Feb 15, 2025  
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog 
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Regulations, Policies, Rights, & Responsibilities

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Academic Regulations

Purdue Fort Wayne Policies


Code of Students Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct

Part I. Student Rights and Responsibilities
Part II. Student Conduct Subject to University Action
Part III. Student Misconduct Procedures
Part IV. Student Complaint Procedures
Part V. Petition for Hearing
Part VI. Authority, Application and Amendments

 Academic Regulations

The following academic regulations were in effect for all undergraduate students at the time of printing. 

Academic Honesty

Policy. Academic honesty is expected of all students. Students are responsible for knowing how to maintain academic honesty and for abstaining from cheating, the appearance of cheating, and permitting or assisting in another’s cheating.  The instructor is responsible for fostering intellectual honesty as well as the intellectual development of students, and for applying methods of teaching, examination, and assignments that discourage student dishonesty. If necessary, the instructor will explain clearly any specialized meanings of cheating and plagiarism as they apply to a specific course.  The instructor will thoroughly investigate signs of academic dishonesty, take appropriate actions, and report such activity properly to prevent repeated offenses and to ensure equity.

Procedures. An instructor who has evidence of cheating will initiate a process to determine guilt or innocence and the penalty, if any, to be imposed.  During an informal conference within 10 business days of discovering the alleged cheating, the instructor will inform the student of charges and evidence and allow the student to present a defense. The instructor will make an initial determination after this conference. The grade of Incomplete (I) may be assigned if the matter cannot be fully resolved before course grades are due.

Reporting. During the period in which students are permitted to drop courses, the instructor will inform the registrar promptly of any allegation of cheating, so that students cannot withdraw from the course. The instructor who makes an initial finding that academic dishonesty has been practiced will impose an academic sanction. Then, within 10 business days, the instructor will supply a written report to the student, the department chair, dean of the college or division, and the dean of students. The report will summarize the evidence and penalties assessed.

Appeal. If the course grade is affected by the penalty, the student has a right to appeal the penalty imposed by an instructor in accordance with the grade-appeals policy See Grade Appeals.

Academic Standing

Good standing. For purposes of reports and communication to other institutions, and in the absence of any further qualifications of the term, students are considered in “good standing” unless they have been dismissed, suspended, or dropped from Purdue University Fort Wayne and not readmitted.

Academic recognition. At the conclusion of each fall or spring semester (but not any summer session), the registrar indicates which students are eligible for the following academic recognitions:

Semester Honors List for (1) having at least 6 credits included in the semester GPA, (2) achieving at least a 3.50 semester GPA, and (3) achieving at least a 2.00 cumulative GPA.

Dean’s List for (1) having at least 12 credits included in the cumulative GPA, (2) having at least 6 credits included in the semester GPA, (3) achieving at least a 3.50 cumulative GPA, and (4) achieving at least a 3.00 semester GPA.

If a student has earned academic recognition for either of the two previous semesters, achievements will be recognized at the annual Honors Convocation and appropriately noted on the academic record.

Recognition of completion in the Honors Program. Students certified by the Honors Program Council as having completed the requirements of the Honors Program, an appropriate academic record notation is made when the degree is completed.

Academic probation, dismissal, and readmission. The following probation, dismissal, and readmission criteria are minimums for Purdue University Fort Wayne; academic units may set higher standards that become effective upon publication in the catalog or its “What’s New” section.  Students dismissed from a program for failure to meet the higher standards imposed by an academic unit, must be accepted into another program before registering for a subsequent academic session.

Probation. Students are placed on probation and are so notified by the university whenever the fall or spring semester GPA or cumulative GPA at the end of any fall or spring semester is less than a 2.0.

  • Students on academic probation and whose cumulative GPA is less than 2.0 but semester GPA is greater than or equal to 2.0, will remain on probation.
  • Students on academic probation and whose semester GPA is less than 2.0 but cumulative GPA is greater than or equal to 2.0, will remain on probation.

An appropriate notation will be made on the academic record. Any grade change will require recalculation of a probation status.  Academic standing will not be assessed in summer sessions.  Students are removed from probation at the end of the first subsequent fall or spring semester in which the semester and cumulative GPA are greater than or equal to 2.0.  A student who wishes to appeal an academic probation standing should contact the academic department of their major for guidance in the appeal process.

Dismissal. Students currently on probation, will be notified of dismissal by the university if, at the end of any fall or spring semester, the semester and cumulative GPA are both less than a 2.0.  An appropriate notation will be made on the academic record. Any grade change will require recalculation of a dismissal status.  An appeal for an academic dismissal standing should be directed to the academic department of the student’s major for guidance in the appeal process.

Readmission.  A student who has been dismissed from Purdue University Fort Wayne or any other campus of Purdue University may not enroll at Purdue University Fort Wayne until one fall or spring semester has passed.  A student who is academically dismissed for a second time is not eligible to enroll for at least one year.  All readmissions are into probationary status and are subject to stipulations in effect as a condition of readmission.  Readmissions are reported to the Registrar and an appropriate entry is made on the student’s academic record.

  • A student dismissed by this policy must apply to the appropriate office or readmission committee.  A fee is assessed for processing the readmission application.  Readmission is not guaranteed.

Advanced Credit

You can establish advanced credit in the following ways:

College Board advanced-placement program. Students can establish college credit based on an exam taken after completion of a high school advanced-placement course. The test score necessary to support an award of credit varies depending on the test subject. Specific information is available from Purdue University Fort Wayne Student Success and Transitions or at www.pfw.edu/sst/transfer-students/transfer-credit-to-pfw.

International Baccalaureate Program. For participants in the IB Program, an award of 3-8 credits will be made for each high-level examination passed with a score of 4 or above.  Purdue University Fort Wayne Student Success and Transitions will award undistributed credit in the appropriate disciplines until specific credit equivalencies are established by Purdue University Fort Wayne departments. No credit will be awarded for performance on standard-level exams.

College-Level Examination Program (CLEP). This program evaluates nontraditional college-level education.  Purdue Fort Wayne does not grant credit for every test.  A guide to CLEP credit available at Purdue Fort Wayne can be obtained from Student Success and Transition or at www.pfw.edul/offices/sst/transfer-students/transfer-credit-to-pfw. 

Directed credit/credit by examination. For information about “testing out” of courses, see 5. Special Credit, Credit for Military Service, and Excess Undergraduate Credit.

Modern foreign languages placement tests. Students that begin foreign-language study in a second semester or higher course in French, German, or Spanish, may be eligible for special credit for the courses below their placement level. Application for this credit is through the Department of International Language and Culture Studies (LA 267, 481-6836); it is not granted automatically.


Students are expected to attend every meeting of the classes in which they are registered. Work missed during absences may be made up if permitted by the instructor. At the beginning of the academic session, each instructor will provide a clear statement to all students regarding his or her policy for handling absences.

Students may not attend a class (1) before completing official registration procedures, (2) after officially withdrawing from the class, or (3) after your registration has been canceled.

In cases where students must report their class attendance in order to satisfy requirements of financial aid sponsors, they must present the sponsor’s certification form to each instructor. Each instructor will certify attendance by completing the form. Unless prior agreement has been made with the instructor, he or she will not be obligated to certify attendance for more than the most recent class.

Discontinuing class attendance and not fulfilling course requirements is regarded as an unauthorized withdrawal and will result in receiving a grade of F.

Course Registration

Registration procedures. Students must register for courses in accordance with procedures and guidelines prescribed by the registrar.  Initial registration for each term must occur according to the timetables for registration established for each semester/session. In most cases, students register for classes using the online Web registration system.

Academic load. The following maximums apply to enrollment at Purdue University Fort Wayne:

Limit with special permission. Academic load may not exceed 18 credits in a regular semester or 8 credits in a summer session unless unusual circumstances exist and special permission is granted by the academic advisor.

Absolute maximum in any academic session or intensive course. Registration for a class, or combination of classes, that generates more than 1.5 credits per week is not allowed. Registration for more than one intensive course at a time is not allowed.

Enrollment Status/Course Load. For most purposes, undergraduate students are considered to be full-time students when enrolled in 12 or more credits during a semester and part-time students when enrolled in 11 or fewer credits during a semester.

 Fall, Spring and Summer Semesters:

 Enrollment Status Total Credit Hours
 Less than half-time


 Half-time 6-8
 Three-quarter time 9-11
 Full-time 12 or more

Course prerequisites and corequisites. Before students begin a course, they must satisfy all prerequisites and corequisites or secure the instructor’s or sponsoring department’s permission. At the request of the instructor or the department through which a course is offered, the registrar may withdraw the student from a course for which prerequisites and corequisites are not satisfied.

Auditing. Enrollment as an auditor in a course during the first week of the semester must be noted on the registration form or drop/add card as auditor (A) along with completion of  the normal registration procedures established by the department. Regular course fees will be assessed. Enrollment as an auditor is not permissible if the student has been dismissed from Purdue University Fort Wayne.

Grades of NC are assigned for auditors and no academic credit is received for the course.  However, under the rules of a department’s examination, the student may later be allowed to earn credit for a course which has been audited.

Schedule  revisions.  Students may revise their schedule in accordance with the policies listed in the registration related sections of the catalog. Students may add or drop a course after their initial registration via the online Web registration system up until the last day to drop/add online per the Master Detail Calendar registration schedule.

Late registration: For changes after the 100 percent refund period for classes, a completed schedule-revision (drop/add) form must be submitted with appropriate signatures to the student’s department and the registrar’s office. An academic advisor’s approval is required to process a course addition or withdrawal.  All schedules and deadlines are prorated for courses not meeting for an entire 16-week semester.




Through Week 1 of classes


College/school policies determine whether an academic advisor’s approval is required.

Weeks 2-4


Approval of the instructor is required. College/school policy determine whether an academic advisor’s approval is required.

Weeks 5-9


Approval of the instructor and your dean is required. College/school/division policy determine whether an academic advisor’s approval is required. Approval will normally be given only when extenuating circumstances are involved.

Weeks 10-16


Courses may not normally be added during this time.

Withdrawal from course(s)

Subject to the time limits specified in the Purdue University Fort Wayne Master Detail Calendar and the published Fee Refund Schedule and in the absence of any allegation of academic dishonesty in the course(s) and any pertinent hold(s) or encumbrance - a student may officially withdraw from a course by completing the Course Withdrawal (After Full Refund Period) form found within goPFW on the enrollment tab.

Course withdrawals for regular 16-week courses:

  • First  Week of Classes: This is the Add/Drop period and students may drop courses through goPFW. Course is not recorded on the student record.
  • Weeks 2-9: Students must submit the Course Withdrawal (After Full Refund Period) form found in goPFW. The course is recorded with a grade of W on the student record. Refer to the Fee Refund Schedule for refund information.
  • Weeks 10-16: Courses may not be withdrawn during this period except for extenuating circumstances outside a student’s control. Such withdrawals will not be approved if sought because of poor performance in the course. If a late-withdrawal is approved, the course(s) is recorded with a grade of W on the student record.
  • After the end of the Week 16: A course grade may be changed only by following the grade appeal procedure.

All deadlines and time periods will be prorated for courses offered during a period of time that differs from a regular 16-week semester.

A Late Withdrawal is defined as a withdrawal due to circumstances reasonably beyond the control of the student from any or all classes occuring after the deadline for the last day to withdraw. Specific deadlines for the last day to withdraw for a term are published in the Master Detail Calendar and the Fee Refund Schedule. A Petition for Late Withdrawal will be considered only for non-academic reasons and will be treated with the greatest degree of confidentiality possible.

Once final grades have been submitted, a student is ineligible for a late withdrawal except for extreme and well-documented circumstances.

If a Petition for Late Withdrawal is granted, Student Success and Transitions will notify the student.  The student’s withdrawal status will be reflected on the course roster for the instructor.  There may be financial and academic consequences related to withdrawal. If a Petition for Late Withdrawal is granted a student may then submit an Appeal of Fees application.

Change of pass/not-pass (P/NP) option. Prior to the end of the fourth week of an academic semester (or equivalent period during a summer session), you may add or remove the P/NP option for a course by obtaining the signature of the course instructor or an academic advisor next to the appropriate notation on the schedule-revision (drop/add) form, and by submitting the form for processing by the registrar’s office.

Change of auditing option. The regular audit deadline is the end of the first week of an academic semester (or equivalent period during a summer session). During the first week of the semester changes from audit to credit status or credit to audit status can be made by obtaining the signature from the student’s academic advisor and submitting the schedule-revision (drop/add) form for processing by the registrar’s office by specified deadlines.

The late audit deadline is the end of the sixth week of an academic semester (or equivalent period during a summer session). During weeks two through six (or equivalent during a summer session), changes from audit to credit or credit to audit status can be made by obtaining the signature or written acknowledgment from the instructor, academic advisor, and a representative from the financial aid office on the “Petition for Late Audit” form.  Submission of the form must be made to the registrar’s office by specified deadlines for final processing Audited courses do not count in enrollment status (full-time, half-time, etc.) and may have an impact on financial aid eligibility and loan repayment deferment.

NOTE: All deadlines and time periods will be prorated for courses offered during a period of time that differs from a regular 16-week semester.

Withdrawal from the university. Withdrawal from the university is accomplished by withdrawing from each course in which a student is enrolled.

Withdrawal for military service. Any student called to active military duty may present a copy of their military service orders and (1) withdraw from all courses and receive a 100 percent refund of tuition and fees at any time during the semester through the end of final examinations or (2) with the permission of each instructor, receive an Incomplete or final grade in the courses taken. Such requests and documentation may be presented by the student or other responsible party who has the student’s permission to make the request. Refunds of fees will not be made if the student receives a grade and credit for the course, and all refunds will be adjusted as required by financial aid regulations. If a withdrawal is processed after the first week of classes, the grade of W will be assigned.


Certain terms have very specific meanings in these regulations. These terms are defined as follows:

Academic record. Each student’s Purdue University Fort Wayne cumulative record is maintained by the registrar in accordance with these academic regulations. The Purdue University Fort Wayne academic record is the sole basis upon which all questions relating to such matters as grades, graduation requirements, academic standing, and scholastic recognition are resolved. Since official transcripts are produced using Purdue University procedures, the official transcript may, as noted in these regulations, may vary somewhat from your Purdue University Fort Wayne academic record.

