Mar 11, 2025
Undergraduate Bulletin 2006-2008 [Archived Catalog]
Paramedic Sciences
Return to: Part 4: Program Descriptions
Program: Transfer Program
School of Health Sciences
Neff Hall 142 ~ 260-481-6967
You must be an Indiana- or nationally certified EMT with at least 20 hours of documented patient contact in an ambulance to complete this degree in Indianapolis. At IPFW, you may complete one year toward the Associate of Science in paramedic sciences offered at the Indianapolis campus of the Indiana University School of Medicine. The details of your general-education requirements should be discussed with an IPFW health professions advisor. You may also consult a health professions advisor at the Indianapolis campus for additional information or to discuss the Associate of Science, 317-278-4752 or askhpp@iupui.edu.
Program Requirements
At IPFW, you may complete the following courses: One of the following: Credits: 3
- Credits in approved elective (see advisor) Credits: 3-5
Return to: Part 4: Program Descriptions