Sep 26, 2024  
2015-2016 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2015-2016 Undergraduate Bulletin [Archived Catalog]

Part 6: Course Descriptions

Part 6 contains course descriptions in alphabetical order.

Standard information for each course includes the number, title, and credits (sometimes called credit hours or semester hours). For some courses, you will find information on the hours of class, laboratory, or studio for which the course is scheduled in each week of a regular semester; these weekly hours are expanded during summer sessions. Fees for courses are assessed on the basis of credits and other factors.

The course-numbering system generally suggests levels of difficulty and appropriateness. Courses at the 100 and 200 levels comprise introductory offerings and those are most commonly taken by freshmen and sophomores. Courses at the 300 and 400 levels are primarily for juniors and seniors. In some Purdue programs, undergraduates take courses at the 500 level, but generally courses numbered 500 and above are for graduate students.

Preparation for courses is indicated as follows:

P: indicates a prerequisite that must precede your enrollment in the course described. You may find one or more specific course numbers, the number of credits you should already have in a subject, a placement-test level, or other conditions.

C: indicates a corequisite that must be taken no later than the same semester in which you take the course described.

R: indicates a recommendation concerning conditions to be met for enrollment in the course.

When no subject code is shown for prerequisites, corequisites, and recommended courses, they are in the same subject area as the course being described. If you lack a prerequisite or corequisite, or if you wish to take a course numbered at a higher level than your present status, you should seek the department’s or instructor’s consent to enroll in the course.

V.T. means Variable Title and is shown for courses for which the title may be changed to specify the topic or other special focus of each offering.

Session indicators (fall, spring, summer) suggest the times at which courses are generally offered. Scheduling patterns may, however, vary.

IPFW reserves the right to add, withdraw, or change courses without notice.


  • BUS F260 - Personal Finance

    Financial problems encountered in managing individual affairs: family budgeting, installment buying, insurance, and home ownership. No credit toward B.S. in business if taken during junior or senior year.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 301 and above is restricted to students who meet established criteria (see business degrees section of Part 4). Students enrolled in programs other than business and economics may not enroll in business and economics courses that would encompass more than 25 percent of their degree programs.
  • BUS F301 - Financial Management

    An overview of the theory of the essentials of corporate finance needed to compete effectively in an increasingly global environment. Topics include time value of money, forecasting, stock and bond analysis, project analysis, cost of capital, short-term asset analysis, global financial markets, and ethical considerations.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS J100, A202, K212, K213, L200, W204, ECON E202, E270, ENG W233, COM 11400, and either PSY 12000 or SOC S161.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 301 and above is restricted to students who meet established criteria (see business degrees section of Part 4). Students enrolled in programs other than business and economics may not enroll in business and economics courses that would encompass more than 25 percent of their degree programs.
  • BUS F303 - Intermediate Investments

    Provides a rigorous treatment of the core concepts of investments. Covers portfolio optimization, market efficiency, the pricing of equity, fixed income and derivative securities, and analyzes international investments. Makes extensive use of spreadsheet modeling to implement financial models. Serves as a foundation for all 400-level finance electives.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS F301.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 301 and above is restricted to students who meet established criteria (see business degrees section of Part 4). Students enrolled in programs other than business and economics may not enroll in business and economics courses that would encompass more than 25 percent of their degree programs.
  • BUS F305 - Intermediate Corporate Finance

    Provides a rigorous treatment of the core concepts of corporate finance. Covers capital budgeting, the valuation of firms, capital structure choices and payout policies. Makes extensive use of spreadsheet modeling to implement financial valuation models. Serves as a foundation for all 400-level finance electives.

    Preparation for Course
    P: admission to business B.S.B. program.

    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 301 and above is restricted to students who meet established criteria (see business degrees section of Part 4). Students enrolled in programs other than business and economics may not enroll in business and economics courses that would encompass more than 25 percent of their degree programs.
  • BUS F308 - Risk Management and Insurance

    Students develop a broad understanding of the world of risk management and insurance world. Learn basic fundamental knowledge, concepts, and principles of this industry. Plus understand the activities they engage in and why they do so.

    Cr. 3.
  • BUS F309 - Retirement Plan Fundamentals

    Understand basic concepts, terminology, and procedures involved in the retirement industry in the United States. Also understand the dynamic and highly regulated processes of pension plan administration. Course covers the material included on exam for the nationally recognized certificate in Retirement Plan Fundamentals.

    Cr. 3.
  • BUS F310 - Financial Statement Analysis - Finance Perspective

    Analysis of financial statements to provide basis from which informed decisions concerning investments, financing opportunities, and appropriate financing instruments can be made.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS F301.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 301 and above is restricted to students who meet established criteria (see business degrees section of Part 4). Students enrolled in programs other than business and economics may not enroll in business and economics courses that would encompass more than 25 percent of their degree programs.
  • BUS F345 - Money/Banking/Capital Markets

    An analysis of the interrelated financial systems of central banks, private banks, and other sources and users of financial capital. Theoretical, empirical, policy, and institutional issues are analyzed using economics and finance. Topics include the theory of money demand and supply, monetary policy and central banks, interest rate determination, financial intermediaries, and international financial markets.

