Sep 27, 2024  
Undergraduate Bulletin 2006-2008 
Undergraduate Bulletin 2006-2008 [Archived Catalog]

Part 5: Course Descriptions

Part 5 contains course descriptions in alphabetical order.

Standard information for each course includes the number, title, and credits (sometimes called credit hours or semester hours). For some courses, you will find information on the hours of class, laboratory, or studio for which the course is scheduled in each week of a regular semester; these weekly hours are expanded during summer sessions. Fees for courses are assessed on the basis of credits and other factors.

The course-numbering system generally suggests levels of difficulty and appropriateness. Courses at the 100 and 200 levels comprise introductory offerings and those are most commonly taken by freshmen and sophomores. Courses at the 300 and 400 levels are primarily for juniors and seniors. In some Purdue programs, undergraduates take courses at the 500 level, but generally courses numbered 500 and above are for graduate students.

Preparation for courses is indicated as follows:

P: indicates a prerequisite that must precede your enrollment in the course described. You may find one or more specific course numbers, the number of credits you should already have in a subject, a placement-test level, or other conditions.

C: indicates a corequisite that must be taken no later than the same semester in which you take the course described.

R: indicates a recommendation concerning conditions to be met for enrollment in the course.

When no subject code is shown for prerequisites, corequisites, and recommended courses, they are in the same subject area as the course being described. If you lack a prerequisite or corequisite, or if you wish to take a course numbered at a higher level than your present status, you should seek the department’s or instructor’s consent to enroll in the course.

V.T. means Variable Title and is shown for courses for which the title may be changed to specify the topic or other special focus of each offering.

Session indicators (fall, spring, summer) suggest the times at which courses are generally offered. Scheduling patterns may, however, vary.

IPFW reserves the right to add,withdraw, or change courses without notice.

  • ECON E420 - History of Economic Thought

    Examination of main theoretical developments since the beginning of the systematic study of economics. Theoretical propositions and structures of the earlier writers will be interpreted and evaluated in terms of modern economic analysis.

    Preparation for Course
    P: E201, E202 or instructor’s permission.

    Cr. 3.
  • ECON E430 - International Economics

    Gains from trade; relation between factor rentals and goods prices, distributional effects of trade, tariff policy and quantitative inferences; trade problems of developing countries, discrimination, and customs unions; balance of payments adjustments via prices and incomes, exchange rate policy; role of international reserves.

    Preparation for Course
    P: E202; junior class standing.

    Cr. 3.
  • ECON E445 - Collective Bargaining: Practice and Problems

    Collective bargaining in contemporary economy: economic, social, and legal problems involved in negotiating; administration of collective bargaining agreement through grievance procedure and arbitration.

    Preparation for Course
    P: E201 and junior class standing.

    Cr. 3.
  • ECON E446 - Public Policy in Labor Relations

    Current labor relations law as contained in Taft-Hartley and Landrum- Griffin Acts. NLRB and court decisions.

    Preparation for Course
    P: E201; E202; junior class standing.

    Cr. 3.
  • ECON E472 - Introduction to Econometrics

    Emphasis on formulation and computer estimation methods for single and multiple equation classical regression models using economic and business data. Attention is given to the assumptions required for testing a single coefficient, sets of coefficients, and the complete regression model. Special topics include heteroscedasticity, multicollinearity, errors in variables, autocorrelation, time series problems, and system identification and analysis.

    Preparation for Course
    P: E270; E321.

    Cr. 3.
  • ECON S103 - Introduction to Microeconomics-Honors

    Introductory microeconomics course for students admitted to Honors program. No credit for both S103 and E201.

    Cr. 3.
  • EDUA F300 - Topical Exploration in Education

    A one-semester course on a particular topic, established at the request of a faculty member and with the approval of the Academic Affairs Committee.

    Cr. 1-3.
  • EDUA F400 - Topical Exploration in Education

    One-semester course on a particular topic, established at the request of a faculty member and with the approval of the Academic Affairs Committee. Applies only as elective credit.

    Cr. 1-15.
  • EDUA G250 - Life Skills for Personal and Interpersonal Development

    Students address typical developmental tasks of college, identifying their own choices and goals. Skill building encourages increased competence and confidence, and includes decision making, goal setting, communication skills, time management, career-life planning, assertiveness, and support strategies. Each student will identify a plan to accomplish a specific personal goal.

    Cr. 1-3.
  • EDUC E317 - Practicum in Early Childhood Education

    Methods and materials used in the education of children from 3 to 6 years of age. Observation and participation. Final course in endorsement/ degree.

    Cr. 4.
  • EDUC E325 - Social Studies in the Elementary Schools

    Explores the sociological backgrounds of education and surveys subject matter, materials, and methods in the content areas. Public school participation required.

    Cr. 3.
  • EDUC E328 - Science in the Elementary Schools

    Objectives, philosophy, selection, and organization of science materials and methods. Concept development and use of multidimensional materials in science experiments. Analysis of assessment techniques and bibliographical materials. Public school participation required.