Credit. The semester hour is called the “credit hour” or “hour.” Credit can be resident credit or transfer credit, as described below:

Resident credit. This is credit earned at Purdue University Fort Wayne or at another campus of Purdue University. There are two types of resident credit-course credit and special credit. Each is defined as follows:

Course credit. This is resident credit earned on the basis of enrollment in, and satisfactory completion of, courses.

Special credit. This is resident credit awarded by Purdue University Fort Wayne and based on factors other than enrollment in and satisfactory completion of courses. There are three types of special credit:

Credit by examination. This credit is awarded on the basis of achievement on a divisional or departmental proficiency examination.

Department credit. This is credit for a course offered by a department and granted on the basis of substantially equivalent experience. Only the director/chair of the department that offers the course is authorized to award this type of credit.

Achievement credit. This credit is granted on the basis of achievement on a nationally administered, college-level examination.

Transfer (nonresident) credit. This is credit earned from another university (other than Purdue University Fort Wayne or another campus of Purdue University). Transfer credits are evaluated by the Registrar’s Office and accepted as transfer credit if completed at a regionally accredited institution with a grade of C- or better. Designations of plus and minus that accompany these grades will be disregarded in the evaluation of this credit.

Credit accepted as transfer credit will be equated to Purdue University Fort Wayne course numbers (or classified as 1XXXX, 2XXXX, 3XXXX, 4XXXX if not equivalent to Purdue University Fort Wayne courses), and posted to the academic record at the time of matriculation or re-entrance to Purdue University Fort Wayne. The academic-record entry includes the name of the transfer institution, the years attended, and the individual courses accepted for transfer. The Purdue University Fort Wayne college/school or department determines how credit earned at other institutions, and accepted by Purdue University Fort Wayne, applies to a student’s plan of study. The dean or chair of the Purdue University Fort Wayne college/school or department may request an adjustment of transfer-course equivalencies.

Student classification. This is a system for classifying undergraduate students who have been regularly admitted to Purdue University Fort Wayne.

Undergraduate Student Classification Earned Credit Hours
Freshman Fewer than 30
Sophomore 30-59
Junior 60-89
Senior 90 or more

The Registrar may establish additional classifications to serve Purdue University Fort Wayne’s record-keeping needs.

Beginning student. A student enrolled in college courses for the first time, or a student who has completed a small number of credits while in a temporary admission status, most often while still a high school student.

International student:  For admission purposes, an international student is defined as:  an individual who resides outside of the U.S. and will be applying for a temporary (e.g. F-1, J-1) visa to study at Purdue University Fort Wayne, or individual who resides in the U.S. on a temporary visa, and who is not an immigrant (W.S. legal permanent resident), or an undocumented immigrant, or a refugee.

Advanced placement. Admission of students to courses beyond the first course or courses in an established sequence, but without granting credit for earlier courses in the sequence.

Exception. A departure from a department or university regulation that has been approved as a substitute or waiver to the catalog requirement.  Exceptions require approval by the Dean or Department Chair that established the requirement (or their designee).  Exceptions are documented on the student’s degree audit.

Course work not scheduled for a regular fall or spring semester. This is course work offered during a summer session or during a period of time that differs from a regular 16-week semester, and that is equivalent in content, contact hours, and credit value to course work offered during a regular semester. Because the length of the course differs from the regular semester, all deadlines and time periods will be prorated.

Intensive course. A course that meets for extended class times but for fewer weeks than the course would meet in a standard session.

Pass/not-pass option. An enrollment option that generally limits course grades to P (pass) and NP (not pass). The option may be used to take only elective courses with limited concern for the grade. This option may not be elected for more than 20 percent of the credits required for graduation or in courses for which you have already earned a grade. Under the P/NP option, students who receive a grade of NP will have a grade of N recorded on official transcripts.

Auditor. A student who enrolls in a course, attends class, and pays full fees, but does not receive a grade or credit for the course.  Registration as an auditor is included in the calculation of the academic load.

Cheating. Dishonesty of any kind with respect to examinations, course assignments, or alteration of records.

Plagiarism. A form of cheating in which the work of someone else is offered as ones own. The language or ideas thus taken from another may range from isolated formula, sentences, or paragraphs, to entire articles copied from printed sources, speeches, software, or the work of other students.

Grade-point average (GPA). This is a numerical calculation or report of grade averages. Purdue University GPAs are based on a four-point system with grades of A equated to 4.00 points, grades of F equated to 0.0 points, and other grades scaled accordingly (see Grades).

NOTE: Prior to June 1993, Purdue University transcripts and related Purdue University records were computed on a six-point scale (A = 6.00) rather than a four-point scale (A = 4.00).  Since June 1993, Purdue University GPAs are computed using a four-point scale (A = 4.00).


Colleges/schools may impose stricter requirements than those listed in this section, but they may not waive the following minimum standards. Provided these minimum standards are satisfied, adjustments to any degree requirement may be made by the unit establishing that requirement.

Degrees offered. For completion of undergraduate plans of study of at least 60 credits, associate degrees may be conferred. For completion of undergraduate plans of study of at least 120 credits, bachelor’s degrees may be conferred.

Requirements for degrees. Students entering a degree, certificate, or premajor program, are required to fulfill the requirements published in the catalog current at the time of entry or re-entry to the university.

The primary reasons for a student to be required to meet the requirements of a subsequent catalog include:

  • Re-entry to Purdue University Fort Wayne (after a one year period of non-enrollment)
  • By request with the written acknowledgment of the academic advisor
  • When required by accreditation, a department may require students to complete the curriculum defined by the most current catalog.

Any student who remains continuously enrolled or admitted to the university will be required to meet the requirements of the catalog of the term of entry or re-entry to the university unless the student chooses to change to a subsequent catalog with the written acknowledgment of the academic advisor.  Any student who is not continuously enrolled due to a period of deployment to serve in a branch of the armed services may meet the requirements of the catalog of the most recent entry or re-entry to the university.  Any new requirement for a degree, certificate, or premajor program may not be imposed on currently enrolled students in these programs if it would increase the number of credits or the number of semesters required for completion of the program.  The college/school/department committee in charge of curriculum matters may refuse to accept as credit toward graduation any course that was completed 10 or more years previously. Former students will be notified of all such decisions upon re-entering or when the credit is determined to be unacceptable.

To earn an associate or bachelor’s degree at Purdue University Fort Wayne, the following four requirements must be satisfied:

  1. Completion of, by resident credit or transfer credit, the plan of study underlying the degree, including

                   For an associate degree, registration in and completion of at least 32 credits of resident course credit, including at least 15 credits in courses applicable to the major.

                   For a bachelor’s degree, registration in and completion of at least 32 credits of resident course credit at the 200-level or above, including at least 15 credits at the 300-level or above in courses applicable to the major.

      2.  Normally, students must complete the entire final year at Purdue University Fort Wayne. However, with the approval of the college/school and if the student has satisfied the resident credit requirement, completion of the remaining requirements in another approved college or university is allowed.

      3.  Students must establish a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or better.

      4.  Students must register, either in residence or absentia, as a candidate for the desired degree during the academic session immediately preceding its conferral.

Double majors and double degrees.  A student who will be completing the requirements for two or more degree programs simultaneously may be eligible to be registered as a candidate for more than one degree according to the following criteria:

  • Double major - If the degree programs are in the same college/school and lead to the same degree, only one degree shall be awarded.  The academic record shall reflect multiple fields of study, as appropriate.
  • Double degree - If the degree programs are in different colleges/schools, two (or more) degrees may be awarded upon special request approved by the deans of the college or schools concerned and filed with the registrar at the beginning of the semester or session in which the degrees are to be awarded.  If the degree programs are in the same college/school and lead to different degrees, the appropriate degrees shall be awarded.

 Graduation with distinction. To be a candidate for the bachelor’s degree with distinction, the student must have a minimum of 65 resident credits included in the computation of the cumulative GPA. To be a candidate for an associate degree with distinction, the student must have a minimum of 35 resident credits included in the computation of the cumulative GPA.  In each college/school, the minimum cumulative GPA for graduation with highest distinction from an associate or bachelor degree program shall be at least 3.95 (A = 4.00).  In each college/school, the minimum cumulative GPA for graduation with distinction from an associates or bachelor degree program shall be at least 3.80 (A = 4.00).

The required GPA, calculated each spring as detailed above, also applies to degrees for the following summer sessions and fall semester.

Conferring of degrees. Degrees are granted at the close of each academic session.


Current and former students that are in arrears to Purdue University Fort Wayne, are not eligible to receive transcripts or diplomas. The clearance of all financial obligations by the Friday before Commencement will be essential for graduation and release of the diploma.

English Language Proficiency

The language of instruction at Purdue University Fort Wayne is English. Therefore, the ability to read, write, speak, and understand English is vital to academic success.

English-as-a-Second-Language. Prior to admission, the Admissions Office shall determine which prospective undergraduate students have a native language other than English. All such students who do not have transfer credit for an English composition course that carries credit toward graduation shall be identified as ESL students and shall be required to submit scores on the TOEFL or an equivalent test approved by the Department of English and Linguistics.

ESL students shall be admitted with the condition that they achieve appropriate competency levels in English composition.

Based upon TOEFL or equivalent test scores, the Department of English and Linguistics shall determine which ESL students need ESL instruction. Students who are found to be exempt from ESL course requirements shall be subject to the regular English placement-testing and course-completion requirements described in these regulations.

Final Examinations

Next-to-last week. No instructor may schedule a comprehensive or non-comprehensive examination except for laboratory and practicum courses, during the week preceding the last week of a fall or spring semester.

Final week. With the exception of courses classified as individual instruction, clinic, studio, practice teaching, or research and those offered for 0 credits, each class is expected to meet for a two-hour session during the last week of each fall or spring semester. The two-hour session is to be used for (1) a final examination; (2) a last, non-comprehensive examination; (3) submission of an out-of-class examination or assignments; or (4) a regular class meeting.

Conflicts. Students who (1) are scheduled to take more than two final examinations in one day, (2) have conflicting final examinations, or (3) are scheduled to take a state, national, or professional licensing examination, may contact the instructors involved prior to the last week of a fall or spring semester to obtain appropriate rescheduling. In cases where the student and instructor cannot agree upon a rescheduling, the vice chancellor for academic affairs shall investigate and issue a binding schedule.

Absences. Students must contact the instructor as soon as possible if the absence from a final examination is because of an emergency.  Absence from a final examination, may result in a grade of F for the course.

Grade Appeals

The grade appeals policy applies to all students enrolled at Purdue University Fort Wayne. It can be used by any student who has evidence or believes that evidence exists to show that a course grade was assigned or a similar evaluation was made as a result of prejudice, caprice, or other improper condition such as mechanical error.  In appealing, the student must support in writing the allegation that an improper decision has been made and must specify the remedy sought. The student should seek the assistance of the dean of students in pursuing the appeal. During an appeal, the burden of proof is on the student, except in the case of alleged academic dishonesty, where the instructor must support the allegation. The student may have an advisor or friend present during all meetings with faculty members, administrators, and/or committees; he or she may advise the student but may not speak for the student during the meetings.  Grades may be changed only by a university authority upon the decision of the grade appeals subcommittee or by the instructor any time prior to the decision of the grade appeals subcommittee.

Appeal deadlines. An appeal must be initiated no later than the fourth week of the fall or spring semester immediately following the session in which the grade was assigned. A final decision at each step must be reported within 30 calendar days of the filing of an appeal at that step, provided that this deadline falls within the regular academic year (fall or spring semester). If the deadline falls during the summer, the decision must be reported within 30 calendar days of the start of the fall semester. Each successive step in the appeals procedure must be initiated within three calendar weeks of the completion of the prior step.


Steps in the Process of a Grade Appeal

Step 1. Course instructor: The student makes an appointment with his or her instructor to discuss the matter. If the instructor is unavailable, the department or program chair shall authorize an extension of time or allow the student to proceed to Step 2. If the chair is unavailable, the dean of the college or school shall authorize the extension.

Step 2. College/school/department/program: If the matter has not been resolved at Step 1, the student makes an appointment with the chair of the department or program offering the course, who may make an informal attempt to resolve the appeal. If the appeal is not resolved informally, the chair will direct the student procedurally in making an appeal to the college, school, department, or program committee. Only one committee shall hear the appeal in Step 2. The student filing an appeal shall have the opportunity to be heard in person by the committee.

Step 3. Grade appeals subcommittee: If the matter has not been resolved at Step 2, the student makes an appointment with the dean of students, who will direct the student procedurally in submitting the case to the grade appeals subcommittee.

College/school/department/program appeals procedure. Each college, school, department or program will establish appeals procedures that provide for a committee of three or more faculty members responsible for hearing grade appeals related to courses listed or administered by that college/school/department/program if those appeals have not been satisfactorily resolved between the student and the instructor or informally by the department chair. The procedures established by each college, school, department or program shall provide for each case to be heard by only one such committee. The procedure shall provide the opportunity for the student to be heard in person and for the decision to be reported in writing to the student and the instructor. A copy of each unit’s procedures will be given to the vice chancellor for academic affairs, to the dean of students, and to students, upon request.

Grade appeals subcommittee. This subcommittee shall consist of nine members elected from among the Voting Faculty according to procedures specified in the Bylaws of the Senate.  Before hearing the details of a case, the subcommittee will decide by majority vote whether to consider the appeal and will report its decision in writing within 30 calendar days. The bases for a decision to consider an appeal may include (but not be limited to) a finding that (1) improper procedures have been followed by university employees at earlier steps of the appeal; (2) new information is present; or (3) the instructor has declined to accept the college, school, department, or program committee’s recommendation.  No member of the subcommittee may take part in an appeal involving a course or instructor from the member’s department or program. Members should also recuse themselves from cases in which they have potential conflicts of interest, personal involvement, schedules that will interfere with hearing the appeal in a timely manner, or other disqualifying causes. From those members remaining, the chair will elect the five-person hearing panel. The panel members will elect a chair who will be responsible for making arrangements related to the case.  If the case is to be heard, the hearing will take place within 30 days of the decision to hear the appeal, or within 30 days of the start of the fall semester, whichever is applicable. Each member of the panel will vote on whether the appeal is valid, and if so, on what remedy should be provided. If the panel, by majority vote, finds in favor of changing a grade, the chair shall report this finding to the registrar and to the parties listed below. The decision of the panel is binding on all parties and may not be appealed.

