Nov 24, 2024
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog
BUS 54202 - Managing Cognition In The Leadership of Complex Adaptive Systems This course integrates and utilizes new insights from neuroscience, management science, behavioral economics, positive psychology, philosophy of mind, systems theory, system dynamics, and related fields to provide an overview of the leadership and management of organizations as complex adaptive systems operating interdependently within larger systems that ultimately include the global economy and society. Emphasis will be given to the theories and practices that enable leaders to manage their cognition, improve their mental models, learn-by-doing, and continually progress in their knowing, doing, and being, which provides the foundational abilities to lead and manage organizational thinking, learning, development, and strategic management. In this context, some treatment will be given to a variety of endemic topics such as unity and diversity, personal and corporate ethics, effective communication, edifying motivation, managing conflict, and empowering positive change.
Cr. 3. Notes You must be admitted to the MBA program or secure approval from the department before enrolling in any graduate-level business or economics course.