Feb 06, 2025  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog 
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

What’s New?

Listed below are academic changes that have been made after the 2022-2023 PFW University catalog was published.

Please see your advisor if you have any questions.


The Civics Literacy Proficiency activities are designed to develop the civic knowledge of Purdue Fort Wayne students in an effort to graduate a more informed citizenry.

The civics literacy program is a graduation requirement for all undergraduate students beginning with the fall of 2022.

To obtain civics literacy proficiency, students will pass PFW’s Civics knowledge test, AND complete an educational activity as part of the chosen Civics Literacy Pathway. At PFW, there are two pathway options:

  • Civics Events and/or Recordings Pathway
    • Attend and/or listen to four approved civics related events or recordings. A list of approved events and recordings will be provided to students.
    • Pass the required civics knowledge test
  • Approved Course Pathway
    • Earn a passing grade in one of these approved courses:
    • COM 21000 Debating Public Issues
    • COM 31200 Rhetoric in the Western World
    • HIST 10501 American History 1
    • HIST 10601 American History 2
    • POL 10300 Introduction to American Politics
    • POL 21100 Introduction to Law
    • POL 21200 Making Democracy Work
    • Pass the required civics knowledge test

Programs (New for Fall 2022):

Combined BS/MS in Biology

Cultural Resource Management Certificate

This certificate prepares students in identifying and investigating cultural resources, such as archaeological and historical sites, structures, and artifacts, and developing plans for their preservation, curation, and ethical use. These activities are conducted to comply with legal statutes, mandates, and regulations affecting historical or cultural properties. The certificate meets or exceeds the requirements for the student to be hired as an archaeological fieldworker in Indiana, Federal positions in archaeology (GS-0193), and for comparable positions elsewhere in the U.S.  The certificate will prepare students for careers working for professional archaeological firms, environmental consulting and management firms, museums and archives, and relevant local, state, and federal government agencies. See Cultural Resource Management Certificate  for more details.

Music Industry BSM/MBA 4+1

Bachelor of Science in Music, Music Industry

General Education
Total General Education 33 credits
* For a list of specific general education courses see Music Industry (B.S.M.)  

Major Area: Music Industry Courses:
Required Courses:
MUSC 18203 Survey of Music Industry and Copyright Cr. 3
MUSC 28361 Music Publishing Cr. 3
MUSC 28362 Legal Aspects of the Music Industry (waives BUS 50400) Cr. 3
MUSC 38366 Music Business: Start up to Success Cr. 3
MUSC 48401 Music Marketing, Promotion, and Entrepreneurship Cr. 3
MUSC 48499 Senior Seminar Cr. 3

Required Intership:

BUS 60001 Experiential Learning (replaces MUSC 40400 Internship) Cr. 3

Choose 12 credits from:
MUSC 20700 Electronic Music I Cr. 3
MUSC 20800 Electronic Music II Cr. 3
MUSC 30500 Practicum Cr. 3
MUSC 30600 Variable Topics-Special Topics Cr. 3
MUSC 38363 Concert and Event Promotion Cr. 3
MUSC 38364 Music Products Merchandising Cr. 3
MUSC 38365 Artist Management Cr. 3
MUSC 48403 Independent Study Cr. 3

Total Music Industry Courses 33 credits

Supportive Courses in Music
9 Credits Required from:
MUSC 20103 History of Rock and Roll Music Cr. 3
MUSC 28211 Variable Topics: Perspectives in Music Cr. 3
MUSC 39300 History of Jazz Cr. 3
MUSC 40501 History of Music I Cr. 3
MUSC 40502 History of Music II Cr. 3
MUSC 40503 History of Music III Cr. 3

Required Additional 18 credits from any MUSC Courses Cr. 18
Total Supportive Courses in Music 27 credits

Business Studies:
Undergraduate Minor in Business Studies:
BUS 20100 Principles of Financial Accounting (waives BUS 50100) Cr. 3
BUS 20101 The Computer in Business Cr. 3
ECON 20101 Introduction to Microeconomics (waives BUS 50300) Cr. 3
BUS 55200 Management of Information Tech. (replaces BUS 30200) Cr. 3
BUS 54001 Data Analysis and Mgmt. Science (replaces BUS 30102) Cr. 3
BUS 56000 Marketing and Cons. Rel. Management (replaces BUS 30101) Cr. 3

Total Business Studies minor 18 credits

Media Production Courses:
9 Credits Required from:
AD 10502 Digital Imaging Cr. 3
AD20301 Web Design I: Introduction to Web Design Cr. 3
AD 20801 Video and Inter-Media I Cr. 3
Total Media Production Courses 9 credits

Total program 120 credits

Master of Business Administration Graduate Courses:
BUS 50200 Basic Finance Cr. 1
BUS 52400 Decision Making and Economic Environment in a Global Economy Cr. 3
BUS 54001 Data Analysis and Mgmt. Science (in UG minor) Cr. 0/3
BUS 54200 Strategic Cost Management Cr. 3
BUS 54201 Financial Analysis and Decision Making Cr. 3
BUS 54202 Leadership and Management of People in Organizations Cr. 3
BUS 55200 Management of Information Tech. (in UG minor) Cr. 0/3
BUS 56000 Marketing and Cons. Rel. Management (in UG minor) Cr. 0/3
BUS 57000 Operations and Supply Chain Management Cr. 3
BUS 55900 Strategic Management Capstone Cr. 3
BUS 60001 Experiential Learning - Internship (in UG degree) Cr. 0/3
Concentrations/General Track (6 credits required)
BUS 57500 Topics in Finance Cr. 3
BUS 58900 Topics in Law Cr. 3
BUS 57501 Topics in Operations Management Cr. 3
Other Approved MBA Graduate Elective Courses Cr. 3

Total Business Courses 25 (37) credits

Total Credits for 4 + 1 program: 145 credits


Colleges, Schools, Division and Departments section and School of Education:

Course-Associated Placements

The Teacher Education department continues to streamline our placement process. Providing a variety of placements remains a priority for each student’s program. Experiential learning shall correlate to and supplement course content, providing students with authentic teaching and learning opportunities. We work to vary placement settings with respect to geography, student and community demographics, and institution type. Unless exceptions are approved by the department chair, students are limited to two placements within the same school, whether paid or unpaid, to ensure diversity of experiences.

Students’ pay arrangements during course-associated experiences will remain with the employer. It is the student’s responsibility to communicate course and employment co-settings with both the course instructor and the employer prior to the co-setting arrangement. It is imperative that students take responsibility to remediate any conflicting policies prior to the start of a placement in which employment also occurs.


PHYS 17001 and PHYS 27001 can be used to fulfill PHYSICS ELECTIVE courses.

Articulation Agreements: