Dec 21, 2024
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog
PHYS 29500 - Outreach Assistance As Service Learning Physics 29500 is a service learning class available to students willing and able to deliver physics lessons to K-12 classrooms and to other public events. Students are required to prepare and rehearse labs/activities so they are able to offer professional presentations. Students are also required to maintain a reflection journal, where they record notes about their experiences. Although efforts are made to work around students’ schedules, students should have at least on open morning or afternoon each week (preferably 2-3) that allows them to visit an assigned site on a regular, consistent basis. One credit is equivalent to 32 hours of involvement in preparation and/or delivery of activities, and journaling time.
Preparation for Course P: desire, commitment, dependability and responsibility. Departmental approval required.
Cr. 1-3. Hours Exp. 32-96. Notes Off campus experience.
Repeatable for credit.