    Preparation for Course
    P: junior class standing; admission to business B.S. program.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 301 and above is restricted to students who meet established criteria (see business degrees section of Part 4). Students enrolled in programs other than business and economics may not enroll in business and economics courses that would encompass more than 25 percent of their degree programs.
  • BUS F350 - Futures and Options Markets

    An introduction to futures and options contracts. Theory of contract prices, market structure, and funding mechanisms. Hedging, arbitrage, and speculation in contracts.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS F301; admission to business B.S. program.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 301 and above is restricted to students who meet established criteria (see business degrees section of Part 4). Students enrolled in programs other than business and economics may not enroll in business and economics courses that would encompass more than 25 percent of their degree programs.
  • BUS F420 - Equity and Fixed Income Investments

     A detailed examination of the management and valuation of equity and fixed income securities. The analysis of individual securities, the grouping of these securities into portfolios, and the use of derivative securities to modify the return/risk profiles of more traditional stock and bond portfolios will be discussed.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS F303 or F305.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 301 and above is restricted to students who meet established criteria (see business degrees section of Part 4). Students enrolled in programs other than business and economics may not enroll in business and economics courses that would encompass more than 25 percent of their degree programs.
  • BUS F446 - Bank & Financial Intermediation

    This course covers the broad area of financial intermediation. The main topics studied are (i) the economic role of financial intermediaries–with an emphasis on commercial banks; (ii) the management of financial intermediaries; (iii) the regulation of commercial banks and other financial institutions.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS F301 and F345 with grades of C- or better, and senior class standing.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 301 and above is restricted to students who meet established criteria (see business degrees section of Part 4). Students enrolled in programs other than business and economics may not enroll in business and economics courses that would encompass more than 25 percent of their degree programs.
  • BUS F454 - Current Topics in Banking

    Understand, examine, and analyze banks and other financial institutions in their current operating environment through the use of case studies and other materials. Focus on regulations, economic factors, and bank consumer issue and operations.

    Cr. 3.
  • BUS F480 - Professional Practice in Finance

    Work experience in cooperating firms or agencies. Comprehensive written reports required. Grade of S or F assigned by faculty. Cannot be substituted for required course(s). May be repeated up to six credit hours.

    Preparation for Course
    P: admission to B.S. program and approval of department.

    Cr. 1-6.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 301 and above is restricted to students who meet established criteria (see business degrees section of Part 4). Students enrolled in programs other than business and economics may not enroll in business and economics courses that would encompass more than 25 percent of their degree programs.
  • BUS F490 - Independent Study in Finance

    Cannot be substituted for required course(s). Supervised individual study and research in student’s special field of interest. Written report required.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS F303, F420; senior class standing; faculty consent.

    Cr. 1-3.
    Variable Title
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 301 and above is restricted to students who meet established criteria (see business degrees section of Part 4). Students enrolled in programs other than business and economics may not enroll in business and economics courses that would encompass more than 25 percent of their degree programs.
  • BUS F494 - International Finance

    Covers the international dimension of both investments and corporate finance. Develops strategies for investing internationally, estimating a corporation’s exposure to real exchange rate risk, adjusting to client preferences and home currencies, evaluating performance, and hedging risk.  Also covers international capital budgeting, multinational transfer pricing, and international cash management.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS F303.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 301 and above is restricted to students who meet established criteria (see business degrees section of Part 4). Students enrolled in programs other than business and economics may not enroll in business and economics courses that would encompass more than 25 percent of their degree programs.
  • BUS F497 - Bank Simulation Course

    Student teams operate competing commercial banks over a two year period under simulated economic conditions.

    Cr. 3.
    Session Indicators
    Once a year
  • BUS G300 - Introduction to Managerial Economics and Strategy

    Microeconomic analysis and its applications to business decision making. Includes topics of demand and consumer behavior, production and costs, theory of firms, and public policy toward business. Focuses on the applied aspects of microeconomics.

    Preparation for Course
    P: junior class standing.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 301 and above is restricted to business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors, or students in other pre-approved programs which require particular business courses.
  • BUS J100 - Introduction to College and Business Careers

    An orientation to the college environment and to the different careers in the field of business. Students will develop the skills needed to be successful college students and will be introduced to various business career options.

    Cr. 1.
  • BUS J200 - Business Degree Seminar

    One time seminar which pre-business students must attend before being admitted into the bachelor’s degree program.

    Cr. 0.
  • BUS J300 - Business Forum: Management of Diversity in Organizations

    A survey course which focuses on the ethics, legal implications, and benefits arising from diversity in the management of organizations. Particular focus will be on the socio-legal aspects of handicap, gender, race, cultural differences, creed, and places of national origin and their impact on the business enterprise.

