Sep 23, 2024  
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog 
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Course Descriptions

Course descriptions are listed in alphabetical order.

Standard information for each course includes the number, title, and credits (sometimes called credit hours or semester hours). For some courses, you will find information on the hours of class, laboratory, or studio for which the course is scheduled in each week of a regular semester; these weekly hours are expanded during summer sessions. Fees for courses are assessed on the basis of credits and other factors.

The course-numbering system generally suggests levels of difficulty and appropriateness. Courses at the 100 and 200 levels comprise introductory offerings and those are most commonly taken by freshmen and sophomores. Courses at the 300 and 400 levels are primarily for juniors and seniors. In some Purdue programs, undergraduates take courses at the 500 level, but generally courses numbered 500 and above are for graduate students.

Preparation for courses is indicated as follows:

P: indicates a prerequisite that must precede your enrollment in the course described. You may find one or more specific course numbers, the number of credits you should already have in a subject, a placement-test level, or other conditions.

C: indicates a corequisite that must be taken no later than the same semester in which you take the course described.

R: indicates a recommendation concerning conditions to be met for enrollment in the course.

When no subject code is shown for prerequisites, corequisites, and recommended courses, they are in the same subject area as the course being described. If you lack a prerequisite or corequisite, or if you wish to take a course numbered at a higher level than your present status, you should seek the department’s or instructor’s consent to enroll in the course.

V.T. means Variable Title and is shown for courses for which the title may be changed to specify the topic or other special focus of each offering.

Purdue University Fort Wayne reserves the right to add, withdraw, or change courses without notice.


  • MUSC 20500 - Music Recording And Production III

    An advanced course in music recording and production techniques. Topics will include music mixing, advanced music recording and editing, and music technology research. Focus on student music recording projects.

    Preparation for Course
    P: MUSC 20300.

    Cr. 3.
  • MUSC 20600 - Recording Crew III

    Students will record Department of Music concerts and recitals in a variety of performance venues under the supervision of the Director of the PFW/Sweetwater Music Technology program and advanced audio recording students.

    Preparation for Course
    P: MUSC 20400; C: MUSC 20500.

    Cr. 1.
    Lab. 4-5.
    Session Indicators
    Typically offered Spring
  • MUSC 20700 - Electronic Music I

    An introductory course on electronic music focusing on sound synthesis and sound sampling.

    Preparation for Course
    P:  PHYS 10500.  

    Cr. 3.
  • MUSC 20800 - Electronic Music II

    A continuation of the Electronic Music I course focusing on sequencing and integration of synthesis and sampling into music production environments.

    Preparation for Course
    P: MUSC 20700.

    Cr. 3.
    Session Indicators
    Typically offered Spring.
  • MUSC 21000 - French Horn

    Secondary (200) level:  Designed to give the student certain proficiencies so that student may use this application as a tool rather than a medium for performance.

    Cr. 2.
  • MUSC 21001 - Violin

    Secondary (200) level:  Designed to give the student certain proficiencies so that student may use this application as a tool rather than a medium for performance.

    Cr. 2.
  • MUSC 21002 - Flute And Piccolo

    Secondary (200) level:  Designed to give the student certain proficiencies so that student may use this application as a tool rather than a medium for performance.

    Cr. 2.
  • MUSC 21100 - Keyboard Techniques

    Preparation of the functional skills necessary for the completion of the keyboard proficiency exam. Keyboard concentrations and majors only.

    Preparation for Course
    P: MUSC 11400. C: MUSC 29900, permission of instructor.

    Cr. 1-2.
  • MUSC 21300 - Music Theory III

    Historical survey of the elements, forms, and aesthetics of musical styles through written analysis, listening examples, and structured composition activities. Medieval through classical sonatas, including the entire harmonic vocabulary of the Common Practice Era.

    Preparation for Course
    P: MUSC 11400.

    Cr. 3.
    Required of all music majors.
  • MUSC 21400 - Music Theory IV

    Historical survey of the elements, forms, and aesthetics of musical styles through written analysis, listening examples, and structured composition activities. Classical through 20th century.

