Listed below are academic changes that have been made after the 2024-2025 PFW University catalog was published.
Please see your advisor if you have any questions.
Academic Regulation 1.2.1 (Resident Credit) was updated to define resident credit as “credit earned at Purdue University Fort Wayne.”
Academic Regulation 4.0 (Academic Honesty) was updated to add information on Artificial Intelligence (AI). Specifically, “The term “unauthorized materials” includes those identified by the instructor” and “The instructor is responsible for providing students with a written course-level policy regarding the authorized/unauthorized usage of Artificial Intelligence (AI).”
Academic Regulation 5.0 (Final Examinations and Instructors’ Grade Reports) was updated to clarify that the regulations apply to 16-week courses.
Academic Regulation 9.4 (Academic notice, separation, and readmission) was updated to change the language.
AD - Academic Dismissal is now Academic Separation
AP - Academic Probation is now Academic Notice
CP - Continued Probation is now Continued Notice
Academic Regulation 10.4 (Graduation with Distinction) was updated such that “a candidate for the bachelor’s degree with distinction must have a minimum of 60 resident credits included in the computation of the cumulative GPA.”
New for Spring 2025:
Finance Minor (for non-Business majors)
This minor in Finance prepares students pursuing a variety of majors to be more competitive in local and national labor market opportunities that utilize knowledge of the basic principles of corporate finance, financial management, and financial statement analysis. The minor requires up to 6 credits of prerequisite courses, 6 credits of foundational courses, and 12 credits of uppder-level courses. See Finance Minor (for non-Business Majors) for specific details.
New for Fall 2024:
Teaching English as a New Language, Baccalaureate Certificate
The undergraduate certificate in Teaching English as a New Language (TENL) prepares students for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) in a variety of learning venues world-wide. Program moved to Department of Teacher Education (TEDU) in the School of Education.
Linguistics Minor
Minor moved to Department of Human Services (HSRV).
Teaching English as a New Language, Baccalaureate Certificate
Program suspended, admissions stopped. The Teaching English as a New Language, Baccalaureate Certificate (TENG-CERT) program has been moved from the Department of English and Linguistics (ENGL) in the College of Liberal Arts to the Department of Teacher Education (TEDU) in the School of Education.
3-Year Program Options
Three programs now offer opportunities to complete the degree by following a 3-Year sequence of courses. These programs include Anthropology, English, and Sociology. You can learn more about the sequence of courses by going to the appropriate Program Description page: Anthropology (B.A.) , English (B.A.) , and Sociology (B.A.) . Each program remains at 120 credits.
French Minor:
Admission to the French minor has stopped. No students are being admitted at this time.
Forensic Investigations Minor:
This minor should be declared within the Department of Criminal Justice and Public Administration. The minor requires a minimum of 18 credit hours or 6 courses with a 2.00 grade point average. The 6 courses include 4 required courses and 2 electives. At least 9 credits must be earned as resident credits at the 2000+ level or above.
Required courses:
o CRIM 10100 - The American Criminal Justice System
o CRIM 22200 - Introduction to Criminalistics
o CRIM 34800 - Criminal Investigation
o PSY 33200 - Forensic Psychology or LING 2xx - Forensic Linguistics
CRIM 10100 (The American Criminal Justice System) is a prerequisite to all CRIM courses and requires a grade of C- or better. This course can also be completed as part of the General Education requirements (B.5) or the College of Liberal Arts Thematic Area C.
Elective Courses:
o AD 20201 - Introduction to Photography
o HSRV 10500 - Basic Interviewing Skills
o HSRV 35000 - Drugs and Society
o ANTH 42600 - Human Osteology
o SOCI 20100 - Sociology of Serial Killing
o CRIM 20100 - Causes of Crime (only for non-criminal justice majors)
Commercial Music
Beginning Fall 2024, Commercial Music is replacing Popular Music which is attached to Music, BSM. The concentrations attached to the major will move along with it.
Popular Music
Beginning Fall 2024, the Popular Music program has been suspended and admissions stopped.
Organizational Leadership - Sports Leadership, BS
The Sports Leadership concentration will be comprised of 18 credit hours. The first three courses* in the list below are required; students will then choose three of the other four courses on the list. If new courses are being created, all course proposals must be completed in order to add to this block. (note any that are variable title):
o OLS 33800 Leadership in Sports
o OLS 39900 Sports Law
o OLS 47700 Conflict Management
o POL 25200 Sports and Public Policy
o HTM 33400 Introduction to Sports Event Management
o HIST 37701 The History of American Sports
o COM 32102 Principles of Public Relations
5 Year Combined Degree Program in Music Industry (BSM/MBA) New Concentration:
Business Analytics Concentration:
Human Resources concentration:
New Courses:
ANTH 20700 - Introduction To Museum Studies
BIOL 10105 - Biology Based Chemistry
BIOL 51602 - Advanced Genetics Lab
BUS 23787 - Entrepreneurial Ventures Powered By IncubatorEdu
BUS 43500 - Healthcare Analytics
BUS 43601 - Healthcare Finance
BUS 44201 - Business Law And Ethics
CS 38300 - Machine Learning
CS 52400 - Expert System
DANC 11000 - Musical Theatre Dance I (Previously THTR 11000)
DANC 11200 - Introduction To Dance (Previously THTR 11200)
DANC 21200 - Musical Theatre Dance II (Previously THTR 21200)
EDU 13500 - Introduction To Early Childhood Education (Previously EDU 33500)
EDU 14700 - Language Arts For Early Childhood (Previously EDU 34700)
EDU 21700 - Early Childhood Education Practicum I (Previously EDU 31700)
EDU 23600 - Play As Development (Previously EDU 33600)
ENGL 44500 - World Englishes
HSRV 22200 - Professional Writing In Human Services
IDIS 49100 - Special Topics In Interdisciplinary Studies
ITC 18000 - Intro To Computer Security
ITC 32200 - Incident Response Management
ITC 32800 - Intrusion Detection
ITC 41500 - Cryptography
ITC 41700 - Digital Forensics
LING 10500 - Academic Writing, Language, And Artificial Intelligence
LING 20700 - Intro To Forensic Linguistics
MUSC 38315 - Studio Management
MUSC 40504 - American Roots To Modern Popular Music
MUSC 40505 - Women, Music, And Salons
PSY 47400 - Neuropsychological Assessment Of Human Memory
SOC 20600 - Sociology Of Gender And Sexuality
Articulation Agreements:
PFW has created new articulation agreements with Ivy Tech Community College and Northwest State Community College. These agreements cover multiple programs. See Articulation Agreements for specific details about individual programs.