Reporting of subcommittee and panel decisions. The subcommittee and each panel shall report its finding and actions to the student; the college, school, department, or program from which the appeal came; the instructor; the chair of the student’s department; the dean of the student’s college or school; the dean of students; and (in the case of a panel decision) the chair of the grade appeals subcommittee.

Grade-Point Averages

A grade-point average (GPA) is a weighted average of all credits for which a GPA-related grade (A, B, C, D, F, IF) has been assigned. The three GPAs used at Purdue University Fort Wayne are defined and computed (and rounded to two decimal places) as follows:

Semester GPA is computed using only those credits for which are assigned a GPA-related grade for the specified semester.

Cumulative GPA is computed using all credits which are assigned a GPA-related grade, with the exception of credits earned in those courses that have been repeated and are not repeatable for credit. All credits earned at Purdue University Fort Wayne or at another campus of Purdue University for which a grade of A, B, C, D, F, or IF was assigned are applicable.

Program  GPA is computed using credits which are assigned a GPA-related grade in only those courses that fulfill a graduation requirement, with the exception of credits earned in those courses that have been repeated and are not repeatable for credit. For students pursuing more than one degree program, the cumulative GPA will be determined by the academic unit through which they register.

All applicable credits earned at Purdue University Fort Wayne or at another campus of Purdue University for which a GPA-related grade was assigned are included if they were received for courses that fulfill a graduation requirement.

Note: Prior to June 1993, Purdue University transcripts and related Purdue records were computed on a six-point scale, (A = 6.00).  Since June 1993, Purdue University GPAs are computed using a four point scale (A = 4.00).


Basis of grades. The instructor is responsible for explaining to the student preferably in writing at the beginning of an academic session, the course requirements and grading system to be used. The student will be assigned a grade in each course at the close of the session. Students are responsible for the completion of all required work in each course by the time of the last scheduled class meeting or other deadline set by the instructor, unless the student is h officially withdrawn from the course, or unless both student and instructor have agreed that a grade of Incomplete (I) is warranted.

Semester Grades. The following grades may be assigned:

Grade   Grade Points
A+, A Highest passing grade 4.0 x Semester Hours
A-   3.7 x Semester Hours
B+   3.3 x Semester Hours
B Above-average passing grade 3.0 x Semester Hours
B-   2.7 x Semester Hours
C+   2.3 x Semester Hours
C Average passing grade 2.0 x Semester Hours
C-   1.7 x Semester Hours
D+   1.3 x Semester Hours
D   1.0 x Semester Hours
D- Lowest passing grade 0.7 x Semester Hours


F   Failure or unauthorized discontinuance of class attendance; no credit.
I   Incomplete. A temporary record of passing work that (1) was interrupted by circumstances beyond the student’s control, or (2) represents satisfactory work-in-progress in an independent-study or self-paced course. A student must have a majority of the required coursework completed (as determined by the instructor) before the instructor is permitted to assign the grade of incomplete.
IF   Unremoved-removed incomplete, Failing. Recorded for failure to achieve a permanent grade by the deadline stated in these regulations.
NC   Completion of the course as an auditor; carries no credit.
NP   Not passing grade when enrolled under the P/NP enrollment option. Purdue University students who receive this grade will have a grade of N recorded on official transcripts.
P   Passing grade. Under the P/NP option, equivalent to a grade of A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C or C-.
S   Satisfactory, credit. Awarded by the registrar upon satisfactory performance in a course offered only on an S/F basis, or on a departmental/divisional examination, or another award of special credit, or completion of a 0- credit course. Purdue University students who receive this grade will have a grade of P recorded on official transcripts whenever the course involves one or more credits.
W   Withdrew. A record of the fact that the student officially withdrew from a course or was administratively withdrawn from a course for nonpayment of fees after the end of the first week.

Pass/not-pass (P/NP) option. The P/NP grade option provides a limited opportunity for students to take “free electives” with minimal concern for the grades earned. Students must fulfill the same requirements as others enrolled in courses for which they elect this alternative. Instructors are not advised that students have registered for their courses under this option.

Use of this option is subject to the three general limitations listed below. However, the college/school or department may impose additional restrictions.

  • Students may not elect this option for courses that fulfill specific graduation requirements other than total number of credits (i.e., only for “free-elective” courses).
  • Students may not elect this option for more than 20 percent of the credits required for graduation.
  • Students may not elect this option for any course in which they have already earned a grade of A, B, C, D, or F.

Grades earned of A, B, or C under this option, will be changed to a grade of P by the registrar and posted to the transcript. Students enrolled at Purdue University Fort Wayne as a Purdue University student, grades of D or F that you earn under this option will be changed by the registrar to a grade of NP and will post to your official transcript as a grade of N. Grades of P and NP (or N) are not used in the computation of the GPA.

Incomplete. A grade of I may be granted to students (1) who are unable to complete specific course requirements for clearly unavoidable, nonacademic reasons (such as extended illness or relocation) and (2) whose work has been of passing quality up to that time. A student must have a majority of the required coursework completed (as determined by the instructor) before the instructor is permitted to assign the grade of incomplete . A grade of I will not be considered as an alternative to an anticipated low grade in a course. Certain Purdue University Fort Wayne colleges/schools or departments impose additional limitations on the use of I grades. 

An instructor who reports a grade of I must provide the registrar’s office with a form specifying:

  • Reason for the incomplete
  • Requirements for completing the course
  • Grade earned for the course to date

The specific time limit allowed for completing the course which shall not exceed one calendar year.  An instructor may change the incomplete to a regular letter grade if requirements for completion of the course are not met within the time specified.  

Given extenuating circumstances, the initial time limit may be extended for a period not to exceed one additional calendar year if approved by the instructor and the instructor’s dean, and if the registrar’s office is notified before the expiration of the original time limit.  The registrar’s office changes the I to a grade of IF unless the student has graduated or remove  the incomplete within the time allowed.

If a student re-enrolls in the same course while the I is still on the academic record, and the course is not repeatable for credit, the original grade of I remains on the official transcript. 

If a student transfers resident credit for a course in which they received an incomplete, the grade of I remains recorded on the academic record for up to one calendar year from the date of admission to Purdue Fort Wayne. At the end of this period, if the student has not graduated or provided evidence that the incomplete has been replaced with a permanent grade, the registrar’s office will change the incomplete to IF.

Final grade report. The complete record for the session and the cumulative GPA are available to the student through their online go.pfw account and are reported to the major department and college/school. 

Changes of grade. An instructor, who discovers within 30 days of the grade-processing deadline that a grade reported to the student was in error, must promptly submit to the registrar a statement, countersigned by the instructor’s department chair, of the circumstances of the error and of the change to be incorporated in future GPAs. Correction of errors after this time requires the additional approval of the instructor’s dean.  The registrar will inform the student, department chair, and the dean of the change of grade.  Students may seek a change of grade through the grade-appeals procedure Grade Appeals.

Retaking a course.  Students may retake any course. Unless the course is described in this catalog or its “what’s new” section as repeatable for credit, credit will be given only once for a repeated course, and only the most recent grade earned will be incorporated into cumulative GPA calculations. 

Change of Major

Current students must work directly with the department of the intended major.  The department and advisor will review the student’s academic record.


Completion of any minor requires a minimum of 12 credits, including at least 6 resident credits at the 200 level or above.   Minor certification is based on completion of the minor program requirements in effect for the catalog of your current degree program.  Concurrent with the completion of the student’s degree requirements, the transcript will denote completion of the minor. No entry will be made on the transcript if the minor is not completed by the time the student is certified for graduation.

Students may earn a minor by providing the department verification of acceptance into the minor program, a statement of the minor program requirements, and by successfully completing those requirements.

Placement Tests

Placement procedures. Students should complete the following procedures as soon as possible after admission to Purdue University Fort Wayne. Students completing these procedures shall be notified of the test results and their implications in a timely fashion.

English. A regularly admitted beginning student is allowed to register for classes only after completing the appropriate placement procedure. Any other student is allowed to register for classes beyond the session in which the first 12 credits are completed at Purdue University Fort Wayne only if the student has (1) completed the appropriate procedures; or (2) established credit in an entry-level English course.

Mathematics. A regularly admitted beginning student is allowed to register for classes only after completing the appropriate placement procedure. Any other student is allowed to register for classes beyond the session in which the first 12 credits are completed at Purdue University Fort Wayne only if the student has (1) completed the appropriate procedures; or (2) established credit in an entry-level math course.

Students who place in developmental math must complete the appropriate developmental course(s) in their first 24 credits of Purdue University Fort Wayne course work, with the exception of developmental math for those students enrolled in a certificate or associate degree program that does not require math.

Reading. Regularly admitted beginning students are considered for reading placement using one of the following.

ENG R190 Rhetorical Reading is the required course for students who have 

  1. on the new SAT, a Total Score (Test Code S95 on far left of SOATEST) of 1020 or lower;
  2. on the old SAT, a Critical Reading score (Test Code S01) of 450 or lower; or
  3. on the ACT, a Reading score (Test Code A03) of 19 or lower.

A score above the minimum on any of these tests exempts the student from the requirement.  A student not meeting the minimum has the option to take the Reading Placement Test for which a score of 003 requires ENG R190 (002 recommends the course, and 001 exempts).  

Students who do not meet at least one of these requirements will be required to complete a reading course as specified by the Department of English and Linguistics and approved by the College of Arts and Sciences during one of the student’s first two enrollment periods.

Foreign language. If a student studied Spanish for two or more years in high school and wishes to continue to study that language, the student may enroll in the Spanish 113 course, recommended unless the student graduated from high school five years or more prior to enrolling at Purdue University Fort Wayne. The 113 course is equivalent to the second semester of the first year, but incorporates a review of what is studied in Spanish 111. No placement test is required for enrollment in 113. Students who graduated from high school five years or more prior to enrolling at Purdue University Fort Wayne may start their study of Spanish over by enrolling in 111, or they may take a placement test to determine whether they might be successful in 113. French and German do not offer 113 classes, so a placement test is important to determine whether students who have had some French or German in high school should begin in 111 or 112.

If a student completed three or more years of high school French, German, or Spanish, the student is urged to take the foreign-language placement test in order to determine where they place. Call 260-481-6600 to schedule a free foreign language test.

If a student studied French, German, or Spanish at a college or university and have transfer credits, please contact the Department of International Language and Culture Studies (LA 267, 260-481-6836) before enrolling in additional classes in that language.

English as a second language. If a student has been designated as an ESL student, see  English Language Proficiency.

Special Credit, Credit for Military Service, and Excess Undergraduate Credit

Credit by department examination. Opportunities for earning undergraduate credit by department examination are encouraged in order to expedite the education of qualified students. Toward this end, each academic department establishes procedures to consider candidates and to administer and grade such examinations. Each department also keeps a list of the principal courses available for credit by examination and test schedules if known.

Students may request an examination for credit for a course if the course is available for credit by examination and if no grade in the course other than a grade of W or NC has been awarded. The examination will be at least as comprehensive as those given in the course, and will be graded satisfactory (performance comparable to that expected of a student who receives an A, B, or C in the course), or unsatisfactory. The registrar will record results of satisfactory performance on your academic record; no academic record entry will be made for unsatisfactory performance.

Achievement credit. Credit or transfer credit for nationally administered examinations (except the International Baccalaureate Program) will be awarded only after approval by the Purdue University Fort Wayne department that offers courses in the subject area.

Credit for military service. Each college/school determines whether credit for participation in military service may be applied toward a degree.

Excess undergraduate credit. A senior with a GPA of 3.00 or better may, with written permission from both an authorized graduate advisor and the instructor(s) involved, enroll in up to 9 credits in excess of the requirements for graduation, in courses intended for use in a graduate program. Permission, if given, will be noted on forms supplied by the registrar, who shall make a transcript notation of the special status of these credits. Instructors will impose graduate-level standards in these courses.


A student or former student whose record is not encumbered for any reasons described herein shall, upon application to the Registrar and payment of any prescribed charge, be entitled to receive a transcript of the complete record, including any major(s) and minors(s). 

The registrar’s office is the only university office authorized to issue official transcripts. Instructions for requesting transcripts are available on the Purdue University Fort Wayne Registrar’s Office webpage.

Records of Actions on Transcripts.  Disciplinary actions will not be recorded on transcripts unless disciplinary actions involve involuntary separation from the University or degree revocation.  In these instances, the following notations will be added to the transcript:

  • Suspension - The following statement will be added to the transcript while the suspension is in place.  Once the suspension ends, regardless of whether or not the student returns to the University, the statement will no longer appear on the academic record.  “The student has been suspended until (date) due to violation of University regulations.”
  • Expulsion - The following statement will be added to the transcript and remain a permanent part of the transcript.  “The student was expelled due to violation of University regulations.”
  • Degree revocation - The following statement will be added to the transcript and remain a permanent part of the transcript.  “The individual’s degree has been revoked and this individual has been expelled due to violation of University regulations.”