    Preparation for Course
    P. Admission to business B.S. program.

    Cr. 0-1.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 301 and above is restricted to students who meet established criteria (see business degrees section of Part 4). Students enrolled in programs other than business and economics may not enroll in business and economics courses that would encompass more than 25 percent of their degree programs.
  • BUS J400 - Business Senior Seminar

    One time seminar which business students must complete before graduating from the bachelors degree program.

    Cr. 0-3.
    Variable Title
  • BUS J401 - Policy and Strategy

    The capstone business course integrating, via case analysis, functional areas of study into a comprehensive real-world experience. Emphasis on critical thinking, analysis, strategic planning, and implementation of astute, ethical plans to gain a competitive advantage in the global marketplace.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS F301, M301, P301, Z302; senior class standing.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 301 and above is restricted to business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors, or students in other pre-approved programs which require particular business courses.
  • BUS K200 - Computer Literacy Concepts for Business

    Orientation to microcomputer hardware, software markets, and operating systems. Emphasis on end-user computer responsibilities for managers.

    Cr. 0.
  • BUS K201 - The Computer In Business

    Introduction to the role of computers and other information technologies in business (with emphasis on microcomputer applications). Provides instruction in both functional and conceptual computer literacy. Experimental exercises include learning about Windows-based spreadsheets (Excel), relational databases (Access), electronic mail, and Internet navigation tools. These hands-on labs emphasize application of these learned skills to solve a variety of business problems. The lectures focus on the use and application of technology (hardware, software, storage/multimedia, Internet history, Internet in business, database management systems, and security/privacy of data in this information age).

    Cr. 3
  • BUS K321 - Management of Information Technology

    An introduction to information systems and technology and their role in the modern business enterprise. Topics include computer-based information systems; managers’ role in use, acquisition, and control of information systems and technology for a competitive advantage; ethical use of information; global information systems; and emerging information technologies.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS K212; P or C: BUS F301 and P301; junior class standing.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 301 and above is restricted to business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors, or students in other pre-approved programs which require particular business courses.
  • BUS K327 - Deterministic Models in Operations Research

    Philosophy and techniques of operations research and management science as they relate to business decision making. Topics include behavioral model building, optimization techniques, sensitivity analysis, and dynamic analysis.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS P301; MA 22900; Junior class standing.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 301 and above is restricted to business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors, or students in other pre-approved programs which require particular business courses.
  • BUS K409 - E-Business

    The Internet has facilitated new business models and raised new legal and policy issues (e.g., copyright, intellectual property rights, taxation, etc.). This course provides an overview of electronic business through an understanding of the concepts, applications, strategic opportunities, technologies, and cultural and ethical issues that surround the emergence of global electronic commerce.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 301 and above is restricted to business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors, or students in other pre-approved programs which require particular business courses.
  • BUS K490 - Independent Study in Decision Sciences

    Supervised individual study and research in student’s special field of interest. Written report required.

    Preparation for Course
    P: senior class standing, consent of faculty.

    Cr. 1-6.
    Variable Title
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 301 and above is restricted to business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors, or students in other pre-approved programs which require particular business courses.
  • BUS L203 - Commercial Law I

    Survey of the fundamentals of business law; covers the judicial process, ways of organizing to conduct business, the nature of property, government regulation of business, and comprehensive study of the common law of contracts.

    Preparation for Course
    P: sophomore class standing.

    Cr. 3.
  • BUS L303 - Commercial Law II

    Emphases on Uniform Commercial Code (sales, negotiable instruments, and secured transactions), business organizations and relationships, bankruptcy, and the law of ownership, custody, and possession. Required for business B.S. majors in the accounting concentration.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS L200; admission to business B.S. or P.B.A. program.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 301 and above is restricted to students who meet established criteria (see business degrees section of Part 4). Students enrolled in programs other than business and economics may not enroll in business and economics courses that would encompass more than 25 percent of their degree programs.
  • BUS M201 - Marketing for the Small Business

    Overview of marketing management as it applies to the small business.  Gain an understanding of traditional and non-traditional marketing techniques.  Determine best marketing plan for different types of ventures. 

    Cr. 3.
    This course is required for the Certificate in Small Business Management.
    No credit toward a B.S. in business.
  • BUS M301 - Marketing Management in a Competitive Environment

    Overview of marketing management in a dynamic competitive environment. Examines marketing principles and tools for decision-making, from both the firm’s and the consumer’s viewpoint. Applications to global markets and other business disciplines. Provides a firm foundation in marketing theory and marketing lexicon.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS J100, A202, K212, K213, L200, W204, ECON E202, E270, ENG W233, COM 11400, and either PSY 12000 or SOC S161.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 301 and above is restricted to business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors, or students in other pre-approved programs which require particular business courses.
  • BUS M303 - Marketing Research

