Program: A.A.G.S.
Division of Continuing Studies
Kettler Hall 144 ~ 260-481-6828 ~
The student learning outcomes for the degree are as follows:
- Speak and write precisely, clearly and persuasively.
- Understand the nature and diversity of individuals, organizations, cultures, and societies.
- Apply their knowledge in written, oral communication, or technical competencies.
- Apply the knowledge gained across interdisciplinary boundaries.
General Studies offers a wide variety of personalized degree options to the traditional and nontraditional student. Students may individually tailor their program to combine a substantial core of courses basic to a traditional university education and study in career-related areas. Within the flexible framework of degree requirements, students may design an undergraduate program that can more readily meet their career and personal-development goals than can a traditional major. Students will be encouraged and assisted in developing a unique academic program complementing their individual interests, abilities, and intellectual and practical concerns.
In addition to taking advantage of the wide variety of daytime, evening, and weekend classes at IPFW, students may choose to earn credit toward their degree through correspondence study. Students may also earn credit by examination, and in some cases earn credit for significant, documentable self-acquired competencies when the learning outcomes have been comparable to those of university-level work. Consideration is given to all previously earned college credit from other accredited institutions. The Associate of Arts in General Studies and Bachelor of General Studies programs may also be tailored to the needs of those unable to study on campus during regularly scheduled periods. Both degrees may be completed online.
Both programs include courses in broad categories called required areas of learning (listed below) and elective credit that students may earn in any IPFW program. The required areas of learning provide broad exposure to the humanities, social sciences, and sciences, while the electives permit students to explore areas of interest, receive credit for prior university-level experiential learning, and tailor the degree to their individual needs. In each plan of study, students must demonstrate competency in each of the following areas: written communication (two courses), oral communication, mathematics, computer literacy, and a diversity course.
After students are admitted to a general studies degree program, students will develop a plan of study to meet their objectives. An advisor will provide assistance in this effort. For further information, refer to the current Indiana University School of Continuing Studies General Studies Degree Bulletin.
To earn an A.A.G.S., students must complete the following requirements: