Neff Hall 130 ~ 260-481-6424
Students preparing for careers as a human services professional will be able to work effectively in diverse settings such as: correctional, intellectual disability, and community health centers as educators, case managers, and other areas. Students will also be able to work in family, child, and youth service agencies, and programs designed to assist those with alcoholism, drug abuse, family violence, and aging. A human services degree is a good fit for those who want to be in a position to help others.
The Bachelor of Science in Human Services is a degree that requires a total of 120 semester credit hours. Students will be engaged in 360 internship hours at agencies within the community. By the time students graduate, they have been able to network with numerous references and are able to build a strong resume.
Student Learning Outcomes
Students who complete the bachelor’s degree curriculum will:
1. Knowledge and skill base: Examine theoretical bases, best practices, organizational roles and functions and various methods of advocacy.
2. Planning and Evaluation Skills: apply theory and skills to identify, plan, implement and evaluate interventions involving client needs and delivery systems in human services profession.
3. Values, Ethical Practices, and self-Care: evaluate personal expectations, values, ethics and self-care strategies as they relate to professional practice.
4. Equity, inclusiveness, & Cultural responsiveness - understand and demonstrate the importance of culture, gender, diversity and global perspectives in the delivery of human services.
5. Application- apply skills. strategies and knowledge related to design, implementation, and evaluation of human service programs.
6. Research: Assess information related to service delivery, including data analysis and evaluation of findings.
7. Professional Capacity - integrate knowledge, theory, skills and professional behaviors to field experience and community engagement opportunities.
8. Historical and Environmental Impact: Explore the history of the human services profession, and the impact of past and present political, economic, social and technological trends.
Program Delivery
The program in human services is available on campus. There are a few courses offered online and as hybrid for students.
Declaring Human Services
To gain entry into this program, students must meet all of the requirements for admission to Purdue University Fort Wayne, the Department of Human Services, and comply with requirements for internship placements. Students should contact the Department of Human Services at 260-481-6424 for more information and to be assigned an advisor.
Department of Workforce Development (DWD) funding: Individuals who qualify for WIOA education and training funds through their local WorkOne office will receive tuition and supply fee financial assistance for this program.
Human Services Admission Requirements
Students are admitted to this degree program as follows:
Students new to Purdue Fort Wayne must complete an application for undergraduate admission and meet the criteria for admission to the University. In addition, students must complete a TB test, a criminal background check, and a drug test. Students who have previously taken courses at Purdue Fort Wayne should apply for re-entry to the University if they have not been actively enrolled at Purdue Fort Wayne for one year or greater. Contact the Office of Admissions at 260-481-6812. Students will be a pre-human service student until their second year in the program. Students must have a 2.8 in pre-requisite courses. Pre-requisite courses include:
Any one course in general education A.1, A.2, and B.5.
HSRV 10000, HSRV 10300, HSRV 10500, HSRV 16900, and PSY 12000.
Students who have completed the requirements for the Associate of Science in Human Services at Ivy Tech Community College or another Human Services program from another accredited institution are enrolled in the program with junior status.
- The Bachelor’s degree requires four semesters of Internship (360 hours) at an approved agency in northeastern Indiana.
Internship and Clinical Requirements
All students must apply and be eligible to be enrolled in the required Internship and Clinical experiences. Students must comply with agency requirements for internship placements. An in-person interview at the agency is required. The agencies require a resume and proof of a TB test, background check, and a 10-panel drug screen.
Anyone with a record of a sex crime against a child may not be placed into a clinical in which there is an actual or potential possibility that they will come into contact with children (IC5-2-12-12). Students who cannot be placed in clinicals with reasonable effort as a result of their criminal histories and subsequently cannot complete the program requirements will be unable to graduate from the program.
See Internship and Clinical Manual for additional requirements.