    Focuses on the role of research in marketing decision making.  Topics include defining research objectives, syndicated and secondary data sources of marketing information, exploratory research methods, survey research design, observational research techniques, experimental design, sampling procedures, data collection and analysis, and communicating research findings.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS M301. Focuses on the role of research in marketing decision-making.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 301 and above is restricted to business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors, or students in other pre-approved programs which require particular business courses.
  • BUS M405 - Consumer Behavior

    Behavior of the buyer relevant to marketing decision. Logic of market segmentation and recognition of customer heterogeneity. Buyer behavior analyzed in terms of customer’s decision-making process, and models of individual and aggregate behavior. Specific attention to consumer behavior in retail markets and procurement behavior in industrial markets.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS M303.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 301 and above is restricted to business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors, or students in other pre-approved programs which require particular business courses.
  • BUS M408 - Quantitative Methods for Marketing Management

    Application of key quantitative tools to marketing management problems. Emphasis given to application of quantitative methods to basic marketing problems and the role of quantitative methods in marketing management.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS M303.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 301 and above is restricted to business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors, or students in other pre-approved programs which require particular business courses.
  • BUS M415 - Advertising and Promotion Management

    Basic concepts applicable to the use of advertising and sales promotion. Addresses the overall planning, management, and integration of the firm’s promotional strategy. Public policy aspects and the role of advertising in marketing communications as they may relate to different cultures.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS M301.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 301 and above is restricted to business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors, or students in other pre-approved programs which require particular business courses.
  • BUS M420 - New Product Management

    This course covers the marketing of new products from idea generation through commercialization. Emphasis is on creativity, while at the same time discussing the practical aspects of marketing management necessary to improve the product’s probability of success.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS M301.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 301 and above is restricted to business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors, or students in other pre-approved programs which require particular business courses.
  • BUS M426 - Sales Management

    Management of the field sales force. Basic sales management concepts including organization and staffing, allocation of effort, control, and evaluation. A portion of the course is devoted to the special problems of selling in the nonconsumer market.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS M301.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 301 and above is restricted to business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors, or students in other pre-approved programs which require particular business courses.
  • BUS M450 - Marketing Strategy and Policy

    Provides a capstone to marketing course sequence by drawing on and integrating concepts previously studied. Focuses on management decision problems in marketing-strategy design and the application of analytical tools for optimizing marketing decisions.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS M303; senior class standing. Ideally taken during student’s last semester.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 301 and above is restricted to business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors, or students in other pre-approved programs which require particular business courses.
  • BUS M490 - Independent Study in Marketing

    Supervised individual study and research in student’s special field of interest. Written report required.

    Preparation for Course
    P: senior class standing and consent of faculty.

    Cr. 1-3.
    Variable Title
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 301 and above is restricted to business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors, or students in other pre-approved programs which require particular business courses.
  • BUS P301 - Operations Management

    An introduction to the principles of production and operations management that provides an integrated overview of the role of the operations function in gaining competitive advantage in a global environment. Topics include demand forecasting, product design, process materials management, planning and control, scheduling, and project management.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS K211 or K201, and ECON E270 or STAT 30100.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 301 and above is restricted to business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors, or students in other pre-approved programs which require particular business courses.
  • BUS P421 - Operations Planning and Control

    Design of information, planning, and control systems for allocating resources and scheduling activities in manufacturing firms. Topics include operations information systems, forecasting, aggregate output planning, inventory control, materials requirements planning, and scheduling.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS P301 and MA 23000.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 301 and above is restricted to business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors, or students in other pre-approved programs which require particular business courses.
  • BUS P490 - Independent Study in Operations Management

    Supervised individual study and research in student’s special field of interest. Written report required.

    Preparation for Course
    P: senior class standing; consent of faculty.

    Cr. 1-3.
    Variable Title
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 301 and above is restricted to business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors, or students in other pre-approved programs which require particular business courses.
  • BUS W100 - Principles of Business Administration

    An introduction to functional areas of business, tracing the evolution of business, business forms, the role of government and society, relationships between administrators and employees, ethical issues, and the globalization of world markets. Ideal for prebusiness students or students of any major desiring a basic understanding of business.

    Cr. 3.
    Indiana Core Transfer Library course.
  • BUS W201 - Small Business Management Capstone

    Application of concepts studied in previous courses in the Certificate in Small Business Management.  A business plan or project will be used in a simulated real world environment to clarify the concepts presented in previous required courses.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS W100, ECON E200, BUS M201, and BUS A213.

    Cr. 3.
    This course is required for the Certificate in Small Business Management.
    No credit toward B.S. in Business.
  • BUS W204 - Social, Legal, and Ethical Implications of Business Decisions

    The interaction of business and society beyond objective of profit maximization. Issues addressed include the interplay of social, political, legal, economic, global, and ethical variables as they influence the firm and its conduct of business operations. Such analysis will stress the historical, current, and projected role of business in society.