Transfer Credit

Purdue Fort Wayne Transfer Credit Policies

  1. Transferability:  Courses completed with a grade of C- or higher in college level courses taken at a regionally accredited institution will transfer.  Only credit will transfer; grades do not.  Method of delivery (classroom, online, dual- or concurrent-credit courses taught in high school) will not affect transferability.
    • Grades of “Pass,” “Satisfactory,” or “Credit” must be defined as C- or higher for courses to transfer.
    • Remedial or Developmental Courses, including English as a Second Language, will not transfer.
    • Institutions outside the US must be identified as holding the equivalent to Regional Accreditation in order for courses to transfer (please see International Transfer Credit Requirements).
  2. Equivalency:  Equivalency is determined based on comparable learning outcomes.  Equivalent courses will count toward degree requirements just like corresponding Purdue courses do.  Equivalencies are ultimately at the discretion of the academic department and are subject to change.
  3. Undistributed Credit:  Courses that are transferable but not determined equivalent to a Purdue Fort Wayne course will be articulated as 1XXXX, 2XXXX, 3XXXX, 4XXXX credit in the corresponding subject.  The course level of undistributed credit granted will match that of the source institution.  Use of XXXX Credit towards degree progress is at the discretion of your advising department.
  4. Maximum number of transfer credits allowed:  There is no limit on transferable credit.  32 credit hours must be completed at Purdue Fort Wayne or another Purdue campus in order to graduate with a degree from Purdue Fort Wayne.  See academic program information for program-specific limitations on transfer credit.
  5. Number of Credits Student can apply to a Specific Area (General Education vs. Major):  Not all transfer credit granted will satisfy degree requirements for every major.  Consult with your academic advisor for information on transferring credit for your major.
  6. Credit for Prior Learning:  Credit for Prior Learning not otherwise granted as transfer credit can be granted at the discretion of the corresponding department as Departmental Credit.
  7. International Transfer Credit Requirements:  For any institution outside the United States that does not hold United States Regional Accreditation, a third-party course-by-course evaluation from ECE or WES must be provided.  XXXX credit in corresponding disciplines will be awarded for international credit unless course descriptions and/or syllabi are provided as well.
  8. Transfer of Credit across Academic Levels:  Graduate-level coursework will not transfer to an undergraduate record.  If you would like to use a graduate-level course for an undergraduate degree, consult with your academic advisor.
  9. Credit Conversion of Transfer Credit:  Purdue Fort Wayne operates on a semester calendar.  Credit from institutions operating on a calendar other than the semester will be converted to yield semester credit hours.
    • For quarter hours, the credit will be multiplied by .75 to yield the semester hours.
  10. Transfer of Credit where Courses have differing hours:  With few exceptions, transfer courses must bear at least as many hours as the Purdue University Fort Wayne equivalent. 
    • For instances where the credit hours for an incoming course are greater than the appropriate Purdue University Fort Wayne equivalent course, Undistributed credit in that discipline will be also awarded to make up the difference in hours.
  11. Credit by Exam:  Credit by exam from another institution does not transfer to Purdue Fort Wayne.  For credit from exams such as Advanced Placement (AP), College Level Examination Program (CLEP), or International Baccalaureate (IB), you must provide the official score report(s) from the testing service; the university does not accept this type of credit from another school’s transcript.

    12.  Duplicate Courses:  Credit for duplicate courses will only be granted once.  This does not apply to repeatable courses.

    13.  Grade Replacement: The only way to replace grades from Purdue Fort Wayne courses is to retake the course at Purdue Fort Wayne or another Purdue campus.  Course credit from another institution will not replace grades for an equivalent Purdue course.

 Purdue University Fort Wayne Policies

The following Purdue University Fort Wayne policies are in effect for all undergraduate students at the time of publication. Changes to Students Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct go into effect periodically and are published in the Purdue University Fort Wayne Student Handbook.

Academic Renewal

This option may be available to students under the following conditions:

  • Students have not registered for classes at Purdue University Fort Wayne or any other campus of Purdue University for five or more calendar years; and
  • The college/school through which the student re-enters Purdue University Fort Wayne provides this option for eligible students.

The academic-renewal option provides the eligible student in a participating college/school a review to exclude from the calculation of their cumulative GPA grades previously earned that are considered to be below “passing.” These grades and the courses in which they were earned will remain on the official academic record.  The student must request this option andit must be exercised during the re-entry semester and can be employed only one time per student. Academic renewal does not impact the academic standing in place at the time the student departed from the university.  Students interested in this option should contact the college/school that offers the degree program they are seeking.


Students must be admitted to Purdue University Fort Wayne before they are eligible to register for classes. Admission applications may be obtained from online at apply.pfw.edu/apply. Purdue University Fort Wayne admissions counselors are available to help with selections. Please call the Admissions office at (260)-481-6812 for a personal appointment.  Program-specific admission requirements may be imposed by schools/divisions and departments. Any such requirements become effective when published in the catalog or appropriate supplementary publications. Applicants should be aware that certain criminal convictions may result in ineligibility for admission to certain programs of study.

Basic skills. As an applicant for regular admission to Purdue University Fort Wayne, students should already possess the following basic-level skills in reading, writing, and mathematics:

Reading. Students should be able to identify the main and supporting ideas in moderately complex texts, identify the authors’ purposes, and evaluate the logic, accuracy, and value of their writing. Students should be able to recognize implications, inferences, and assumptions and to integrate information from their experience or reading with new information.

Mathematics. Students should be able to demonstrate arithmetic numeracy and mastery of the content of a substantial first-year high school algebra course and a high school geometry course. Students should be able to use problem-solving strategies and translate word problems into mathematical expression; to recognize relationships between variables in graphs; and to identify one-, two-, and three-dimensional figures, and use the formulas that yield the dimensions, area, or volume of the figures.

Graduation and persistence rates. Graduation and persistence-rate information for Purdue University Fort Wayne is available at www.pfw.edu/offices/ir/consumer

Purdue University Fort Wayne Admission requirements. All applicants must have earned Indiana Core 40 high school diploma (or similar college preparatory diploma from high schools in other states) not a certificate of completion or non-standard curriculum or a GED. Some of the university’s degree and certificate programs have admissions requirements in addition to the general campus requirements. These program-specific requirements are explained in the Colleges and Programs area of the Purdue University Fort Wayne catalog and cannot be waived.  Purdue University Fort Wayne Admission requirements can be found at pfw.edu/admissions/areas/applying/admission-requirements/

Purdue University Fort Wayne Admission classifications are the following:

  1. Regular admission to a program of choice
  2. Admission to Pathway Program Students will be provided with information about the Purdue University Fort Wayne academic resources available to them to ensure their academic success.
  3. Admission with Conditions will be offered to students if they do not meet requirements for regular admission. Students will be required to meet prescribed academic requirements to support their academic success.

Minimum requirements for admission with conditions are:  1. Indiana Core 40 high school diploma (or similar college preparatory diploma from high schools in other states); 2. SAT total scores of 840 or above and a minimum math score of 420 or ACT above 16 minimum math score of 15.

Applicants for undergraduate admission are classified into one of the following admission categories:

1. Beginning freshman. If students have never attended a college as a degree-seeking student, they must submit an application, a high school transcript or GED scores, and an application fee. Unless a student graduated from high school more than two years prior to applying for admission, they must also submit SAT or ACT scores.

  • To have SAT scores sent to Purdue University Fort Wayne, use code number 1336.
  • To have ACT scores sent to Purdue University Fort Wayne, use code number 1217.

If students are a high school student, they should apply to Purdue University Fort Wayne as soon as possible at the beginning of their senior year.

If students are a high school senior completing graduation requirements at the end of their seventh semester, they must meet all regular admission criteria listed below in order to enroll in the spring semester. If students have not met all requirements, they may be considered for admission for the following fall.

For admission to programs in engineering refer to requirements in the current Purdue University Fort Wayne catalog.pfw.edu.

Students may be offered regular admission to the program of choice, admission with recommendations, conditional admission or be denied admission to the university.

2.  GED graduates.  Students must submit an official copy of their GED text scores. If a student scored 580 or above on the GED they will be offered regular admission to their program of choice, if they scored 570-540 they will be offered admission with conditions, if they scored 530 or lower they will be denied admission.

3.  Returning Adults.  If the applicant graduated from high school or earned a GED more than two years prior to applying for admission and have not attended another college, an official copy of the high school transcript or GED scores must be submitted. Students may be offered regular admission to the program of choice, admission with conditions, or denial of admission.

4.  Transfers.  If students have attended college but never attended Purdue University Fort Wayne or Purdue University West Lafayette, an application, official high school transcript and official transcripts from all colleges attended must be submitted.  A cumulative GPA of 2.0 at the most recent college attended is required. Students will be offered regular admission or denial of admission based on their GPA.

5. Intercampus transfer from Purdue University. If students are currently attending, or have attended a Purdue campus and want to transfer temporarily or permanently to Purdue University Fort Wayne, they must submit an application, an unofficial transcript from their Purdue campus, and official transcripts from any colleges attended since enrollment at Purdue. No application fee is due.

6. Re-entry.  If students previously attended Purdue University Fort Wayne but have not registered for classes at Purdue University Fort Wayne for more than one year, they must submit an application and official transcripts from any colleges attended since enrollment at Purdue. A $100 application fee is due. Reentry or entry to desired degree program is not guaranteed.

Since a student re-entry status may be subject to the approval of the specific division/department they may wish to re-enter, several working days may be required to process the application before registering for classes.

7. Dual credit-Collegiate Connection. High school students (junior and seniors) with a GPA of 2.8 or higher and high school students (second semester freshmen and sophomores) with a GPA of 3.0 or higher may take college classes offered either on campus, via Internet, or at their high school campus as long as they meet the prerequisites for the course. Students must submit an application, high school transcript, and parent/guardian permission form. There is no application fee for the dual credit Collegiate Connection application. Students are not eligible for federal or state financial aid, but may qualify for financial assistance for classes held at their high school taught by a PFW credentialed high school instructor. Contact the Collegiate Connection office at 260-481-5478.

8.  Special college graduate.  If students have a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution and wish to take undergraduate courses but do not plan to pursue another undergraduate degree, they may take up to 24 undergraduate credits as a temporary student.  Students must submit an application but need not submit an application fee or additional documentation.  Students are not eligible for financial aid.

9.  Guest.  If a student wants to become a visiting student from another college outside Purdue systems, they may enroll temporarily at Purdue University Fort Wayne for up to 24 credits.  Students must submit an application and an official transcript from their home institution.  No credits will be evaluated for transfer to Purdue University Fort Wayne.  No application fee is due.  Students are not eligible for financial aid.

Institutional, state, and federal financial aid is not available to special adult students, graduate nondegree students, special high school students, and guest students.  These are temporary/nondegree-seeking classifications.

Regular admission of a temporary student. If students are admitted in temporary (non-degree) status, they may apply for regular admission for a subsequent semester. After they have earned 24 credits in temporary status, they may register for additional credits only after they apply for and are granted regular admission. If students are granted regular admission, their academic advisor will determine which of the courses completed as a temporary student may be applied to satisfy the requirements of their degree program. An application fee will be charged.

Appeal of an Admission Decision. To appear an admission decision, a student must submit a written statement to the Purdue University Fort Wayne Admission Appeals Committee explaining how, regardless of past academic performance, that they are now prepared to be successful in university studies. The statement must be typed and no longer than one page. Students name, address and contact information must be included. The decision of the committee will be sent in writing.

Mailing address: Appeal Committee, Purdue University Fort Wayne Office of Admissions, 2101 E. Coliseum Blvd., Fort Wayne, IN 46805
FAX number: 260-481-5450
Email: ask@pfw.edu

Readmission.  A student who has been dismissed from Purdue University Fort Wayne or from another campus of Purdue University may not enroll at Purdue University Fort Wayne until one fall or spring semester has passed.  All readmissions are subject to stipulations in effect as a condition of readmission.  Readmissions shall be reported to the Registrar and an appropriate entry shall be made on the student’s academic record.  A student who is academically dismissed for a second time is not eligible to enroll for at least one year. 

  • A student dismissed by this policy must apply to the appropriate office or readmission committee.  A fee is assessed for processing the readmission application.  Readmission is not guaranteed.

Affiliation with Purdue University

Purdue University Fort Wayne is a campus of Purdue University.  Students enrolled at Purdue University Fort Wayne who elect to transfer to another campus of Purdue University, will have courses completed at Purdue University Fort Wayne treated as resident credit.

Affirmative Action, Nondiscrimination, and Anti-harassment

Purdue University Fort Wayne is committed to maintaining an inclusive community that recognizes and values the inherent worth and dignity of every person; fosters tolerance, sensitivity, understanding, and mutual respect among its members; and encourages each individual to strive to reach his or her own potential. In pursuit of its goal of academic excellence, the university seeks to develop and nurture its diversity. The University believes that diversity among its many members strengthens the institution, stimulates creativity, promotes the exchange of ideas, and enriches campus life. 

Purdue University Fort Wayne views, evaluates, and treats all persons in any University-related activity or circumstance in which they may be involved solely as individuals on the basis of their personal abilities, qualifications, and other relevant characteristics. 

Purdue University Fort Wayne prohibits discrimination against any member of the University community on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin or ancestry, genetic information, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, disability, or status as a veteran. The University will conduct its programs, services, and activities consistent with applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and orders and in conformance with the procedures and limitations as set forth in Purdue University’s Equal Opportunity, Equal Access and Affirmative Action policy, which provides specific contractual rights and remedies. Additionally, the University promotes the full realization of equal employment opportunities for women, minorities, persons with disabilities, and veterans through its affirmative action program. 

It is essential that Purdue University Fort Wayne demonstrate its intellectual and ethical leadership by reaffirming its strong position against harassment in all forms. All members of the University community must be able to pursue their goals, educational needs and working lives without intimidation or injury generated by intolerance and Harassment. 

Harassment in the workplace or the educational environment is unacceptable conduct and will not be tolerated. Purdue University Fort Wayne is committed to maintaining an educational and work climate for faculty, staff and students that is positive and free from all forms of Harassment, including Harassment toward individuals for reasons of race,  religion, color, sex, age, national origin or ancestry, genetic information, disability, status as a veteran, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. The University will not tolerate Harassment of its faculty, staff or students by persons conducting business with or visiting the University, even though such persons are not directly affiliated with the University.

For questions, advice or complaints, please contact the Office of Institutional Equity (Kettler Hall 252, 260-481-6106) or with the director of Services for Students with Disabilities (Walb 113, 260-481-6657).

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention

Guidelines for the prevention of alcohol and substance abuse are included in the Student Handbook. Copies of the handbook are available at various campus locations.

Enrollment Certification

Current students can use Enrollment Certification services on the Enrollment tab in goPFW for the following enrollment certification services:

  • Enrollment verification certificates for health insurers, lenders, insurance companies and other organizations
  • Find out when deferment notices were sent to their student lenders
  • View their enrollment history
  • View the proofs of enrollment sent on their behalf to student service providers
  • Obtain a list of their student loan holders

If enrollment certification is not undertaken using goPFW, the registrar’s office is authorized to officially certify your enrollment status. Requests for enrollment certification may be directed to that office. Enrollment status for a specific semester/session can be certified only after classes for that semester/session have begun and will be reported only as of the date requested.