    Preparation for Course
    P: MUSC 21300.

    Cr. 3.
    Required of all music majors.
  • MUSC 21500 - Sightsinging and Aural Perception III

    Music dictation and sight-singing of chromatic melodic and harmonic materials and modulation.

    Cr. 1.
    Required of all music majors.
  • MUSC 21600 - Music Education Lab/Field Experience

    Field experiences and observations in vocal and instrumental music program K-12.

    Preparation for Course
    C: MUSC 23600.

    Cr. 0.
  • MUSC 21601 - Sightsinging and Aural Perception IV

    Music dictation and sight-singing of extended examples as well as 20th century melodic and harmonic elements.

    Preparation for Course
    P: MUSC 21500.

    Cr. 1.
    Required of all music majors.
  • MUSC 22000 - Trumpet And Cornet

    Secondary (200) level:  Designed to give the student certain proficiencies so that student may use this application as a tool rather than a medium for performance.

    Cr. 2.
  • MUSC 22001 - Viola

    Secondary (200) level:  Designed to give the student certain proficiencies so that student may use this application as a tool rather than a medium for performance.

    Cr. 2.
  • MUSC 22002 - Oboe And English Horn

    Secondary (200) level:  Designed to give the student certain proficiencies so that student may use this application as a tool rather than a medium for performance.

    Cr. 2.
  • MUSC 22600 - English Diction for Singers

    Introduction to the International Phonetic Alphabet; study of phonetics with application to vocal literature in the English language.

    Cr. 1.
    Session Indicators
    (Fall, first half of term)
  • MUSC 22700 - German Diction for Singers

    Review of International Phonetic Alphabet; study of phonetics with application to vocal literature in the German language.

    Preparation for Course
    P: MUSC 11400 and 22600; C: MUSC 30006 or 40004.

    Cr. 1.
    Session Indicators
    (Fall, second half of term)
  • MUSC 22800 - French Diction for Singers

    Review of International Phonetic Alphabet; study of phonetics with application to vocal literature in French language.

    Preparation for Course
    P:  MUSC 11400 and 22600; C: MUSC 30006 or 40004.

    Cr. 1.
    Session Indicators
    (Spring, first half of term)
  • MUSC 22900 - Italian Diction for Singers

    Review of International Phonetic Alphabet; study of phonetics with application to vocal literature int he Italian language.

    Preparation for Course
    P:  MUSC 11400 and 22600; C: MUSC 30006 or 40004.

    Cr. 1.
    Session Indicators
    (Spring, second half of term)
  • MUSC 23000 - Trombone

    Secondary (200) level:  Designed to give the student certain proficiencies so that student may use this application as a tool rather than a medium for performance.

    Cr. 2.
  • MUSC 23001 - Cello

    Secondary (200) level:  Designed to give the student certain proficiencies so that student may use this application as a tool rather than a medium for performance.

    Cr. 2.
  • MUSC 23002 - Clarinet

    Secondary (200) level:  Designed to give the student certain proficiencies so that student may use this application as a tool rather than a medium for performance.

    Cr. 2.
  • MUSC 23600 - Introduction to Music Education

    An overview of the music education profession, including the study of philosophical and historical foundations of music teaching and learning. Includes examination of curriculum and current issues in music education.

    Cr. 2.
  • MUSC 24000 - Euphonium

    Secondary (200) level:  Designed to give the student certain proficiencies so that student may use this application as a tool rather than a medium for performance.

    Cr. 2.
  • MUSC 24001 - String Bass

    Secondary (200) level:  Designed to give the student certain proficiencies so that student may use this application as a tool rather than a medium for performance.

    Cr. 2.
  • MUSC 24002 - Bassoon

    Secondary (200) level:  Designed to give the student certain proficiencies so that student may use this application as a tool rather than a medium for performance.