    Preparation for Course
    P: ECON E200 or E201; sophomore class standing.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 301 and above is restricted to business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors, or students in other pre-approved programs which require particular business courses.
  • BUS W311 - New Venture Creation

    Primarily for those interested in creating a new business venture or acquiring an existing business. Covers such areas as choice of a legal form, problems of the closely held firm, sources of funds, preparation of a business plan, and negotiation.

    Preparation for Course
    P: admission to business B.S. program.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 301 and above is restricted to business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors, or students in other pre-approved programs which require particular business courses.
  • BUS W312 - Entrepreneurship

    New venture creation, business planning and its formalization, corporate and social entrepreneurship.

    Preparation for Course
    P: admission to Entrepreneurship Certificate Program.

    Cr. 6.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 301 and above is restricted to business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors, or students in other pre-approved programs which require particular business courses.
  • BUS W404 - Social, Legal, and Ethical Implications of Business Decisions

    Covers topics in corporate social responsibility and the social control of business; the major ethical theories relevant to determining that responsibility; and applications of those theories in areas such as financial management, competition, marketing, advertising, the environment, employer-employee relations, and the international arena. The course addresses some of the major questions about the ethical responsibilities of businesses. Should a business just look out for its “bottom line,” or should it look out for its employees, customers, community, and environment, too? When a business operates in a foreign country, is it morally obligated to pay wages that would be considered fair in America, or is it enough to abide by local laws and regulations? and how can the ethical point of view shed light on disasters such as the Challenger explosion?

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS F301, M301, P301, and Z302, and senior class standing.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 301 and above is restricted to business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors, or students in other pre-approved programs which require particular business courses.
  • BUS W430 - Organizations And Organizational Change

    The objective of this class is to introduce the principles of organization design - the blueprint by which different parts of the organization (e.g., production, marketing, financial, accounting, and MIS systems) fit together to create an effective organization. Organization design provides the means by which strategy and goals are implemented so it is as important to a firm’s overall  performance as financial performance, operational efficiencies or market share.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS Z302.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 301 and above is restricted to business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors, or students in other pre-approved programs which require particular business courses.
  • BUS W490 - Independent Study in Business Administration

    Supervised individual study and research in student’s special field of interest. Written report required.

    Preparation for Course
    P: senior class standing; consent of faculty.

    Cr. 1-3.
    Variable Title
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 301 and above is restricted to business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors, or students in other pre-approved programs which require particular business courses.
  • BUS X103 - Learning Communities

    This course is designed to assist students to be successful at the university and to develop skills and competencies that will enable a student to perform well in courses offered by the Division of Business.

    Cr. 1-3.
  • BUS X394 - Practicum in Business

    Laboratory experience of learning with practicing entrepreneurs. Shadowing and coinvesting experiences with the clientele of the Northeast Indiana Innovation Center and the Center for Entrepreneurial Excellence. Experience in taking vision to reality.

    Cr. 6.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 301 and above is restricted to business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors, or students in other pre-approved programs which require particular business courses.
  • BUS Z302 - Management of Organizations and People

    An introduction to organizational behavior and management systems, the history and functions of management, and an analysis of the dynamic environment under which organizations operate. Topics include managerial functions, measures of organizational effectiveness, individual and group behavior, leadership, motivation, and strategies for developing teamwork.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS J100, A202, K212, K213, L200, W204, ECON E202, E270, ENG W233, COM 11400, and either PSY 12000 or SOC S161.

    Cr. 3
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 301 and above is restricted to business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors, or students in other pre-approved programs which require particular business courses.
  • BUS Z440 - Personnel: Human Resources Management

    Nature of human resource development and utilization in the American society and organization; government programs and policies; labor force statistics; personnel planning, needs forecasting; selection, training, and development of human resources; integration of governmental and organizational programs.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS Z302.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 301 and above is restricted to business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors, or students in other pre-approved programs which require particular business courses.
  • BUS Z444 - Personnel Research and Measurement

    Personnel research through review and evaluation of contemporary studies in appropriate journals; opportunity to master personnel measurement techniques, job analysis, evaluation; wage curve computation; predictor validation; morale measurement; personnel auditing.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS Z440.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 301 and above is restricted to business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors, or students in other pre-approved programs which require particular business courses.
  • BUS Z490 - Independent Study in Personnel Management and Organizational Behavior

    Supervised individual study and research in student’s special field of interest. Written report required.

    Preparation for Course
    P: senior class standing, consent of faculty.

    Cr. 1-3.
    Variable Title
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 301 and above is restricted to business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors, or students in other pre-approved programs which require particular business courses.
  • BUS Z490 - Independent Study in Personnel Management and Organizational Behavior (Honors Course)

    Supervised individual study and research in student’s special field of interest. Written report required.

    Cr. 1-3.
    Variable Title
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 301 and above is restricted to students who meet established criteria (see business degrees section of Part 4). Students enrolled in programs other than business and economics may not enroll in business and economics courses that would encompass more than 25 percent of their degree programs.