Ethical Guidelines for Purdue University Fort Wayne Information Technology (IT) Users

(Reprinted from Purdue University Fort Wayne Faculty Senate Document SD91-5, as amended December 13, 2010)

The Purdue University Fort Wayne Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct (hereafter, the Code) sets forth general policies and procedures governing the use of university facilities by students. Various university policies establish similar requirements for faculty and staff. The purpose of these guidelines is to interpret these policies and procedures specifically for students, faculty, and staff using the university’s IT facilities.

University IT resources are designed to be used in connection with legitimate, university-related purposes. The use of university IT resources to disseminate obscene, pornographic, or libelous materials; to threaten or harass others; or to otherwise engage in activities forbidden by the Code or university policy is subject to disciplinary action.

Intellectual property rights and responsibilities. Central to an understanding of the rights and responsibilities of IT users is the notion of intellectual property. In brief, this concept holds that materials stored in electronic form are the property of one or more rightful owners. Like any other property, electronically stored information, whether data or programs, can be stolen, altered or destroyed, misappropriated, or plagiarized. Such inappropriate activities violate the Code and university policy and are subject to disciplinary action.

Access rights and responsibilities. The use of lab, e-mail, Web, and other IT resources, including wired and wireless networks, should be focused on facilitating university-related purposes; other uses-for example, using IT resources to conduct a commercial enterprise or private business-constitute theft from the university subject to disciplinary action. Similarly, the introduction of information that interferes with the access or information of others-for example, the introduction of programs of a type commonly called “viruses” or of nonacademic, network-game simulations-is subject to disciplinary action. E-mail should not be used for junk mailings.  Junk e-mail, including chain mail, wastes system resources and the time of those who receive it. Neither should e-mail be used to forge a message so as to have it appear to come from another user. All such inappropriate uses of e-mail are subject to disciplinary action, including, but not limited to, loss of the university-sponsored e-mail account.  Certain university-controlled IT resources are openly available to all students on a first-come, first-served basis; access to other resources is limited-often only by means of posted notices-to students in certain disciplines or specified courses; access to still other resources is carefully controlled by such means as user ID’s and passwords. Students are responsible for adhering to the spirit and the letter of these access controls. Violations of access rights can be interpreted under the Code and university policies as theft of university services whether or not those services have been separately billed.  Students, faculty, and staff are also responsible for ensuring the confidentiality of access rights under their control. For example, release of a password, whether intentional or inadvertent, invites misuse by others and may be subject to disciplinary action.

General rights and responsibilities. Despite access controls imposed, system failures may occasionally make it possible for students to inappropriately read, use, copy, alter, or delete information stored electronically on a university computer system. System users are responsible for not exploiting such system failures and for reporting them to proper university personnel so that corrective steps can be taken.  The university strives to maintain a quiet, environment in its computer labs in order that lab users can use their time productively and with minimal distractions. Proper use of computer resources follows the same standards of common sense and courtesy that govern the use of other public facilities. Improper use violates those standards by infringing upon others’ ability to fulfill their responsibilities.  All inappropriate uses of IT resources should be reported to proper authorities for possible disciplinary action.

Fees and Expenses

Banded tuition is defined as charging a single tuition rate for credits within a defined range. Beginning fall semester 2018, undergraduates will pay the same basic tuition rate for a course load of 12 to 18 credit hours per semester.

Banded tuition is a way to help students graduate on time and reduce the cost of their education.  Students who take advantage of the band, and enroll in and pass 15 or more credits per semester will graduate in four years.  Tuition charged by the credit hour creates a financial disincentive for students to take more courses in a particular semester.  According to the Indiana Commission for Higher Education, an additional year of college can cost a student more than $50,000 in tuition, lost wages and related costs.

All fees are subject to change by action of the trustees. Fees for the 2018-2019 school year are shown below:

Course fees listed below.  If you audit a course, regular course fees are assessed.

Classification 1-11.99 Credit Hours 12-18 Credit Hours 19+ Credit Hours
Undergraduate residents $281.65 per credit $4,224.75 $4,224.75 + $281.65 per credit
Undergraduate nonresidents $676.25 per credit $10,143.75 $10,143.75 + $676.25 per credit
Graduate residents $347.25 per credit NA NA
Graduate nonresidents $786.00 per credit NA NA
Distance Learning Classes      
Undergraduate residents $281.65 per credit $4,224.75 $4,224.75 + $281.65 per credit
Undergraduate nonresidents $676.25 per credit $10,143.75 $10,143.75 + $676.25 per credit
Graduate residents $347.25 per credit NA NA
Graduate nonresidents $786.00 per credit NA NA

Other fees. The following fees are in addition to the course fees listed above.

  • Admission application - $30
  • Readmission application - $100
  • Late registration fee - $8.50 per credit ($100 maximum)
  • Continuing Studies - varies
  • Differential Fees Undergraduate - $24.59 per credit
  • Differential Fees Graduate - $31.05 per credit
  • Lab Fees - $50
  • MBA + Differential Fees - $90.45 per credit

Refunds. Fee assessments and/or refunds are determined as of the date forms are submitted to the registrar’s office in person or via the Web registration system, regardless of any other dates that may appear on the forms. Requests for exceptions to the published refund schedule are considered for documented errors made by university representatives, other circumstances that are clearly the responsibility of Purdue Fort Wayne, student recent medical condition, or death or severe illness of a student’s immediate family member.  Requests and supporting documentation must be received by the registrar’s office no later than the end of the semester following the semester for which the relevant tuition and fees were assessed.

Purdue University Fort Wayne reserves the right to cancel courses and will refund all fees assessed. If you withdraw from a class, the following refund schedule will apply:

of Weeks











14, 15, or 16
12 or 13
9, 10, or 11
Less than 1


Days 1-7
Days 1-7
Days 1-7
Days 1-3
Days 1-3
Days 1-3
Days 1-3
Days 1-3
Days 1-3
Days 1-2
Day 1
Day 1


Days 8-14
Days 8-14
Days 8-14
Days 4-7
Days 4-7
Days 4-7


Days 15-21
Days 15-21
Days 15-21
Days 8-10
Days 8-10
Days 8-10
Days 4-7
Days 4-7
Days 4-7
Days 3-4
Day 2


Days 22-28
Days 22-28
Days 22-28
Days 11-14
Days 11-14
Days 11-14



Note: A 100 percent refund will be allowed through the day of the first class meeting, even if it occurs after the designated period.  Any course meeting for more than eight weeks will use the refund schedule approved for fall and spring semesters.  All calendar days are counted, including weekends. If you are receiving federal Title IV financial aid (Stafford, Pell, Perkins, SEOG), and you make a full withdrawal or do not attend classes, a calculation will be made to determine the amount of unearned aid that you will be required to repay. Specific information about this calculation may be obtained at the financial aid office or at pfw.edu/financial. Refunds are not transferable from one student to another. To qualify for a refund, your class withdrawal must be processed during the periods specified above. The refund schedule for off-campus credit classes offered through the Division of Continuing Studies may differ from the one above and appears in registration materials published by the Division of Continuing Studies.

Parking and Traffic Regulations

Parking. Students are charged a parking fee based on the number of credits taken. This entitles students to park in open parking spaces (not in spaces designated as “A” parking, green-lined spaces) in lots or garages. Parking permits for students with disabilities are available from University Police (Support Services 105). Validation from a physician or Services for Students with Disabilities (Walb 113, 260-481-6657) is required.

Traffic regulations. The operation of motor vehicles on the Purdue University Fort Wayne campus is governed by applicable state, local, and campus regulations. University police officers are empowered to enforce these statutes. Additional information is published in the Student Handbook, with complete information about Purdue University Fort Wayne parking and traffic regulations appearing in the Vehicle Regulations and Emergency Information brochure available from University Police and other campus locations.

Payment Options

A. Pay Online. If students are paying by electronic check, credit/debit card (2.85 percent processing fee, minimum of $3.00) or Western Union, they may do this through goPFW. Students username and password will be required.

B. Pay by Mobile. Download the Purdue University Fort Wayne mobile app for Android or Apple from the app store. Students username and password will be required to access their bursar student account.

C. The after-hours drop box. An after-hours drop box is located next to bursar window no.1 in Kettler Hall, G57. Students may drop a check, cashiers check or money order payment in the box, but it must be received by close-of-business on the payment deadline date. All check payments will be converted to an ACH electronic transaction.

D. Pay by mail. Students may send a check, cashiers check or money order. All check payments will be converted to an ACH electronic transaction. Please allow adequate mailing time so the payment reaches the bursar’s office by the payment deadline. All checks should be made payable to Purdue University Fort Wayne.

E. Stand in line. Students may pay in-person by check, cashiers check or money order at the bursar’s office, but the lines will be long if they wait until the payment deadline. Save time by using one of the above options, or by paying prior to the deadline date.

Senior citizen fee-remission program. A waiver equal to one-half the resident tuition (to a maximum of 9 credits per semester) is available to Indiana residents who are age 60 or older, retired, not employed full-time, and high school graduates or GED recipients. The waiver does not apply to fees. This program is available only during the week prior to the start of classes and also during late registration. Additional information and applications are available from the Purdue University Fort Wayne Financial Aid office (Kettler Hall 102, 260-481-6820 or online at go,pfw/financial/forms).

Payment plan options. Payment plan options are available through the bursar’s office.

Payment Processing Policies

A.  Registration and drop/add changes are not official until processed at students academic division, department office, the registrar’s office, or through goPFW. Fee assessment is based on the date these forms are processed, regardless of other dates that may appear on the forms.

B.  An e-mail notification will be sent to students who participate in all registration dates. It is the students responsibility to retrieve their bill through goPFW. Students may review their class schedule through goPFW or request a class schedule from their advisor at the time registration is processed or from the bursar’s or registrar’s office. A paper bill will be mailed only if students opt out of Electronic Consent and must be requested in person.

C.  When students register for classes, they are responsible for paying fees unless they officially withdraw from their classes before the end of the 100 percent refund period. The university reserves the right to administratively remove students from their classes for failure to pay their fees, but students will still owe the fees for these classes. The university may also administratively remove students from future terms if current or past terms are unpaid. Late registration and re-enrollments will be assessed a late registration fee of $8.50 per credit with a maximum assessment of $100.00.

D.  Students may pay tuition and fees, and contracted housing charges by enrolling in a payment plan to pay their balance in installments over the course of the semester. Log into goPFW and go to the Billing & Financial Aid tab. The payment plan will not be processed without the first payment and the application fee (non-refundable) that is due by the payment deadline for the semester. Subsequent payments not received by the due date of the payment plan will be subject to a late payment plan charge of $20.00.

E.  An $18.50 late payment fee will be assessed to delinquent accounts beginning 10 days AFTER the due date. To avoid paying this charge, accounts must be paid in full by the fee payment deadline. Students with deferred-payment contracts must keep their accounts current to avoid this fee.

F.  All classes are assessed at full fees when added, regardless of the transaction date. Drops are refunded according to the refund schedule.

G.  Electronic check, credit/debit card (2.85 percent processing fee, minimum of $3.00) may be used to pay fees through goPFW. See payment options for additional information.

H.  If students are receiving financial aid, they are responsible for accepting financial aid awards through goPFW by the fee payment deadline to apply their financial aid award to their account. Students whose fees are to be billed to an employer or other agency must confirm these arrangements with the bursar’s office.

I.  Student credit balances of less than $1 will be held on account for 90 days.

Release of Student Information

The Purdue University Fort Wayne policy governing access to student records, which complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), is described below:


A record includes any data or information about you and related individuals, regardless of the media used to create or maintain the record.

Educational records include records maintained by the institution but exclude records maintained by individuals and available only to those individuals or designated substitutes (that is, “personal files”).  Educational records are located and maintained by administrators in one or more of the following offices: Admissions; Alumni Relations; Athletics, Recreation, and Intramural Sports; Bursar; Center for Academic Support and Advancement; Continuing Studies; Financial Aid; Honors Program; Registrar; Student Success and Transitions, and University Police, as well as the student affairs administration and academic units.

The registrar’s office is the only university office authorized to issue official transcripts and certify students’ enrollment status.   Requests for official transcripts can be made directly through Purdue University using the online self service.  Transcript request service is also available through Purdue University Fort Wayne.  Refer to the Purdue University Fort Wayne registrar webpage for specific details on requesting a transcript.

Public information consists of name, class standing, college/school, major field of study, dates of attendance, degrees and awards, recognized student activities, sports, athletics information, and current enrollment status; address and telephone number are also public information unless the students has filed a registrar’s form to keep these private. Records of arrests and/or convictions are public records and thus not subject to university policy.

Students who wish to restrict the release of address and telephone number, must do so by the end of the first week of classes for a session in order to exclude this information from any student directory that may be published.

Release in emergencies. The confidentiality of all records may be broken in an emergency if deemed necessary by the severity of the emergency, the usefulness of the records, and the extent to which time is critical.

Release to you. Records are available to students with the following exceptions: confidential letters of recommendation submitted prior to 1975; records of parents’ financial status; records related to student employment that are subject to other laws and are administered by Human Resources; medical and psychological records, which will be released only to a healthcare professional designated by the student; and, if the student has signed a voluntary waiver of access, letters of recommendation related to admission, candidacy for awards, and candidacy for employment.  These records may be used only for the purpose originally intended.  A student may see any of their available records within 30 days after submitting a written request, either in person or by mail, and may copy any of these records, subject only to payment of any applicable copying charges. The student will receive an interpretation of the record upon request, at or after the time that access is granted.  If the student objects to any part of the record and the responsible office will not revise the record as requested, the student may request a formal hearing concerning the objection. Policies and procedures governing the hearing process will be specified by the vice chancellor for academic affairs.

Release to Purdue University Fort Wayne faculty and staff. Student records are available to members of the faculty and staff who have a legitimate need for them, as determined by the administrator of the office responsible for maintenance of the record.