    Cr. 2.
  • MUSC 24100 - Introduction to Music Fundamentals

    Designed for elementary education majors.  This course will introduce to the student the basic elements of music, through singing, and playing the recorder. Emphasis will be placed on acquiring musical skills through active music-making experiences. This course is a prerequisite for EDU 32300 Teaching of Music in the Elementary Schools.

    Cr. 1.
  • MUSC 25000 - Tuba

    Secondary (200) level:  Designed to give the student certain proficiencies so that student may use this application as a tool rather than a medium for performance.

    Cr. 1-2.
  • MUSC 25001 - Saxophone

    Secondary (200) level:  Designed to give the student certain proficiencies so that student may use this application as a tool rather than a medium for performance.

    Cr. 2.
  • MUSC 25300 - Functional Music Skills

    Overview of musical skills based on AMTA professional competencies. Areas addressed will include use of keyboard, guitar, voice, autoharp, ukulele, and Q-chord in clinical applications.

    Preparation for Course
    C:  MUSC 15300.

    Cr. 2.
    Session Indicators
  • MUSC 25301 - Music Therapy Observation Practicum

    Observation of professional music therapy sessions in a variety of settings with client populations of varying needs.

    Preparation for Course
    P: MUSC 15300.

    Cr. 1.
    Session Indicators
  • MUSC 25400 - Music Therapy Practicum I

    Students work with an MT-BC providing services to individual music therapy clients with developmental disabilities focusing on establishment of rapport and application of music experiences in clinical setting. Includes clinical hours and attendance at weekly seminar. May be repeated.

    Preparation for Course
    P: MUSC 25301.

    Cr. 1.
    Session Indicators
  • MUSC 25500 - Instrumental Rehearsal Techniques

    Provides instrumental music education major with the skills necessary for rehearsal planning, score preparation, rehearsal techniques, error detection, and choice of appropriate literature for public school instrumental music programs. Significant time will be devoted to in class rehearsals with students as conductors.

    Cr. 1.
  • MUSC 25600 - Piano Techniques In The Choral Ensemble

     Designed to further develop piano playing proficiency in the choral ensemble. Emphasis will be placed on warm-ups, playing open scores, accompanying, and transposing.

    Cr. 1.
  • MUSC 26100 - String Techniques

    Class instruction and teaching methods for developing proficiency on violin, viola, violoncello, and double bass.

    Cr. 1-2.
  • MUSC 27200 - Clarinet and Saxophone Techniques

    Class instruction for developing proficiency on clarinet and saxophone. Study of methods and materials for teaching these two instruments in class or private lessons.

    Cr. 1-2.
  • MUSC 28100 - Brass Instrument Techniques

    Class instruction for developing proficiency on trumpet, French horn, trombone, euphonium, and tuba. Study of methods and materials for teaching brass instruments in class or private lessons.

    Cr. 1-2.
  • MUSC 28201 - Popular Music Theory, Analysis And Application III

    A continuation of Popular Music Theory, Analysis, and Application II. This course will introduce notation of concepts found within popular music. Also includes aural skills training and improvisation.

    Preparation for Course
    P:  MUSC 18102.

    Cr. 3.
  • MUSC 28202 - Popular Music Theory, Analysis And Application IV

    A continuation of Popular Music Theory, Analysis, and Application III.  Advanced chord structures are introduced along with the incorporation of music from other countries and cultures.  Skill sets incorporated in the previous popular music theory courses will be employed to analyze and notate music in various styles.

    Preparation for Course
    P:  MUSC 28201.

    Cr. 3.
  • MUSC 28211 - VT-Perspectives In Music

    Variable topic course designed to explore various styles, origins, influential performers, music, social, historical, and political contexts, and supportive technological advances of particular genres, styles, or time periods.

    Cr. 3.
    Variable Title
  • MUSC 28341 - Popular Music Performance Ensemble

    Open to all university students, contingent upon successful audition.  Rehearsals consist of work on musical, instrumental, vocal, aural techniques, and stylistic nuances germane to the ensemble.  Performances occur both on and off campus.

    Preparation for Course
    P:  Instructor permission required.