    Honors equivalent of BUS Z490.
    To register in an honors course, students must have Honors Program eligibility or instructor’s permission.
  • CDFS 25500 - Introduction to Couple and Family Relationships

    Provides further understanding of family relations for those unmarried, for those contemplating marriage, for those married, and for prospective marriage counselors. A functional approach to the interpersonal relationships of courtship, marriage, and family.

    Cr. 3.
  • CE 19100 - Civil Engineering Practice I

    Practice in industry and written reports of this practice. For cooperative program students only. Authorized equivalent courses or consent of instructor may be used in satisfying course pre- and co-requisites.

    Preparation for Course
    P: Cooperative program students only.

    Cr. 0.
  • CE 21000 - Introduction to Geomatics

    Basic surveying operations and computations; theories of errors and their analysis; fundamental concepts of horizontal, vertical, and angular measurement; horizontal and vertical control systems; traverse computations; location of man-made structures; use of topographic maps; computation of horizontal and vertical curves.

    Preparation for Course
    P: ENGR 12000, MA 16500

    Cr. 3.
  • CE 23600 - Introduction To Transportation Policy, Planning, And Implementation

    This class is an introduction to transportation policy and planning in urban areas. The course will cover the history of urban transportation planning, local and federal regulations and policies, funding issues, transportation planning and environmental issues, transportation data sources and surveys, fundamentals of travel demand and network modeling, and contemporary  issues.

    Preparation for Course
    P: MA 15300 and ENG W131.

    Cr. 3.
    Session Indicators
    Typically offered Fall.
  • CE 25000 - Statics

    Forces and couples, free body diagrams, two- and three-dimensional equilibrium of  particle and rigid bodies. Principles of friction, centroids, centers of gravity, and moments of inertia. Virtual work, potential energy, and static stability of equilibrium. Internal forces, shear and bending moment diagrams.

    Preparation for Course
    P: PHYS 15200; C: MA 26100.

    Cr. 3.
  • CE 25100 - Dynamics

    Kinematics of particles in rectilinear and curvelinear motion. Kinetics or particles, Newton’s second law, energy and momentum methods. Systems of particles. Kinematics and plane motion of rigid bodies, forces and accelerations, energy and momentum methods. Introduction to mechanical vibrations.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CE 25000, MA 26300.

    Cr. 3.
  • CE 25200 - Strength of Materials

    Plane stress, plane strain, and stress-strain laws. Applications of stress and deformation analysis to members subjected to centric, torsional, flexural, and combined loading. Introduction to theories of failure, buckling, and energy methods.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CE 25000.

    Cr. 3.
  • CE 29100 - Civil Engineering Practice II

    Practice in industry and written reports of this practice. For cooperative program students only.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CE 19100; authorized equivalent courses or consent of instructor may be used in satisfying course pre- and co-requisites.

    Cr. 0.
  • CE 31500 - Civil Engineering Materials

    Study the nature and performance of civil engineering materials and evaluation of their physical and mechanical properties. This course focuses on materials used in construction and maintenance of building and infrastructure such as ferrous and nonferrous metals, aggregates, Portland cement, concrete, masonry, asphalt and asphalt mixtures, wood and composites. Emphasis will be placed on selection criteria, design, applications and proper use of these materials.

    Preparation for Course
    P or C: CE 25200.

    Cr. 3.
  • CE 31600 - Civil Engineering Materials Laboratory

    Introduction to civil engineering materials laboratory and design of experiments, with focus on mechanical and physical properties of construction materials; including measurement of strains using mechanical gauges and electrical resistance strain gauges; experiments on metals, aggregates, portland cement, concrete, asphalt and asphalt mixtures, and wood.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CE 31500.

    Cr. 1.
  • CE 31800 - Fluid Mechanics

    Continuum hypothesis, velocity field, fluid statics, basic conservation laws for systems and control volumes, dimensional analysis and similitude, Euler and Bernoulli equations, Navier-Stokes equations, viscous flows, boundary-layer flow in channels and around submerged bodies, applications.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CE 25100 and MA 36300.

    Cr. 3.
    Session Indicators
    Typically offered Fall, Spring and Summer.
  • CE 31900 - Fluid Mechanics Laboratory

    Introduction to fluid mechanics laboratory and design of experiments, including experiments on flow patterns, velocity profile in an air pipe, wind tunnel calibration, draining of a tank, pipe friction, drag forces, boundary-layer studies, falling-ball experiments, and measurements of fluid properties.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CE 31800.

    Cr. 1.
  • CE 33000 - Construction Management

    Type and functions of management, types of construction, project delivery methods, types of construction contracts, the competitive bidding process, data and project management tools, early and detailed cost estimates, project planning, project scheduling with AOA and AON using the critical path method (CPM), project scheduling with uncertainty using PERT method, resource leveling and allocation, project financing options, project cash flow analysis, computer applications.

    Preparation for Course
    P: ENGR 12800 and Junior class standing; C: CE 21000.