Release to others. Except as specified below, student records will be released only upon completion of a consent form or signed letter by the student.  Any such release will include a notice that further release by the recipient is prohibited by law. A record of the release will be maintained.  Records about the student will be released without their consent to their parents if the student is a dependent as defined by the Internal Revenue Service; to federal officers as prescribed by law; as required by state law; to agencies or individuals conducting educational research, provided that the administrator of the records is satisfied concerning the legitimacy of the research effort and the confidentiality to be maintained by the researcher; to agencies responsible for accreditation of the institution or its programs; in response to a lawful subpoena, after making reasonable attempts to provide prior notification and opportunity for objection by you; and to institutional security officers when necessary for a criminal investigation; to a transfer student’s former college/university and to a college/university that a student is seeking to attend; to contractors, volunteers, and other non-employees performing institutional services and functions as school officials with legitimate educational interests. This includes the National Student Clearinghouse and Educational Computer Systems Incorporated (ECSI).

Retention of records. Purdue University Fort Wayne reserves the right to maintain only those records it considers useful and to set retention schedules for various categories of those records. However, the administrator responsible for each category of records will ensure that a record being challenged is not destroyed prior to resolution of the dispute.


This pertains to resident student status for fee purposes. When students are admitted to Purdue University Fort Wayne, they are classified by Admissions as a resident or nonresident of Indiana. This classification is determined by rules established for all Purdue University Fort Wayne students by the trustees of Purdue University.  Students classified as a nonresident must pay nonresident fees as shown in the schedule of fees.  Among other criteria, resident student status for fee purposes requires all independent students who enter or re-enter Indiana to be domiciled in the state for 12 consecutive months before the first day of classes of the semester or summer session for which reclassification may be sought. Students who think they are classified incorrectly may apply for resident student status. To appeal a residency classification, pfw.edu/offices/registrar/policies/residency.html submit the form to Purdue University Fort Wayne Registrar, 2101 E. Coliseum Blvd., Fort Wayne, IN 46805-1499.

Smoking and Tobacco

Purdue University Fort Wayne is entirely tobacco-free and smoke-free.

Smoking and tobacco are prohibited in any university facility and on any university grounds.  The purpose of this policy is to provide a healthy, comfortable, and productive environment for the campus community. Accordingly, all employees, students, and visitors are expected to comply.

The use or sale of any tobacco or smoking-related product, including the use or sale of smokeless tobacco products or electronic cigarettes, is prohibited on property controlled, operated, or leased by the University or in University vehicles, wherever located.  Smoking and the use of tobacco products or electronic cigarettes is also prohibited in private vehicles parked on Purdue University Fort Wayne property.

Statement on Civility

Purdue University Fort Wayne is committed to the goals and ethics of academic investigation and education. The foundation of academic pursuit is the process of free inquiry, in which individuals may openly explore and express ideas. Free inquiry requires an environment that encourages open investigation, as well as the educational growth and positive social development of individuals; therefore, it is important to state explicitly the ethics that define our academic community.  Prominent among the values that define the academic community is civility, which includes mutual respect, fairness, and politeness. Membership in any community requires a concern for the common good for all who belong to that community. Each individual may possess different ideas, as well as different ways of communicating those ideas, particularly in a community as varied and diverse as a university. Because of these differences, respect and civility are integral to maintaining the quality of the academic environment and free inquiry. Respect and civility should therefore be afforded to all individuals regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, religion, family status, socioeconomic level, educational background, veteran status, or position at the university.  Because it is not possible to establish a set of rules or guidelines that will address every issue of civility, all members of the academic community are called upon to promote and value this ethic of common respect and civility. Ultimately, such a community-wide concern will assure the continuation of a free and open exchange of ideas.

Student Identification Number

Students will be assigned a nine-digit number typically beginning with either 900 or 999 as their student identification number. It is used to identify records within Purdue University Fort Wayne and has no significance outside Purdue University Fort Wayne. It will not be provided to external agencies or individuals except in accordance with university policy on release of student information.  Students are, however, required to provide Purdue University Fort Wayne with their social security number so that Purdue University Fort Wayne can issue certain informational returns to the Internal Revenue Service and to you. Students are also required to provide your SSN on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) if they desire to apply for federal or state financial aid. Purdue University Fort Wayne does not use SSN as a student identification number, but only for those purposes required by law or governmental agencies.

Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct

Part I. Student Rights and Responsibilities


Purdue University Fort Wayne regulations governing the actions of students are intended to enhance the values that must be maintained in the pursuit of Purdue Fort Wayne’s mission and goals. These values include freedom of inquiry, intellectual honesty, freedom for the open expression of ideas and opinions within limits that protect the rights of others, and respect for the views and the dignity of other persons.

In exercising their rights, students must bear responsibility to act in accordance with local, state, and national laws, and university rules, regulations, policies, and procedures. No right should be construed as enabling students to infringe upon the individual rights of another member of the academic community.

A. Individual Rights and Responsibilities as Citizens

  1. Students retain all of their citizenship rights when enrolled at Purdue University Fort Wayne.
  2. Students who violate civil law may incur penalties prescribed by civil authorities. Only where university interests as an academic community are distinct from those of the general community should the special authority of the university be asserted.
  3. Nondiscrimination. The university is committed to maintaining a community that recognizes and values the inherent worth and dignity of every person; fosters tolerance, sensitivity, understanding, and mutual respect among its members; and encourages each individual to strive to reach his or her own potential. (see www.purdue.edu/purdue/ea_eou_statement.html)
  4. All members of the university community must be able to pursue their goals, educational needs, and working lives without intimidation or injury generated by harassment.
  5. In pursuit of its goal of academic excellence, the university seeks to develop and nurture diversity. The university believes that diversity among its many members strengthens the institution, stimulates creativity, promotes the exchange of ideas, and enriches campus life.
    The university views, evaluates, and treats all persons in any university-related activity or circumstance in which they may be involved solely as individuals on the basis of their own personal abilities, qualifications, and other relevant characteristics.
    The university prohibits discrimination against any member of the university community on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin or ancestry, genetic information, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, disability, or status as a veteran. The university will conduct its programs, services, and activities consistent with applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations and orders and in conformance with the procedures and limitations as set forth by the Purdue University Equal Opportunity, Equal Access, and Affirmative Action policy, which provides specific contractual rights and remedies. Additionally, the university promotes the full realization of equal employment opportunity for women, minorities, persons with disabilities, and veterans through its affirmative action program. Purdue University Fort Wayne is an equal access, equal opportunity, affirmative action university.
  6. It is the policy of the university to maintain the campus as a place of work and study for faculty, staff, and students, free from all forms of harassment, as defined in Purdue University’s policy on Anti-Harassment (III.C.1) (hereinafter, the “Anti-Harassment Policy”). In providing an educational and work climate that is positive and harassment-free, faculty, staff, and students should be aware that harassment in the workplace or the educational environment is unacceptable conduct and will not be tolerated. [See Anti-Harassment Policy.] This Policy addresses harassment in all forms, including harassment toward individuals for reasons of race, sex, religion, color, age, national origin or ancestry, genetic information, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, parental status, or status as a veteran.
  7. Academic Freedom and Freedom of Speech. Freedom of thought and expression are the lifeblood of our academic community and require an atmosphere of mutual respect among diverse persons, groups and ideas.The maintenance of mutually respectful behavior is a precondition for the vigorous exchange of ideas, and it is the policy of the university to promote such behavior in all forms of expression and conduct. The university reaffirms its commitment to freedom of speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. Accordingly, any form of speech or conduct that is protected by the First Amendment is not subject to this policy.The university reaffirms its commitment to academic freedom, which is essential to its educational mission and is critical to diversity and intellectual life.

B. Individual Rights and Responsibilities as Students

  1. Degree-seeking students have the responsibility for selecting a major field of study, choosing an appropriate degree program within the discipline, planning class schedules, and meeting the requirements for degrees. The university will provide advisors to assist students in academic planning, but students are responsible for being knowledgeable about all academic requirements that must be met before a degree is granted.
  2. Students have the right to receive in writing (the terms “in writing” or “written” here and throughout this Code include both printed and electronic communication) accurately and plainly stated information that enables them to understand clearly:

    a. the general qualifications for establishing and maintaining acceptable academic standing within a particular major and at all other levels within the university,

    b. the graduation requirements for specific curricula and majors, and

    c. at a minimum, the course objectives, requirements, and grading policies set by individual faculty members for their courses by means of a course syllabus.
  3. In the classroom, students have the freedom to raise relevant issues pertaining to classroom discussion, to offer reasonable doubts about data presented, and to express alternative opinions to those being discussed. However, in exercising this freedom, students shall not interfere with the academic process of the class. Students who interfere with the academic process of a class may be directed to leave class for the remainder of the class period. Longer suspensions from a class must be preceded by the personal misconduct procedures set forth in Part III.B of this Code.
  4. Students’ course grades shall be based upon academic performance, and not upon opinions or conduct in matters unrelated to academic standards. Students have the right to discuss and review their academic performance with their faculty members. Students who feel that any course grade has been based upon criteria other than academic performance have the right to appeal through the university grade appeals procedure. [See Academic Regulations-Grade Appeals.]
  5. Students have the right to obtain a clear statement of basic rights, obligations, and responsibilities concerning both academic and personal conduct.
  6. Students have the responsibility to become familiar with, uphold, and follow all codes of conduct, including this Code, relevant codes of colleges/schools and departments, professional programs, student housing, and all rules applicable to conduct in class environments or university-sponsored activities, including off-campus clinical, field, internship, or in-service experiences.
  7. Students have the right to participate in the formulation of university policies that directly affect them. In exercising this right, students have the right of access to appropriate information, to express their views, and to have their views considered.
  8. Students have the privacy rights specified in the university policy on the release of student information. [See Academic Regulations-Release of Student Information.]

C. Rights and Responsibilities as Participants in Student Groups, Student Organizations, and Campus Activities

  1. Students have the right to form, join, and participate in groups or organizations that promote the common interests of students, including but not limited to groups or organizations that are organized for academic, professional, religious, social, economic, political, recreational, or cultural purposes.
  2. Any group of students may petition to become a recognized university student organization in accordance with the established guidelines. Any appeal of a campus decision to discontinue or refuse recognition of a student group shall be made through the Campus Appeals Board.
  3. Any student group recognized as a university student organization shall be entitled to the use of available campus facilities in conformity with university regulations. [See Regulations Governing the Use and Assignment of University Facilities at Purdue University Fort Wayne.] Recognition shall not imply university endorsement of group goals and activities.
  4. Any recognized university student organization or any group of students able to secure sponsorship by a recognized student organization and to demonstrate financial responsibility has the right to present speakers of its choice to address members of the university community using appropriate campus facilities. These assemblies shall be subject to regulations necessary to prevent space and time conflicts and to protect the operations of the campus and the safety of persons or property.
  5. Freedom of assembly shall be guaranteed to all members of the university community. Such assemblies shall be consistent with university regulations regarding the time, place, and manner of such assemblies.
  6. A student, student group, or student organization has the right to distribute written material on campus without prior approval providing such distribution is consistent with appropriate regulations concerning the time, place, and manner of distribution and does not interfere with university activities.
  7. Students who publish student publications under university auspices have the right to be free of unlawful censorship. At the same time, students who publish such publications must observe the recognized canons of responsible journalism such as the Sigma Delta Chi Code of Ethics and avoid libel, obscenity, undocumented allegations, attacks on personal integrity, and the techniques of harassment and innuendo. Editors and managers of The Communicator may not be arbitrarily suspended or removed from their positions because of student, faculty, administrative, or public disapproval of their editorial policies or publications. Student editors and managers may be suspended or removed from their positions only for proper cause and by appropriate proceedings conducted by the Board of Directors. All student publications shall explicitly state on the editorial page that the opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the university or of the student body.

D. Summary of Rights and Responsibilities

  1. This statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities is a reaffirmation by the entire Purdue Fort Wayne community that the constitutional guarantees and the basic principles of fair treatment and respect for the integrity, judgment, and contribution of the individual student, coinciding with each student’s freedom to learn set forth in the foregoing articles, are essential to the proper operation of an institution of higher learning. Accordingly, in the interpretation and enforcement of the policies, procedures, rules, and regulations of the university, these student rights shall be preserved and given effect, but they shall not be construed or applied so as to limit the rights guaranteed students under the Constitution of the United States or the Constitution of the State of Indiana. Except in the case of grade appeals and appeals of Student Housing decisions, which are addressed further below in this paragraph, a complaint by a student or a group of students that the rights described in this Part I have been violated and that the student or group of students has been or will be adversely affected thereby shall be submitted and resolved in accordance with the procedures described in Part IV. In case of grade appeals, the individuals and committees designated in the university grade appeals procedure shall have final authority to decide the appeal. In the case of an appeal of Student Housing decisions, the individuals and committees designated in the Housing Agreement shall have final authority to decide the appeal. In the case of complaints of discrimination and harassment, the individuals and committees identified in the Purdue University Procedures for Resolving Complaints of Discrimination and Harassment shall have the authority designated in such procedures.
  2. If the student has a question as to whether the university grade appeals procedures, Student Housing procedures, or the student complaint procedures described in Part IV should be used to resolve a complaint, the dean of students shall decide which one set of procedures shall be used after consulting with the unit head of the faculty or staff member with whom the student or group of students has the complaint. Once the appropriate process is identified, the dean of students will explain the time lines associated with the process.
  3. The enumeration of these rights and responsibilities shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the student. Nothing contained in the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct shall be construed as any denial or limitation upon the legal authority or responsibility of the Board of Trustees to establish policies and to make rules and regulations governing the operation of the university.

E. Definitions

  1. A university activity is any teaching, research, service, administrative, or other function, proceeding, ceremony, program, or activity conducted by or under the authority of Purdue University Fort Wayne or with which the university has any official connection, whether taking place on or off campus. Included within this definition without limitation are Purdue Fort Wayne cooperative education programs, internships, practicums, field experiences, and athletic or other intercollegiate activities.
  2. University property means property owned, controlled, used, or occupied by Purdue University Fort Wayne.
  3. A business day means any day other than Saturday, Sunday, and any day on which the university is closed, whether by virtue of its being a university holiday or otherwise.

