Oct 16, 2024
2017-2018 Graduate Bulletin [Archived Catalog]
What’s New
Listed below are academic changes that have been made after the 2016-2017 IPFW University Bulletin was published due to legislation or accreditation. Please see your advisor if you have any questions.
New Combined Degree programs that are now available: Please see the college/school/department for more details.
-B.S. in Computer Engineering or B.S. in Electrical Engineering / Master of Science in Engineering from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, IPFW
-B.S. in Mechanical Engineering / Master of Science in Engineering from the Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, IPFW
Bursar’s Office:
-Late payment fees will be increased by $1.00; A $18.50 late payment fee will be assessed to delinquent accounts beginning 10 days AFTER the due date and payment plan subsequent payments not received by the due date will be subject to a late payment charge of $18.50.