    Cr. 3.
    Class 2, Lab. 3.
  • CE 34500 - Transportation Engineering

    Transportation functions; transportation systems, including land, air, and marine modes; transportation system elements,including traveled way, vehicle, controls, and terminals; techniques of transportation system planning, design, and operation.

    Preparation for Course
    C: CE 21000.

    Cr. 3.
  • CE 36500 - Environmental Engineering

    Introduction to environmental engineering issues, fundamental concepts and applications to mass and energy balance, hydrology, water treatment, water quality management, wastewater treatment, air pollution, hazardous and solid wastes, and their control. Environmental impact statements and global pollution issues.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CHM 11500.

    Cr. 3.
  • CE 36600 - Environmental Engineering Laboratory

    Application of basic chemistry and chemical calculations to measure physical, chemical, and bacteriological parameters of water and wastewater. Laboratory methods and interpretation of results with regard to environmental engineering applications such as design and operation of water and wastewater treatment processes, and to the control of the quality of natural water.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CE 36500.

    Cr. 1.
  • CE 37500 - Structural Analysis

    Stress resultants (reactions, axial forces, shear forces, and bending moments) for beams and framed structures. Deflections of beams and frames by geometric methods (moment-area theorems and applications; conjugate beam analogy). Analysis of statically indeterminate beams and frames by classical stiffness methods; slope deflection and moment distribution. Influence functions and their applications.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CE 25200.

    Cr. 3.
  • CE 38000 - Soil Mechanics

    Introduction to the nature and origin of soil and rocks; engineering classification of soil; soil compaction; permeability and seepage, engineering behavior and properties of soils; compressibility; and introduction to shear strength of soil, lateral earth pressure,  and soil-bearing capacity for foundations.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CE 25200; C: CE 31800, CE 38100.

    Cr. 3.
  • CE 38100 - Soil Mechanics Laboratory

    Performing various laboratory tests to determine the characteristics and mechanical properties of soil according to the procedures and standards set by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM).

    Preparation for Course
    C: CE 38000. 

    Cr. 1.
  • CE 39100 - Civil Engineering Practice III

    Practice in industry and written reports of this practice. For co-operative program students only.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CE 29100; authorized equivalent courses or consent of instructor may be used in satisfying course pre- and co-requisites.

    Cr. 0.
  • CE 40100 - Civil Engineering Profession And Practice

    This course introduces students to civil engineering career options of practice and/or pursing graduate studies. It introduces fundamental concepts of management, business, public policy, and leadership, it also highlights the importance of professional registration and membership in professional societies; requirements for graduate studies and the need for life-long learning, and the role of civil engineers in addressing contemporary engineering related issues such as sustainability and global warming.

    Preparation for Course
    P: Junior standing or permission of the instructor.

    Cr. 1.
    Session Indicators
    Typically offered Fall and Spring

  • CE 41800 - Hydraulics Engineering

    Sources and distribution of water in urban environment, including surface reservoir requirements, utilization of groundwater, and distribution systems. Analysis of sewer systems and drainage courses for the disposal of both waste water and storm water. Pumps and lift stations. Urban planning and storm drainage practice.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CE 31800.

    Cr. 3.
  • CE 45000 - Transportation Policy and Planning

    This class is an introduction to transportation planning in urban areas.  The course will cover the history of urban transportation planning, transportation data sources and surveys, fundamentals of travel demand and network modeling, financial issues, transportation planning and environmental issues, local and federal regulations and policies, and contemporary issues.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CE 34500.

    Cr. 3.
    Session Indicators
    Session: Spring
  • CE 45100 - Traffic Engineering

    Introduction to traffic engineering analysis, operation and control including traffic capacity analysis, introduction to traffic studies, basics of traffic signal design and phase timing, analysis and design of pre-timed and actuated signalized intersections, signal coordination for arterials, and traffic modeling, including computer applications.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CE34500 or consent of instructor.

    Cr. 3.
  • CE 46500 - Water And Wastewater Engineering

    The underlying principles and design techniques related to water and wastewater collection, transport, quality and treatment including physical, chemical, and biological unit processes.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CHM 11500 and junior class standing.

    Cr. 3.
  • CE 46700 - Solid Waste Management

    Comprehensive knowledge of solid waste management from the aspects of regulations, composition, collection, transfer and final disposal.  Introduce the technologies of reuse, recycling, recovery, landfill, incineration and composting of municipal solid wastes.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CE 36500 or permission of the instructor.

    Cr. 3.
    Session Indicators
  • CE 47500 - Design of Steel Structures

    The concepts of structural steel design, tension and compression members, beams, beam-columns, simple and eccentric connections, composite construction, and plate girders, including computer applications.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CE 37500.

    Cr. 3.
  • CE 47800 - Design of Concrete Structures

    Flexural analysis and design of reinforced concrete beams including singly and doubly reinforced rectanglar beams and T-beams, shear and diagonal tension, serviceability, bond, anchorage and development length, short and slender columns, slabs, footings and retaining walls, including computer applications.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CE 31500 and 37500.

