Listed below are academic changes that have been made after the 2024-2025 PFW University catalog was published.
Please see your advisor if you have any questions.
Teaching English as New Language, Post Bacc Certificate
The post-Baccalaureate certificate in Teaching English as a New Language (TENL) prepares students for teaching English to speakers of other languages in a variety of learning venues world-wide. It is intended for students who are working toward a graduate degree in English as well as for individuals who plan to live and teach abroad, and wish to obtain credentials and professional training in teaching English to speakers of other languages.
Teaching English as New Language, Post Bacc Certificate
Program suspended, admissions stopped. TENG-CPB has been moved from the Department of English and Linguistics (ENGL) in the College of Liberal Arts to the Department of Counseling and Graduate Education (CGRE) in the School of Education.
Transition to Teaching - ALL Grades (P-12)
The Transition to Teaching - ALL Grades (P-12) program is an alternative program pathway leading to an Indiana, P-12 teaching license in Fine Arts, Physical Education, World Languages, or Teachers of English Learners (TENL). This program is comprised of 24 credit hours.
Part #1: Admission Requirement (Check One)
All applicants to the Transition to Teaching - ALL Grades (P-12) program must satisfy one of the following Rules for Educator Preparation and Accountability (REPA) admission requirements:
- Baccalaureate degree from an accredited postsecondary educational institution with a grade point average of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 point scale.
- Both a baccalaureate degree from an accredited postsecondary educational institution with a grade point average of at least 2.5 on a 4.0 point scale, and five (5) years of professional experience.
- Both a baccalaureate degree from an accredited postsecondary educational institution and proof of passing state approved content area examination(s) in the subject area.
Part #2: Foundations Block (15 Credit Hours)
Course Number & Title
EDU50501, Introduction to Special Education
EDU52000, Education and Social Issues
EDU57001, Building Classroom Communities
EDU50700, Assessment Theory and Practice
EDU53400, Instructional Methods for Effective P-12 Teaching
For those candidates seeking a P-12 teaching license as a Teacher of English Learners (TENL), the following courses are required for the 15-credit hour Foundations Block:
Course Number & Title
ENGL 50000, Introduction to the English Language
LING 51101, Methods and Materials for TESOL I
LING 51201, Methods and Materials for TESOL II
LING 53201, Second Language Acquisition
LING 51901, Language and Society
Part #3: Elementary Reading Block (6 Credit Hours)
Course Number & Title
EDU54500, Foundations in Structured Literacy
EDU54900, Advanced Strategies in Structured Literacy
NOTE: Candidates in the TTT - ALL Grades who complete the six-credit hour reading block have the option of adding the state of Indiana’s Literacy Endorsement by passing the Praxis Reading Exam #5205, but it is not a requirement of the program.
Part #4: Practicum (3 Credit Hours)
NOTE: All candidates to the Transition to Teaching - ALL Grades (P-12) program must complete and pass the Praxis Content Exam related to the area for which they are seeking a P-12 teaching license.
Course Number & Title
EDU50004, Integrated Professional Seminar*
*For those TTT - ALL Grades (P-12) candidates seeking a TENL teaching license, EDU53500, TESOL Practicum will be substituted for EDU50004, Integrated Professional Seminar.
Part #5: Program Licensure
The following conditions must be met prior to a candidate being recommended for an ALL Grades (P-12) Teaching License:
Candidate has passed the Praxis Content Exam in the subject for which they are seeking a teaching license.
Candidate has passed Praxis Pedagogy Assessment Exam #5625, Principles of Learning and Teaching: Grades PreK-12.
Candidate has successfully passed all required course work as listed in the Plan of Study for the Transition to Teaching - ALL Grades (P-12) program (i.e., earned a letter grade of “C-” or higher in all required courses and maintained a GPA in the program of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 point scale).
Candidate has obtained CPR/AED/Heimlich certification.
Candidate has successfully completed education and training on the prevention of child suicide.
Public Administration and Policy, MPAD program:
Moved from the Department of Criminal Justice and Public Administration (CJPA) to the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies (IDS).
5 Year Combined Degree Program in Music Industry (BSM/MBA) New Concentration:
Business Analytics Concentration:
Human Resources concentration:
BIOL 51602 - Advanced Genetics Lab
CS 52400 - Expert System
ECE 69100 - ECE Internship Experience For Graduate Students
LING 50200 - Introduction To English Language (formerly ENGL 50000)