    Cr. 2.
  • MUSC 28351 - Songwriting I

    A study of popular and commercial songwriting, with focus on composing music and lyrics within various popular music genres.

    Preparation for Course
    P:  MUSC 18102.

    Cr. 3.
  • MUSC 28352 - Songwriting II

    A continuation of the Songwriting I course. Class sessions are able to function as “songwriting workshops” for student performances of compositions.

    Preparation for Course
    P:  MUSC 28351.

    Cr. 3.
  • MUSC 28361 - Music Publishing

    A study of the functions and operations of the music publishing industry.

    Preparation for Course
    P:  MUSC 18203.

    Cr. 3.
  • MUSC 28362 - Legal Aspects Of The Music Industry

    An intermediate level study of legal problems and issues associated with the music industry, including case studies, modern/emerging business models and music licensing.

    Preparation for Course
    P:  MUSC 18203.

    Cr. 3.
  • MUSC 29400 - Piano Pedagogy IV

    Class meetings cover assigned readings, teaching techniques, and materials. Editions and business practices. Students assist and teach in class piano labs, and teach three private students in the preparatory program.

    Preparation for Course
    P: Piano Pedagogy Practicum.

    Cr. 2.
  • MUSC 29600 - Applied Music Upper Division Jury Examination

    A 15- minute performance of literature selected by the applied music instructor and presented for the applied music instructor and the resident faculty. Successful completion of 29600 is required to begin preparation for a recital. For further information and requirements, see the Department of Music Student Handbook.

    Preparation for Course
    P: Fourth semester of applied music at the 30000 or 40000- level on the same instrument or permission of applied studio instructor.

    Cr. 0.
  • MUSC 29700 - Music Education Upper Divisional Skills Examination

    An oral examination of knowledge and professional development for the purpose of evaluating progress toward the Bachelor of Music Education.

    Cr. 0.
  • MUSC 29800 - Music Therapy Upper Divisional Skills Examination

    A written application and oral examination of observation techniques, clinical music therapy skills, and functional music and accompaniment skills. This test is an evaluation of progress toward the Bachelor of Science in Music Therapy. Required of all music therapy majors and equivalency students.

    Preparation for Course
    P/C:  MUSC 25400 with a C- or higher.


    Cr. 0.

  • MUSC 29900 - Piano Proficiency Examination

    Requirements are passed individually: technique; sight reading of a hymn, a piano piece, and a rhythmic pattern; transposition of simple folk songs and accompaniment; sight reading of a lead sheet and a harmonized melody without cords notated; keyboard theory skills, including realization of Roman numeral progressions; improvisation; folk songs by ear with accompaniment. Complete information available in the music department office.

    Preparation for Course
    P: MUSC 13100 or 14100, permission of the instructor required, in the semester of completion of the examination.

    Cr. 0.
  • MUSC 30001 - Percussion

    Concentration (300) level:  Music majors only. A student concentrating in an applied music area is expected to show evidence of considerable prior study and to give a half-recital.  By recital time the student is expected to have attained levels reached by applied music major at end of sophomore year.

    Cr. 1-2.
  • MUSC 30002 - Harp

    Cr. 2.
  • MUSC 30003 - Guitar

    Cr. 2.
  • MUSC 30004 - Piano

    Concentration (300) level:  Music majors only. A student concentrating in an applied music area is expected to show evidence of considerable prior study and to give a half-recital.  By recital time the student is expected to have attained levels reached by applied music major at end of sophomore year.

    Cr. 1-2.
  • MUSC 30005 - Organ

    Cr. 2; 710 (2).
  • MUSC 30006 - Voice

    Concentration (300) level:  Music majors only. A student concentrating in an applied music area is expected to show evidence of considerable prior study and to give a half-recital.  By recital time the student is expected to have attained levels reached by applied music major at end of sophomore year.

    Cr. 1-2.
  • MUSC 30100 - Recital: Concentration Level

    Public performance of 25-50 minutes of assigned literature, with a minimum of 25 minutes being post-Upper Division. Recital requires approval of faculty committee at least 14 days prior to scheduled recital date. For complete guidelines refer to department handbook.

