Program: A.S.B.
SBMS Undergraduate Student Affairs Center
Richard T. Doermer School of Business and Management Sciences
Neff Hall 366 ~ 260-481-6472 ~
Upon completion of the Associate Degree in Business, students will be able to:
- Identify, define, describe and/or discuss fundamental business terminology and concepts
- Extract, analyze, and summarize data into useful business information
- Demonstrate effective verbal skills
- Demonstrate effective written skills
Business Administration
The A.S.B. option in business administration is a preprofessional degree. The academic program leading toward the degree helps you prepare for careers at the operational level of business.
All credits earned in the business administration option can be applied toward the Bachelor of Science in Business if you qualify for admission to that program.
Degree Requirements
You must satisfy the requirements of IPFW (see Part 8 ) and the Richard T. Doermer School of Business and Management Sciences (listed in this section) and earn a minimum of 63 credits in courses in (1) general education and (2) general business and economics.
To remain in the program and graduate, you must earn a grade of C or better in all ENG writing courses and all business and economics courses, and maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or better. Courses completed by correspondence are not applicable (this pertains only to traditional correspondence courses, not online courses.) Business majors may not count BUS, ECON or OLS courses towards their general education requirements
TIME LIMIT It is the school’s intention that you possess the most current knowledge and skills when you complete the A.S.B. Because of this, you are allowed four calendar years to complete this degree from the semester you are admitted to IPFW. If more than four years have elapsed since your admission, you will be required to meet the degree requirements sepcified in the most current IPFW Bulletin.
OVERLAPPING COURSES You may not count toward graduation any courses or sequences considreed to have overlapping content.
CREDIT BY SELF_ACQUIRED COMPETENCY IPFW busines programs do not award credit for self-acquired competency (experiential credit). Credit awarded on this basis, regardless of its source, will not apply toward IPFW business degrees.
ACADEMIC PROBATION You are on academic probation upon completion of a semester or summer session in which you fail to earn a semester GPA of 2.0 or higher.