    Cr. 3.
    Session Indicators
    Fall and Spring.
  • CE 48000 - Finite Element Analysis

    Introduction to the fundamentals and the basic concept of the finite-element methods through applications to problems in structures, solid mechanics, fluid mechanics and heat transfer. Emphasis on one and two dimensional problems. Computer implementation.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CE 31800, CE 37500.

    Cr. 3.
  • CE 48100 - Foundation Engineering

    The Foundation Engineering course focuses on geotechnical design of shallow and deep foundations and includes review of geotechnical properties of soil, subsurface exploration, seepage, bearing capacity of shallow foundations, lateral earth pressure theories, retaining walls, and deep foundations.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CE 38000, CE 38100.

    Cr. 3,
  • CE 48700 - Civil Engineering Design Project

    Planning, analysis, and design of a civil engineering project; an integrated and realistic group project involves as much as possible all major aspects of the civil engineering profession. Emphasis on teamwork, project management, testing through simulation or modeling, oral and written communcations.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CE 34500 or 36500 or 41800 or 47800.

    Cr. 3.
    Session Indicators
    Fall and Spring
    Consent of instructor required.
  • CE 48800 - Civil Engineering Design Project II

    Continuation of CE 487.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CE 48700.

    Cr. 3.
  • CE 49000 - Selected Topics in Civil Engineering

    Special topics that cover one or more topics in civil engineering related to structural engineering, environmental engineering, fluid mechanics, hydraulics, hydrology, geotechnical engineering, transportation engineering, pavement analysis and design, materials, and construction engineering and management. May include laboratory experiments if appropriate. Course may be repeated for credit.

    Preparation for Course
    P: Instructor permission required.

    Cr. 1-6.
    Session Indicators
    Typically offered Fall and Spring.
    Variable Title
  • CE 49100 - Civil Engineering Practice IV

    Practice in industry and written reports of this practice. For cooperative program students only.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CE 39100; authorized equivalent courses or consent of instructor may be used in satisfying course pre- and co-requisites

    Cr. 0.
  • CE 49200 - Civil Engineering Practice V

    Practice in industry and written reports of this practice. For cooperative program students only.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CE 49100; authorized equivalent courses or consent of instructor may be used in satisfying course pre- and co-requisites.

    Cr. 0.
  • CE 51700 - Advanced Water Treatment Processes

    Advanced water treatment mechanisms and processes, including physical chemical and microbiological processes, fate and transport of environmental contaminants, process fundamentals, reaction kinetics, partitioning and volatilization of environmental contaminants. Permission of instructor required.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CE 36500 or equivalent, or consent of instructor.

    Cr. 3.
    Session Indicators
    Typically offered Fall and Spring.
    Dual Level Course
  • CE 57000 - Advanced Structural Mechanics

    Studies of stress and strain, failure theories, and yield criteria; flexure and torsion theories for solid- and thin-walled members; and energy methods.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CE 27000 or 27300.

    Cr. 3.
    Dual Level Course
    Dual-Level, Undergraduate-Graduate
  • CET 10400 - Elementary Surveying

    Fundamental concepts and practical applications related to the measurement of vertical and horizontal distances and angles utilizing steel tapes, automatic levels and theodolities. Computations of grades, traverses, and area. Basic concepts of topography and its uses.

    Preparation for Course
    C: MA 15400 or equivalent.

    Cr. 3.
    Class 2, Lab. 3.
    Session Indicators
    Typically offered fall and spring.
  • CET 10800 - Route Surveying and Design

    Preliminary and construction surveys for route location. Calculation and field work for simple and easement curves, grade lines, and slope stakes. Preparation of plans, profiles, and cross-sections from field survey data earthwork estimates. Computer applications.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CET 10400, ARET 12300, and a C- or better in either MA15400 or MA 15900.

    Cr. 3.
    Class 1, Lab. 4-6.
  • CET 20600 - Construction Surveying

    Application of surveying skills relevant to the construction field. Projects include layout of commercial and/or industrial buildings, transfer of horizontal and vertical control, establishment of lines and grades, triangulation, etc. Instruments used will include total stations, data collectors, etc.

    Preparation for Course
    C: CET 10400, ARET 12300, and a C- or better in either MA 15400 or MA 15900.

    Cr. 3.
  • CET 20900 - Land Surveying and Subdivision

    Subdivision planning, calculations and plotting, water-main layouts, storm and sanitary sewer calculations and layouts. Street plans and profiles. Computer applications.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CET 20600.

    Cr. 3.
    Class 1, Lab. 6.
  • CET 25300 - Hydraulics and Drainage

    Basic hydrostatics, Bernoulli’s equation, flow in water and sewer lines, overland and ditch drainage determination.

    Preparation for Course
    C: ET 19000.

    Cr. 3.

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