    Preparation for Course
    P: MUSC 29600 and minimum of two completed semesters of post-Upper Division study; B.S.M.T. majors are required a minimum of one completed semester of post-Upper Division study. C: enrollment in 300-level applied study on an instrument of concentration.

    Cr. 0.
  • MUSC 30300 - Electronic Music Production II

    Continuation of Electronic Music Production I.  Focus on audio and music sampling as well as sequencing and integration of synthesizers and samplers into audio and music production workflow.  Emphasis on practical application.

    Preparation for Course
    P: MUSC 20700.

    Cr. 3.
  • MUSC 30400 - Live Sound Reinforcement

    A study of current theories, technologies and techniques involved in modern sound reinforcement. Topics include large and small systems and venues.

    Preparation for Course
    P:  PHYS 10500 and MUSC 20300.

    Cr. 3.
  • MUSC 30500 - Practicum

    An on-campus course designed to provide practical experience for advanced students in a supervised professional setting. Practicum work requires direct supervision by practicum instructor.

    Preparation for Course
    P: Instructor permission.

    Cr. 1-4.
    Studio 1-4.
  • MUSC 30600 - VT-Special Topics

    Special Topics, which may change from semester to semester, offered in order to offer instruction in subjects, techniques, or content not served in other course offerings.

    Preparation for Course
    P:  Instructor permission.

    Cr. 1-4.
    Studio and/or Independent Study 1-4.
    Variable Title
  • MUSC 31000 - French Horn

    Concentration (300) level:  Music majors only. A student concentrating in an applied music area is expected to show evidence of considerable prior study and to give a half-recital.  By recital time the student is expected to have attained levels reached by applied music major at end of sophomore year.

    Cr. 1-2.
  • MUSC 31001 - Violin

    Concentration (300) level:  Music majors only. A student concentrating in an applied music area is expected to show evidence of considerable prior study and to give a half-recital.  By recital time the student is expected to have attained levels reached by applied music major at end of sophomore year.

    Cr. 1-2.
  • MUSC 31002 - Flute And Piccolo

    Concentration (300) level:  Music majors only. A student concentrating in an applied music area is expected to show evidence of considerable prior study and to give a half-recital.  By recital time the student is expected to have attained levels reached by applied music major at end of sophomore year.

    Cr. 1-2.
  • MUSC 31200 - Arranging for Instrumental and Vocal Groups

    Fundamentals of orchestrations, arranging and scoring for orchestra, band, and chorus.

    Preparation for Course
    P: MUSC 21400, 21601, 10901.

    Cr. 2.
  • MUSC 31500 - Analysis of Musical Form

    Analysis of formal and harmonic structure of representative Baroque, Classical, and early Romantic compositions.

    Preparation for Course
    P: MUSC 21300 with a grade of C- or higher.

    Cr. 3.
  • MUSC 31700 - Music Education Lab/Field Experience

    Field experiences and observations in instrumental music education.

    Preparation for Course
    C: MUSC 33701.

    Cr. 0.
  • MUSC 31800 - Music Education Lab/Field Experience

    Field experiences and observations in choral music education.

    Preparation for Course
    C: MUSC 33801.

    Cr. 0.
  • MUSC 31900 - Music Education Lab/Field Experience

    Field experiences and observations in elementary general music.

    Preparation for Course
    C: MUSC 33900.

    Cr. 0.
  • MUSC 32000 - Trumpet And Cornet

    Concentration (300) level:  Music majors only. A student concentrating in an applied music area is expected to show evidence of considerable prior study and to give a half-recital.  By recital time the student is expected to have attained levels reached by applied music major at end of the sophomore year.

    Cr. 1-4.
  • MUSC 32001 - Viola

    Concentration (300) level:  Music majors only. A student concentrating in an applied music area is expected to show evidence of considerable prior study and to give a half-recital.  By recital time the student is expected to have attained levels reached by applied music major at end of sophomore year.

