statistics II STAT 34000, 51200  
Science Physics Astronomy - Stars And Galaxies ASTR 10500 AST A105*
Science Physics Astronomy - The Solar System ASTR 10000 AST A100*, GEOL G121*
Science Physics Geology/Earth Science:  Mat & Proc/Geology Honors EAPS 10001, 10300, 10003 GEOL G100*, G103*, S100*
Science Physics Physics I PHYS 20100, PHYS 21800, PHYS 22000  
Science Physics Physics II PHYS 20200, 21900, 22100 PHYS 24100*, 26100*
Liberal Arts Political Science Statistics I POL 39500, CRIM 30000, PSY 20100, SOC 35100, STAT 24000 POLS Y395*, PPOL K300*, SOC S351*, SPEA K300*,PPOL 30000
Liberal Arts Political Science Women’s & Gender Studies, Intro To WOST 21000 WOST W210*, W200*
Science Psychology Addiction:  Biol/Psy BIOL 31700, PSY 31700  
Science Psychology Child Psychology/Life Span Development PSY 23500, 36900  
Science Psychology Psychology of Aging/Life Span Development PSY 26700, 36900  
Science Psychology Critical Foundations PSY 14000 PSY 10000*
Science Psychology Testing and Measurement PSY 20500 PSY 20200*
Science Psychology Statistics POL 39500, CRIM 30000, PSY 20100, SOC 35100, STAT 24000 POLS Y395*, PPOL K300*, SOC S351*, SPEA K300*, PPOL 30000
Science Psychology Stereotyping and Prejudice PSY 33500 PSY 22500*
Liberal Arts Anthropology & Sociology Modern Japanese Society SOC 21001, EALC 27100  
Liberal Arts Anthropology & Sociology Statistics POL 39500, CRIM 30000, PSY 20100, SOC 35100, STAT 24000 POLS Y395*, PPOL K300*, SOC S351*, SPEA K300*
Liberal Arts Spanish Elementary Spanish II & Accel First Year Spanish SPAN 11201, 11300 SPAN S112, SPAN S113
Business Accounting Accounting BUS 20000, 20100 or 20200 BUS A200*, A201* or A202*
Business Business Commercial Law I/Elements of Law BUS 20300, OLS 26800 BUS L203*
Business Business Intro to Computers/Computer in Business, Spreadsheets for Business, Intro to Database Management ETCS 10600 CS 10600*, K200* or K211* or K212*, 20002* or 21100* or 21200*
Business Busniess The Computer in Business/Spreadsheets for Business, Intro to Database Management, Internet Literacy for Business BUS 20101 BUS K201*, K211* or K212* or K213*, 21100* or 21200* or 21300*
Business Economics & Finance Statistics POL 39500, CRIM 30000, PSY 20100, SOC 35100, STAT 24000 POLS Y395*, PPOL K300*, SOC S351*, SPEA K300*, PPOL 30000
Engineering Technology & Computer Science Organizational Leadership Commercial Law I/Elements of Law BUS 20300, OLS 26800 BUS L203*
Liberal Arts Criminal Justice and Public Administration Environment and People PPOL 16200 SPEA E100*, E262*
Liberal Arts Criminal Justice and Public Administration Statistics POL 39500, CRIM 30000, PSY 20100, SOC 35100, STAT 24000, 30100, ECON 27000 POLS Y395*, PPOL K300*, SOC S351*, SPEA K300*, PPOL 30000
Engineering Technology & Computer Science Polytechnic Computer Oper Syst Basics CPET 18100, ITC 23000  
Engineering Technology & Computer Science Polytechnic Programming Fundamentals I/Intro To Visual Programming ITC 13000, IST 14000  
Engineering Technology & Computer Science Polytechnic Data & Information Management/Databases IST 27000, ITC 35000  
Engineering Technology & Computer Science Polytechnic Foundations & Role of IS/Information Technology Fund IST 16000, ITC 11000  
Engineering Technology & Computer Science
Polytechnic & Computer Science
Human Computer Interaction CS 36800, IST 44000, ITC 37000  
Engineering Technology & Computer Science Polytechnic Intro to Computers/Computer in Business, Spreadsheets for Business, Intro to Database Management ETCS 10600 CS 10600*, K200* or K211* or K212*, 20002* or 21100* or 21200*
Engineering Technology & Computer Science
Polytechnic & Computer Science
Networking Security/Computer Security/CyberSecurity
CPET36400, CS44500, ITC41800 (updated from 41000)
Engineering Technology & Computer Science Polytechnic Probability & Applications, Basic STAT 51600 STAT 311*, EE 302*
Engineering Technology & Computer Science Polytechnic Systems Analysis & Design/Proj Analysis Design & Implement IST 37000, ITC 38000  
Engineering Technology & Computer Science Polytechnic Tech Proj Mang/IS Proj Mang/IT Proj Mang CPET 47000, IST 46700, ECET 47000, ITC 31000  
Engineering Technology & Computer Science Polytechnic Web App Development/Web Systems CS 37200, ITC 42000 ITC 25000
Visual and Performing Arts Music Rock and Roll/History of Rock and Roll Music FOLK 25400, MUSC 20103 MUS Z201*

*Courses no longer offered at Purdue University Fort Wayne.