Part II. Student Conduct Subject to University Action


Students are expected and required to abide by the laws of the United States, the State of Indiana, and the rules, regulations, policies, and procedures of Purdue University Fort Wayne. Students are expected to exercise their freedom to learn with responsibility and to respect the general conditions that maintain such freedom. The university has developed the following general regulations concerning student conduct which are intended to safeguard the right of every individual student to exercise fully the freedom to learn without interference. The university may hold a student responsible for his or her behavior, including for academic or personal misconduct

A. Academic Misconduct

This type of misconduct is generally defined as any act that tends to compromise the academic integrity of the university or subvert the educational process. At Purdue Fort Wayne, specific forms of academic misconduct are defined as follows:

  1. Using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise. The term “academic exercise” includes all forms of work submitted for credit or hours.
  2. Falsifying or fabricating any information or citation in an academic exercise.
  3. Helping or attempting to help another in committing acts of academic dishonesty, including, but not limited to, sharing papers and assignments.
  4. Adopting or reproducing ideas or statements of another person as one’s own without acknowledgment (plagiarism).
  5. Submitting work from one course to satisfy the requirements of another course unless submission of such work is permitted by the faculty member.
  6. Serving as or permitting another student to serve as a substitute (or “ringer”) in taking an exam.
  7. Altering of answers or grades on a graded assignment without authorization of the faculty member.
  8. Engaging in activities that unfairly place other students at a disadvantage, such as taking, hiding, or altering resource material.
  9. Violating professional or ethical standards of the profession or discipline for which a student is preparing (declared major and/or minor) as adopted by the relevant academic program.

    In order to ensure that the highest standards of professional and ethical conduct are promoted and supported at the university, academic departments should establish a written policy/statement addressing the professional or ethical standards for their discipline, which if developed, must be available to all students who are preparing in the discipline. Students have the responsibility to familiarize themselves with the academic department’s policy/statement.

B. Personal Misconduct

The university may find a student responsible for the following acts of personal misconduct that occur on campus property or in connection with a university activity, or when the health, safety, property, or security of the campus may be adversely impacted.

  1. Dishonest conduct, including but not limited to false accusation of misconduct; forgery, alteration, or misuse of any university document, record, or identification; and giving to a university official information known to be false.
  2. Release of access codes for university computer systems to unauthorized persons; use of an access code for a purpose other than that stated on the request for service.
  3. Lewd, indecent, or obscene conduct as defined by law.
  4. Disorderly or disruptive conduct that interferes with teaching, research, administration, or other university or university-authorized activity.
  5. Failure to comply with the directions of authorized university officials in the performance of their duties, including failure to identify oneself when requested to do so, and violation of the terms of a sanction.
  6. Unauthorized entry, use, or occupancy of campus facilities; refusal to vacate a campus facility when directed to do so by an authorized official of the university.
  7. Unauthorized taking or possession of university property or services; unauthorized taking or possession of the property or services of others, including but not limited to selling or bartering notes/handouts/recordings from academic classes.
  8. Intentional action or reckless disregard that results in damage to or destruction of university property or of property belonging to others.
  9. Possession of firearms, fireworks, other explosives, or other weapons; possession or display of any firearm except as authorized by the university police; and intentional possession of a dangerous article or substance as a potential weapon, or of any article or explosive calculated to injure, intimidate, or threaten any person. Public law enforcement officials who are required by their departments to carry their firearms at all times must register with the university police.
  10. Acting with violence; and aiding, encouraging, or participating in a riot.
  11. Harassment, as defined by the Anti-Harassment Policy. Use of the term “harassment” includes all forms of harassment, including stalking, racial harassment, and sexual harassment as defined more completely by the Anti-Harassment Policy (purdue.edu/ethics/policies/FosteringRespect_accessible.pdf)
  12. Hazing, defined as any conduct that subjects another person, whether physically, emotionally, or psychologically, to anything that may endanger, abuse, degrade, or intimidate the person as a condition of association with a group or organization, regardless of the person’s consent or lack of consent.
  13. Physical abuse of any person or conduct that threatens or endangers the health or safety of another person.
  14. Any form of communication that (a) involves a serious expression of intent to commit an act of unlawful violence to a particular individual or group of individuals or to cause damage to another person’s property, or other conduct which threatens or endangers the health and safety of another person or another person’s property, or (b) that is inherently likely to provoke a violent reaction or incite an immediate breach of the peace in a face-to-face situation.
  15. Possession, consumption, distribution, or sale of alcoholic beverages on campus except as expressly permitted by the Internal Operating Procedures for the Possession, Consumption, Distribution, and Sale of Alcoholic Beverages on the Fort Wayne campus.
  16. Use, possession, manufacture, processing, distribution, or sale of any drug or controlled substance except as expressly permitted by law. The term “controlled substance” is defined in Indiana statutes, and includes, but is not limited to, substances such as marijuana, cocaine, narcotics, certain stimulants and depressants, hallucinogens, and prescription drugs used without proper authorization.
  17. Violations of other published university regulations, policies, procedures, or rules, such as the Tobacco and Smoke Free Campus policy.
  18. Violation of anyrules governing student organizations, or the use of university property (including the time, place, and manner of meetings or demonstrations on university property), or of any otherrule that is reasonably related to the orderly operation of the university, including, but not limited to, university solicitation policies
  19. Obstruction or disruption of any university activity or inciting, aiding, or encouraging other persons to engage in such conduct. Obstruction or disruption means any unlawful or objectionable acts or conduct: (1) that seriously threaten the ability of the university to maintain its facilities available for performance of its educational activities; or (2) that are in violation of the reasonable rules and standards of the university designed to protect the academic community from unlawful conduct; or (3) that present a serious threat to persons or property of the academic community. Such phrases shall include, without limitation of the foregoing general definition, the unlawful use of force or violence on or within any buildings or grounds owned, used, occupied, or controlled by Purdue University Fort Wayne; using or occupying any such buildings or grounds in violation of lawful rules, regulations, policies, or procedures of the university, or for the purpose or with the effect of denying or interfering with the lawful use thereof by others; and injuring or harming any person or damaging or destroying the property of the university or the property of others, within such buildings and grounds.

C. Other Student Conduct Issues

  1. Demonstrations. Any individual or group activity or conduct apparently intended to call attention to the participants’ point of view on some issues is not of itself misconduct. Demonstrations that do not involve conduct beyond the scope of constitutionally protected rights of free speech and assembly are, of course, permissible. However, conduct that is otherwise improper cannot be justified merely because it occurs in the context of a demonstration.
  2. Misconduct Subject to Other Penalties. As provided by Indiana statute, misconduct that constitutes a violation of this Code may be sanctioned after determination of responsibility under the procedures herein provided, without regard to whether such misconduct also constitutes an offense under the criminal laws of any state or of the United States or whether such conduct might result in civil liability of the violator to other persons.
  3. Personal Conduct Not on University Property. The university may find a student responsible for acts of personal misconduct that are not committed on campus property or in connection with an university activity if the acts distinctly and adversely affect the security of the campus community, the safety of others, or the integrity of the educational process, including, but not limited to, drug and alcohol violations or offenses against another person.

Part III. Student Misconduct Procedures


Purdue University Fort Wayne procedures for imposing academic and personal misconduct sanctions are designed to provide students with the guarantees of due process and procedural fairness. Except as provided in Part IV, the procedures hereby established shall be followed in all cases in which Purdue Fort Wayne institutes proceedings against students for violations of rules of student conduct set forth in Part II.

A. Procedures for Academic Misconduct

  1. The process for investigating complaints of academic misconduct may vary depending upon the situation. An essential component of any misconduct process should incorporate the requirements of due process. As such, a student whose conduct is being reviewed should know the nature of the information presented against them and be able to have a meaningful opportunity to be heard. Therefore, throughout Part III, Section A, of this Code, whenever there is a requirement for the student to have an “opportunity to be heard,” the minimum standard for that meaningful opportunity will include all of the following:

    • notice of the nature of the alleged misconduct
    • notice of the date, time, location, and general procedure of the review of the allegation
    • notice of the potential outcomes of the review
    • opportunity to address the information supporting the allegation
  2. When a student in a course commits an act of academic misconduct related to that particular course, the faculty member teaching the course has the authority to initiate academic misconduct proceedings against the student in accordance with these procedures.

    If a faculty member initiates academic misconduct proceedings, the faculty member must contact the registrar to place a hold on the student’s account. A student may not withdraw from a course during the pendency of these proceedings or to avoid any imposed sanction.

    a. A faculty member who has information that a student enrolled in a course being conducted by the faculty member has committed an act of academic misconduct related to that course is required to hold a conference with the student concerning the matter within 10 business days of discovering the alleged misconduct. The faculty member must advise the student of the alleged act of misconduct and afford the student the opportunity to address the information supporting the allegation. Any action that must be performed by faculty under these procedures may be performed by the faculty chair or next highest administrator.

    b. If the faculty member finds that the student did commit the act of misconduct as alleged, the faculty member is authorized to impose an appropriate academic sanction related to the particular course involved. An appropriate academic sanction for such misconduct may include, and is limited to, one or more of the following:

    (1) The student may be given a lower grade than the student would otherwise have received or a failing grade for any assignment, course work, examination, or paper involved in the act of misconduct.

    (2) The student may be required to repeat the assignment, complete some additional assignment, or resubmit any assignment, course work, examination, or paper involved in the act of misconduct.

    (3) The student may be given a lower grade than the student would otherwise have received or a failing grade for the course.

    c. After imposing an academic sanction, the faculty member is required to report the matter and action taken within 10 business days in writing to the student, the chair of the department in which the course is offered, the dean/director of the college/school/division in which the course is offered, the chair of the student’s department (if different from above), the dean/director of the student’s college/school/division (if different from above), and the dean of students.

    d. The student has the right to appeal the faculty member’s findings and/or sanction through the procedures specified in Part IV of this Code.

    e. The chair of the student’s department has the authority to initiate additional academic sanctions against the student if the chair concludes, in consultation with the dean of students, that additional sanctions may be warranted by the nature of the act or because the student has committed previous acts of academic misconduct.

    The chair of the student’s department must notify the student in writing within 10 business days of the date of the faculty member’s report if additional sanctions are contemplated at the department level. If additional sanctions are contemplated, the student shall be provided an opportunity to be heard in accordance with the standards articulated in the opening paragraph of Part III, Section A.

    The chair must report any decision to initiate additional sanctions in writing to the student, the student’s college/school/division dean/director, and the dean of students within 10 business days of the student’s opportunity to be heard.

    Additional sanctions imposed at the department level may include academic probation, denial of future admission, or dismissal from the department. The student may appeal the chair’s decision about additional sanctions through the procedures specified in Part IV of this Code.

    f. The dean/director of the student’s college/school/division also has the authority to initiate additional academic sanctions against the student if the dean/director concludes, in consultation with the dean of students, that additional sanctions may be warranted by the nature of the act or because the student has committed previous acts of academic misconduct. The dean/director must notify the student in writing within 10 business days of the date of the chair’s report if additional sanctions are contemplated at the college/school/division level. If additional sanctions are contemplated, the student shall be provided an opportunity to be heard in accordance with the standards articulated in the opening paragraph of Part III, Section A.

    The dean/director must report any decision to initiate additional sanctions in writing to the student, the chair, and the dean of students within 10 business days of the student’s opportunity to be heard.

    Additional sanctions imposed at the college/school/division level may include academic probation, denial of future admission, or dismissal from the college/school/division. The student may appeal the dean’s/director’s decision about additional sanctions through the procedures specified in Part IV of this Code.
  3. When a student is alleged to have committed an act of academic misconduct that is not related to a course in which the student is enrolled, the chair of the student’s department has the authority to initiate a review of the allegation.

    a. After discovering the alleged academic misconduct, the chair must notify the dean of students and the student in writing within 10 business days if action is contemplated at the department level and provide the student an opportunity to be heard in accordance with the standards articulated in the opening sentence of Part III, Section A.

    The chair must report the decision, including any sanctions imposed, in writing to the student, the student’s college/school/division dean/director, and the dean of students within 10 business days of the student’s opportunity to be heard.

    Sanctions imposed at the department level may include, and are limited to, one or more of the following: academic probation, denial of future admission, or dismissal from the department. The student may appeal the chair’s decision (including sanctions) through the procedures specified in Part IV of this Code.

    b. Similarly, the dean/director of the student’s college/school/division has the authority to initiate additional academic sanctions against the student if the dean/director concludes that additional sanctions may be warranted by the nature of the act or because the student has committed previous acts of academic misconduct in accordance with the procedures above.

    The dean/director must report any decision to initiate additional sanctions in writing to the student, the chair, and the dean of students within 10 business days of the student’s opportunity to be heard.

    Additional sanctions imposed at the college/school/division level may include, and are limited to, one or more of the following: academic probation, denial of future admission, or dismissal from the college/school/division. The student may appeal the dean’s/director’s decision about additional sanctions through the procedures specified in Part IV of this Code.
  4. A student may not be placed on disciplinary probation, suspended, or expelled from the university because of an act of academic misconduct unless the dean of students concludes that such a sanction is justified by the nature of the act or because the student has committed previous acts of misconduct. If the dean of students concludes that additional disciplinary sanctions are warranted, the proceedings will be governed by the same procedures that apply to acts of personal misconduct (Part III.B) and may be commenced when notified of the outcome from the faculty member.

B. Procedures for Personal Misconduct

Any member of the university community may initiate a complaint of student personal misconduct with the dean of students. Misconduct proceedings are initiated by the issuance of a notice of charges and are governed by the following procedures.