    Cr. 1-2.
  • MUSC 32002 - Oboe and English Horn

    Cr. 2.
  • MUSC 32100 - Jazz Improvisation

    Theory and techniques of jazz improvisation with emphasis on functional harmony, melodic form, special scales, tune studies, ear training, and development of style.

    Preparation for Course
    P: MUSC 11400.

    Cr. 2.
  • MUSC 33000 - Trombone

    Concentration (300) level:  A student concentrating in an applied music area is expected to show evidence of considerable prior study and to give a half-recital.  By recital time the student is expected to have attained levels reached by applied music major at end of the sophomore year.

    Cr. 1-2.
  • MUSC 33001 - Cello

    Concentration (300) level:  A student concentrating in an applied music area is expected to show evidence of considerable prior study and to give a half-recital.  By recital time the student is expected to have attained levels reached by applied music major at end of sophomore year.

    Cr. 1-2.
  • MUSC 33002 - Clarinet

    Concentration (300) level:  Music majors only. A student concentrating in an applied music area is expected to show evidence of considerable prior study and to give a half-recital.  By recital time the student is expected to have attained levels reached by applied music major at end of sophomore year.

    Cr. 1-2.
  • MUSC 33500 - Methods and Materials for Teaching General Music 6-12

    The study of curriculum, methods and materials for teaching secondary general music. Exploration of contemporary topics and active music-making approaches outside of the performance setting.

    Cr. 2.
  • MUSC 33700 - Woodwind Techniques

    Class instruction and teaching methods for flute, oboe, and bassoon.

    Cr. 1-2.
  • MUSC 33701 - The Art Of Teaching Beginner Instrumentalist

    Instrumental music as a means of developing music skills, understandings, and attitudes in elementary and secondary school students.

    Preparation for Course
    P: MUSC 21400, 21601, 29700, 29900, and three of the following: MUSC 26100, 27200, 28100, 33700, 33800; C: MUSC 31700.

    Cr. 2.
  • MUSC 33702 - The Art Of Teaching Advanced Instrumentalist

    Instrumental music as a means of developing music skills, understandings, and attitudes in secondary school students.

    Cr. 2.
  • MUSC 33800 - Percussion Techniques

    Class instruction to learn the rudiments of snare drum, tympani, and mallet instruments. Study of methods and materials for teaching percussion instruments in class or private lessons.

    Cr. 1-2.
  • MUSC 33801 - The Art Of Teaching Choral Musicians I

    Development and organization of administration of choral music programs in the elementary and middle school. Emphasis on auditioning and placement, vocal production, rehearsal techniques, and appropriate choral literature.

    Cr. 2.
  • MUSC 33802 - The Art Of Teaching Choral Musicians II

    This course is intended for music education students who are preparing to work in the secondary school choral music programs. This course will provide students with philosophies, techniques, materials, and approaches appropriate for the choral music educator.

    Cr. 2.
  • MUSC 33900 - General Music Methods K-8

    Must be taken concurrently with M319. The study of curriculum, methods, and materials for the elementary general music program. Includes sequential planning of lessons, introduction to important methodologies, and directing the elementary-age choir.

    Cr. 2.
  • MUSC 34000 - Euphonium

    Concentration (300) level:  A student concentrating in a n applied music area is expected to show evidence of considerable prior study and to give a half-recital.  By recital time the student is expected to have attained levels reached by applied music major at end of the sophomore year.

    Cr. 1-2.
  • MUSC 34001 - Music Therapy in Healthcare Settings

    Study of music therapy and music medicine in the assessment and treatment of children, adults and the elderly in healthcare settings. Includes stress management, pain management, illness management, terminal illness and wellness.

    Preparation for Course
    P:  Permission of Director of Gerontology Certificate Program or Director of Music Therapy.

    Cr. 3.
  • MUSC 34002 - String Bass

    Concentration (300) level:  Music majors only. A student concentrating in an applied music area is expected to show evidence of considerable prior study and to give a half-recital.  By recital time the student is expected to have attained levels reached by applied music major at end of sophomore year.

