AD 10801 - Introduction to Drawing for Non-majors AD 13300 - Metalsmithing for Non-majors AD 16500 - Ceramics for Non-majors AD 23900 - Painting for Non-majors ARET 12300 - Digital Graphics for Built Environment I *ARET 21000 - Architecture and Urban Form ARET 22300 - Digital Graph. for Built Environment II ARET 22500 - Creative House Design ARET 31000 - Architecture & Urban Form in the Modern World BUS 10001 - Principals of Business Administration COM 21001 - Visual Communication CS 11200 - Survey of Computer Science DANC 39000 - Introduction to Dance *EAPS 30000 - Environmental and Urban Geology *EAPS 30500 - Geologic Fund in Earth Science *ENGL 10302 - Introductory Creative Writing *ENGL 20301 - Creative Writing ENGL 20302 - Fiction FR 11100 - Elementary French I FR 11201- Elementary French II *GEOG 31500 - Environmental Conservation GER 11100 - Elementary German I GER 11201 - Elementary German II INTL 20000 - Intro International Studies INTD 33000 - Culture & Design MUSC 14000 - Introduction to Music Expression MUSC 15300 - Introduction to Musical Therapy NELC 10000 - Elementary Arabic I NELC 15000 - Elementary Arabic II NUTR 40300 - Advanced Nutrition: Farm to Fork OLS 45400 - Gender and Diversity in Management PACS 20000 - Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies *PHIL 12000 - Critical Thinking *PHIL 15000 - Principles of Logic PHIL 27500 - The Philosophy of Art PHIL 32600 - Business Ethics PHIL 35100 - Philosophy of Science PHIL 35200 - History & Philosophy of Science PHIL 43500 - Philosophy of Mind PHIL 46500 - Philosophy of Language PHYS 13600 - Chaos and Fractals POL 27500 - Politics and Film POL 30701 - Indiana State Government and Politics POL 28500 - Science and Politics REL 11200 - Religion and Culture REL 30000 - Religions of the Ancient World SOC 10900 - Community and the Built Environment SOC 20900 - Community and the Built Environment SOC 31401 - Social Aspects of Health and Medicine SPAN 11101 - Elementary Spanish I SPAN 11201 - Elementary Spanish II SPAN 11300 - Accelerated First Year Spanish THTR 13400 - Fundamentals of Performance THTR 32510 - History of Modern Drama **PHYS 25100 is not accepted as a B7 General Elective Course** |