  1. Notice of Charges

    a. A personal misconduct proceeding is initiated by the dean of students by sending a notice to the student who is the subject of the complaint. If proceedings are initiated against a student under the age of 18, the dean is required to make reasonable efforts to assure that the parent(s) or, when appropriate, the legal guardian of the student is notified concerning the proceedings and the nature of the complaint.
    b. The notice shall be sent by email to the student’s address as it appears in the official records of the university or shall be delivered personally to the student. The notice shall quote the rule claimed to have been violated and shall fairly inform the student of the reported circumstances of the alleged misconduct. The notice shall require the student to appear in the office of the dean of students at a time and on a date specified (which ordinarily will not be earlier than three business days after the emailing of the notice) for a hearing on the alleged violations. A copy of these procedures can be found on the webpage: catalog.pfw.edu, a link to which will be included in the email or other notice to the student.
    c. The notice shall inform the student of the following:
    (1) The offense the student is alleged to have committed by citing the relevant section of this Code;
    (2) The date, time, and place of the alleged offense, and other relevant circumstances;
    (3) The date, time, and place of the hearing to discuss the alleged violation;
    (4) That the student may have an advisor or other counsel present during the hearing, but with the understanding that such an advisor or counsel is limited to the role of advising the student and that such an advisor or counsel may not participate in presenting the case, questioning the witnesses, or making statements during the hearing;
    (5) That the student need not answer questions and that a choice to remain silent will not be taken as an admission of responsibility, nor shall it be detrimental to the student’s position;
    (6) That, if the student fails to appear for the hearing, the dean of students may (a) reschedule the conference; (b) dismiss the charges; or (c) if the dean reasonably believes the failure to appear to be inexcusable, impose any of the prescribed sanctions set forth in Part III.B.3 below.
  2. Hearing

    a. When the student appears as required, the dean of students shall inform the student as fully as possible of the facts concerning the alleged misconduct and of the procedures that follow. The student may, but need not, make responses and explanations.
    b. If, after discussion and such further investigation as may be necessary, the dean of students determines that the violation alleged is not supported by the information, the dean shall dismiss the accusation and notify the student.
    c. If, after discussion, or if the student fails to appear, the dean of students believes that the violation occurred as alleged, the dean shall so notify the student and shall impose a sanction by means of a written notice. The student, by such notice, shall have the option of accepting or appealing the finding and/or sanction through the procedures specified in Part V of this Code.
    d. Both the student and the student’s accuser shall be informed of the outcome of any hearing brought alleging any form of physical violence, threat, or harassment.

  3. Personal Misconduct Sanctions
  1. The dean of students is authorized to impose a sanction including, and limited to, one or more of the following:

    a. Reprimand and Warning. A student may be given a reprimand accompanied by a written warning that the student may receive additional sanctions if the student engages in the same misconduct again or commits any other violation of this Code.

    b. Disciplinary Probation. A student may be placed on probation for a specified period under conditions specified in writing by the dean of students, with a warning that any violation of the conditions or any further acts of misconduct may result in additional sanctions, including suspension or expulsion from the university. As a condition of probation, the student may be required to participate in a specific program, such as an alcohol-education program, or to provide a specific service, such as the repair or restoration of any property damaged or taken by the student.

    c. Restitution. A student may be required to pay the cost for the replacement or repair of any property damaged by the student. If the student fails to pay the cost or make the repairs, the student may be subjected to additional sanctions, including suspension or expulsion.

    d. Participation in a Specific Program, Assessment, or Evaluation. A student may be required to participate in a specific program, assessment, or evaluation, such as an alcohol-education program. If the student fails to participate in the program as directed, the student may be subjected to additional sanctions, including suspension or expulsion.

    e. Provision of a Specific Service. A student may be required to provide a specific service, such as the repair or restoration of any property damaged or taken by the student. If the student fails to provide the service as directed, the student may be subjected to additional sanctions, including suspension or expulsion.

    f. Suspension. A student may be suspended from classes and future enrollment and excluded from participation in all aspects of campus life for a specified period of time.

    g. Expulsion. A student may be permanently dismissed from the university.

C. Summary Action

Summary action by way of temporary suspension and exclusion from university property may be taken against a student without the issuance of a notice of charges and without following the procedures prescribed in Part III.B or Part IV on the following conditions:

• Summary action shall be taken only by the chancellor or the chancellor’s designee, and only after the student shall have been given an opportunity to be heard if such procedure is practical and feasible under the circumstances.

• Summary action shall be taken only if the chancellor or the chancellor’s designee is satisfied that the continued presence of the student on university property threatens imminent harm to any other persons or to the property of the university or of others, or to the stability and continuance of normal university functions.

• Whenever summary action is taken under this provision, the procedures provided for in Part III.B for a hearing or the procedures provided for in Part V for appeals shall be expedited so far as possible in order to shorten the period of summary action.

D. Time Limitations

Time limitations specified in the preceding sections of this Code may be extended by either the dean of students or the Campus Appeals Board for a reasonable period if an extension is justified by good cause under the totality of the circumstances. The documentation for extending the time limitations must be provided to the student.

E. Status During Conduct Proceedings

Except where summary action is taken as provided in Part III.C, the status of a student charged with misconduct shall not be affected, pending the final disposition of charges. The effective date of any sanction shall be a date established by the final adjudicating body (dean of students or the Campus Appeals Board). In case of suspension or expulsion, the student shall not be withdrawn any earlier than the date the notice of charges originated or later than the effective date established by the final adjudicating body.

Part IV. Student Complaint Procedures


The following student complaint procedures are designed to ensure that students have an identified and well-understood mechanism for registering and resolving complaints of the types described below.

A. Students having complaints concerning alleged violations of the Anti-Harassment Policy, as referenced in Part I.A.3, Part I.A.4 and Part I.A.6 of the Code, should use the Purdue University Procedures for Resolving Complaints of Discrimination and Harassment.

B. Students having complaints concerning actions or decisions which are claimed to violate other rights recognized in Part I of the Code must first make a reasonable effort to resolve the complaints informally with the faculty/staff member whose action or decision is the basis for the complaint.

  1. The effort to resolve the complaint informally with the faculty/staff member must be initiated by the student in a documented manner no later than within 21 calendar days the action or decision occurred. The documentation only needs to be dated and indicate that the student has made a good faith effort at initiating the conversation with the responsible faculty/staff member. For a complaint to continue to receive consideration under these procedures, the student must initiate each successive step in the process within 21 calendar days of conclusion of the previous step. In addition, it is expected that each step in the process will be concluded within 21 calendar days of initiation.
  2. If the complaint is not resolved informally between the student and the responsible faculty/ staff member, the student may pursue the complaint informally with the faculty/ staff member’s department head, who shall investigate, mediate, and suggest a resolution.
  3. If the complaint remains unresolved after the department head’s attempt to mediate a resolution, the student may continue to pursue the complaint with the head of the next highest administrative level (e.g., the college/school/division dean/director), who shall investigate, mediate, and suggest a resolution.
  4. Only after all such remedies have been exhausted may the student petition for a hearing before the Campus Appeals Board. To petition for a hearing before the Campus Appeals Board, the student must complete the online form. The complaint must describe the action or decision claimed to violate one or more of the student rights recognized in Part I of the Code, identify the right(s) claimed to have been violated, and specify the remedy sought. The dean shall direct properly received complaints to the chair of the Campus Appeal Board. The Campus Appeals Board shall have the authority and duty to reach findings and to convey recommendations to the chancellor. If necessary, the chancellor may present such recommendations to the university president and Board of Trustees for their consideration.
  5. See Part V of the Code for information about the composition of the Campus Appeals Board.

Part V. Petition for Hearing


Students wishing to appeal any decision by a university official or body under the preceding sections of this Code shall use this petition process.

A. Types of Appeals

The Campus Appeals Board (CAB) may hear the following types of appeals from students: (1) appeals of misconduct findings and sanctions imposed by the dean of students, including findings and sanctions concerning student organizations; (2) appeals of academic misconduct findings imposed by faculty members, department chairs, or academic deans or division directors; (3) appeals of SGA Judicial Court rulings; and (4) appeals of faculty/staff decisions claimed to violate student rights recognized in Part I of the Code (per Part IV). Extension to any time limits specified below must be approved by the chair of the board.

B. Campus Appeals Board

  1. Composition. The Campus Appeals Board (CAB) shall consist of nine members selected in the following manner: four students appointed by the president of Purdue Fort Wayne Student Government Association subject to confirmation by the SGA Senate; three faculty members elected by the Faculty Senate; and two administrative staff members appointed by the chancellor, one of whom shall be designated as chair of the Campus Appeals Board. An equal number of alternates from each constituent group shall be appointed at the same time and in the same manner as the regular members. From the members and alternates, the chair shall designate a hearing panel consisting of a minimum of three members including at least one student. A minimum of three panel members including at least one student is required for quorum.
  2. Terms of Office. The term of office for student members and their alternates shall be one year, and for the faculty and administrative members, it shall be two years, except that members shall continue to have jurisdiction of any case under consideration at the expiration of their term. The terms of office for all members shall begin at the start of the fall semester. No member shall serve more than two consecutive terms. If any appointing authority fails to make its prescribed appointments to the Campus Appeals Board, or to fill any vacancy on the panel of alternates within seven calendar days after being notified to do so by the chancellor, or if at any time the Campus Appeals Board cannot function because of the refusal of any member or members to serve, the chancellor may make appointments, fill vacancies, or take such other action as deemed necessary to constitute the Campus Appeals Board with a full complement of members.

C. Criteria for Appeal

Appeals may only be requested for one or more of the following reasons:

  1. Failure to follow an established policy or procedure;
  2. The assigned sanction is unduly harsh or arbitrary;
  3. New information has become available since the conclusion of the process; or
  4. Bias has been exhibited through the process.

The purpose of an appeal shall not be simply to hold a rehearing of the original matter.

D. Filing the Petition

Students who wish to request Campus Appeals Board action shall complete the online form within 10 business days of the date of the sanction letter or within 10 business days of the conclusion of the previous step in the appeal process, as applicable. The dean shall in turn forward properly filed appeals to the chair of the Campus Appeals Board.

To be properly filed, the appeal must be submitted within the established time limits, identify the action or decision being appealed, name the party whose decision or action is being appealed (sometimes referred to below as the “named party”), and identify one or more of the criteria identified in the Criteria for Appeal set forth above. If the above criteria are not met, the CAB chair shall dismiss the appeal.

E. Investigation of Appeals

Within 10 business days of the chair’s receipt of the appeal, the CAB chair will assign a board member or alternate who is a faculty member or administrator to investigate the appeal and notify the party named that an appeal has been filed. Notification will include a copy of the appeal and the identity of the student who filed the appeal. The party whose action or decision is being appealed will be requested to respond in writing within 10 business days from the date of notification. To protect both the student and the named party, CAB appeals will be treated with the greatest degree of confidentiality possible.

As soon as practicable following appointment, the investigator will interview the student who filed the appeal. The student may have an advisor or legal counsel (at the student’s own expense) present at meetings with the investigator. However, the advisor or counsel may not stand in place of the student or otherwise participate in the investigation process.

Within 10 business days following completion of the interview with the student, the investigator will notify the chair as to whether or not the allegations set forth in the appeal, if substantiated, would support the basis for the appeal and, if so, whether the action or decision being appealed would constitute a violation of one or more student rights recognized in Part I of the Code. If in such notification the investigator answers these inquiries in the negative, the chair may dismiss the appeal, and the decision shall be final. The chair shall provide the student and named party with written notice of such dismissal. In all other cases, the investigator will conduct a thorough fact-finding investigation, and will meet separately with the student and named party, interview pertinent witnesses, and review relevant documents regarding the appeal. The investigation shall be completed within 10 business days following the assignment of the appeal to the investigator.

Within 10 business days following conclusion of the investigation, the investigator will prepare and deliver a report to the chair, the student filing the appeal, and the named party. The report will include a finding based upon a preponderance of information that the appeal shall be upheld or denied. The “preponderance of information” standard requires that the information supporting the finding is more convincing than the information offered in opposition to it. The report will include the basis upon which the investigator reached the finding and recommendation for remedy, if any.

F. Determination

Within 10 business days of receipt of the investigator’s report, the chair will convene a meeting of the CAB hearing panel. The student and the named party will be notified of the date, time, and location of the meeting. Prior to the meeting, the student, named party, and panel members shall be furnished with a copy of the investigator’s report and copies of the appeal and response. The student may have an advisor or legal counsel (at the student’s own expense) present at the meeting. However, the advisor or counsel may not stand in place of the student or otherwise participate in the hearing process. At the meeting the panel will be afforded the opportunity to ask questions of the investigator. The student who filed the appeal and the named party will be afforded the opportunity to make a brief statement to the panel, after which the panel members may ask questions. The panel shall meet separately with the student and the named party.

Within 10 business days following the final meeting with the panel, the chair shall render the written recommendation of the hearing panel and include a brief explanation of the recommendation setting forth the findings upon which the recommendation is based. The chair shall furnish copies of the recommendation to the chancellor, the student who filed the appeal, the party whose decision is being appealed, and to others within the university with a need to know as determined by the panel. The chancellor shall render a written and final decision within 10 business days of receiving the panel’s recommendation.

Part VI. Authority, Application, and Amendments

A. Authority

Student rights, responsibilities, and standards of conduct will be established by campus administrators in consultation with the student and faculty government organizations and shall be consistent with the principles established by Purdue University.”

B. Application

This Code, as from time to time amended, shall apply to all undergraduate and graduate students while enrolled at Purdue University Fort Wayne and shall be deemed a part of the terms and conditions of admission and enrollment at the university. In case of any conflict or inconsistencies with any other rules, regulations, directives, or policies now existing, this Code shall govern. They shall be enforced by the chancellor.

C. Amendments

  1. In General. This Code, and any amendments hereto, shall remain in effect until rescinded or modified by or under the authority of the Board of Trustees of The Trustees of Purdue University, as exercised by the president of the university under delegated authority from the Board and in consultation with the chancellor. Amendments may be proposed by the Purdue Fort Wayne Student Government Association, Purdue Fort Wayne Senate, university administrative officials, , or the Board of Trustees, and any such proposed amendment shall be submitted to the Purdue Fort Wayne Student Government Association and Faculty Senate for review and comment before adoption.
  2. Amendments to Part I: Student Rights and Responsibilities. Without limiting the generality of the amendment process described in Part VI.C.1 above, the following additional provisions shall apply to amendments to the student rights and responsibilities set forth in Part I. Proposed amendments of such rights and responsibilities may be initiated by the Purdue Fort Wayne Student Government Association, the Faculty Senate, university administrative officials, or the Board of Trustees and shall be submitted to the Purdue Fort Wayne Student Government Association, and the Faculty Senate for consideration and recommendation before adoption by or under the authority of the Board of Trustees, as exercised by the president of the university under delegated authority from the Board. In the event such an amendment to the rights and responsibilities set forth in Part I is adopted without approval of the Purdue Fort Wayne Student Government Association or the Faculty Senate, either of such bodies may withdraw its endorsement of such rights and responsibilities, in whole or in part.