    Cr. 1-2.
  • MUSC 34003 - Bassoon

    Concentration (300) level:  Music majors only. A student concentrating in an applied music area is expected to show evidence of considerable prior study and to give a half-recital.  By recital time the student is expected to have attained levels reached by applied music major at end of sophomore year.

    Cr. 1-2.
  • MUSC 34100 - Guitar Ensemble

    Guitarists receive coaching in duet, trio, and quartet ensembles. Provides students the opportunity to perform with other guitarists as well as with other instrumentalists/vocalists.

    Preparation for Course
    P: Consent of instructor, for music majors only.

    Cr. 1.
  • MUSC 35000 - Tuba

    Concentration (300) level:  Music majors only. A student concentrating in an applied music area is expected to show evidence of considerable prior study and to give a half-recital.  By recital time the student is expected to have attained levels reached by applied music major at end of the sophomore year.

    Cr. 1-4.
  • MUSC 35001 - Saxophone

    Concentration (300) level:  Music majors only. A student concentrating in an applied music area is expected to show evidence of considerable prior study and to give a half-recital.  By recital time the student is expected to have attained levels reached by applied music major at end of sophomore year.

    Cr. 1-2.
  • MUSC 35300 - Music Therapy Practicum II

    Students work with an MT-BC to provide services to older adult client groups focusing on the implementaion of music therapy assessment. Includes clinical hours and attendance at weekly seminary. May be repeated.

    Preparation for Course
    P: MUSC 25400.

    Cr. 1.
  • MUSC 35400 - Music Therapy Practicum III

    Students work with an MT-BC to provide services to physically or multiply-disabled clients with emphasis on the process of assessment, treatment and evaluation. Includes clinical hours and attendance at weekly seminar. May be repeated.

    Preparation for Course
    P: MUSC 35300.

    Cr. 1.
    Session Indicators
  • MUSC 35500 - Music and Exceptionality

    Focus on designing, planning, and implementing music-based interventions for individuals with diverse abilities with an emphasis on music leadership, instructional and facilitation skills. Incorporates a wide variety of music therapy applications for children and adolescents, and covers the role of music in special education including historical and legal precedents, learning styles, and the IEP process.

    Preparation for Course
    P:  Basic vocal and accompaniment skills on the Qchord, autoharp, guitar and piano are desirable prerequisites.

    Cr. 3.
    Session Indicators
  • MUSC 35700 - Music in Special Education

    Introduction to teaching music to students with special needs including those with cognitive, physical, behavioral, and emotional disabilities. Development of skills in planning and structuring experiences to facilitate appropriate participation of students in the K-12 classroom. Overview of various disabilities and historical, cultural, and ethical issues. Participation in experiential music lessons and simulations; field observations of special needs students in music education.


    Cr. 2.

  • MUSC 35800 - Applied Music Therapy Methods

    An applied clinical music course focused on the selection and implementation of the four music therapy methods of re-creation, composition, improvisation, and receptive experience. Includes identification of contraindications for clinical use and demonstration of clinical skills for various settings and clientele.


    Preparation for Course
    P:  MUSC 29800.

    Cr. 2

  • MUSC 37000 - Techniques for Conducting

    Introduction to philosophy and fundamentals of conducting, score preparation, baton, and hand gestures for the right hand and use of the left hand; all standard meters and time patterns; varying dynamics, accents, musical characteristics and styles.

    Cr. 2.
  • MUSC 37100 - Choral Conducting I

    Further development of basic conducting technique with a concentration on choral concepts. Emphasis on period style elements, analytical listening, aspects of choral tone, text analysis, score preparation, rehearsal planning, vocal techniques, and other advanced problems in choral conducting. Conduct representative works from varying style periods.

    Preparation for Course
    P: MUSC 37000.

    Cr. 2.
  • MUSC 37300 - Instrumental Conducting

    Further development of score reading and conducting techniques. Emphasis on experience conducting live instrumental ensembles.

    Preparation for Course
    P: MUSC 37000.

    Cr. 2.

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