    Cr. 3.
  • EDUC E330 - Infant Learning Environments

    Students will broaden their knowledge base of appropriate instructional strategies to enhance infant-toddler development, caregiving skills, and knowledge of appropriate learning environments, and will apply strategies and knowledge in providing care and educational experiences.

    Cr. 3.
  • EDUC E333 - Inquiry in Mathematics and Science

    Focuses on planning and managing appropriate science and math experiences with children who are 3 to 8 years of age. Opportunity for exploring, developing, experimenting, and evaluating instructional materials and their inherent possibilities for children’s learning. Planning appropriate inquiry-oriented experiences will be stressed.

    Cr. 3.
  • EDUC E335 - Introduction to Early Childhood Education

    This course has a dual focus. First, it is an overview of the field including an historic perspective, program models, goal of early childhood education, and professional organizations. The second focus emphasizes learning observation skills, understanding the characteristics of young children, teacher-child interaction, and classroom management skills.

    Cr. 3.
  • EDUC E336 - Play as Development

    Includes theories and development of play and how it can be guided. Shows how children use play to develop individually; understand the physical, social, and cognitive environment; and develop physical and motor skill and creative ability. Includes a section on the selection and construction of play materials.

    Cr. 3.
  • EDUC E337 - Classroom Learning Environments

    This course focuses on the curriculum aspects of early childhood programs designed to meet ethnic and cultural differences and planning, utilizing, and evaluating learning environments. Selection of materials and activities and the acquisition of skills for using these to stimulate children’s development are major focuses.

    Cr. 3.
  • EDUC E338 - The Early Childhood Educator

    Includes the role of the teacher as a professional educator, including professional responsibilities, school and community relations, and involvement in professional organizations. A major emphasis is on parent involvement and parent education.

    Cr. 3.
  • EDUC E339 - Methods of Teaching Language Arts

    This course describes and appraises the materials, methods, and techniques employed in an elementary school developmental language arts program. Public school participation required.

    Cr. 2-3.
  • EDUC E340 - Methods of Teaching Reading I

    This course describes and appraises the methods, materials, and techniques employed in a reading program. Public school participation required.

    Cr. 2-3.
  • EDUC E341 - Methods of Teaching Reading II

    This course describes and appraises the materials, methods, and techniques employed in diagnostic and corrective instruction in reading programs. Public school participation required.

    Preparation for Course
    P: E340.

    Cr. 2-3.
  • EDUC E346 - Discipline/Parenting for Young Children

    A study of discipline of children in early childhood settings for interaction in teaching and learning environments with an emphasis on working with parents and teachers.

    Cr. 3.
  • EDUC E347 - Language Arts for Early Childhood

    This course describes the development of language and literacy in the early years. Curriculum and instructional strategies in varied early childhood settings are included.

    Cr. 3.
  • EDUC E490 - Research in Elementary Education

    Individual research in a given subject area.

    Cr. 1-3.
    Variable Title
  • EDUC F400 - Honors Seminar

    Content varies but always involves the investigation in depth of significant topics in education. An interdisciplinary approach is taken.

    Cr. 1-3.
  • EDUC H340 - Education and American Culture

    The present educational system, its social impact and future implications viewed in historical, philosophical, and sociological perspective.

    Cr. 2-3.
    Honors Courses Sponsored by Various Departments
  • EDUC K201 - Schools, Society, and Exceptionality

    This course is designed to provide an overview of the many complex issues related to special education policy and practice in the United States. Content will include an introduction to the definitions and characteristics of various exceptionalities; an exploration of the options available for instructing exceptional children in public school settings; and discussions of the many important topics and issues related to planning and implementing special education in American public schools.

    Cr. 1-3.
  • EDUC K205 - Introduction to Exceptional Children

    An overview of the characteristics and the identification of exceptional children. The course presents the issues in serving exceptional children as they participate in the educational, recreational, and social aspects of their lives.

    Cr. 3.
  • EDUC K206 - Teaching Methods for Students with Special Needs

    This course will focus on curriculum and instructional methods for teaching students with diverse abilities and disabilities. Specifically, students will learn about the historical and legal precedents in special education, student-centered assessment and planning strategies, learning styles, curricular adaptations, individualized instruction, teaming strategies, building classroom communities, and planning for transitions, career exploration, and adult outcomes.

    Cr. 1-3.
  • EDUC K350 - Introduction to Mental Retardation

    A basic survey of the field of mental retardation. Definitions, classifications, diagnostic and treatment procedures are discussed from medical, psychological, sociological, and educational points of view.

    Preparation for Course
    P: K205 or K206.

    Cr. 3.
  • EDUC K352 - Education of Children with Learning Problems (LD and EMR)

    Educational programs for optimum growth and development of educable mentally retarded and learning-disabled children. Study and observation of curriculum content, organization of special schools and classes, and teaching methods and materials.

    Preparation for Course
    P: K205 or K206.

    Cr. 3.
  • EDUC K360 - Behavioral Characteristics of the Mentally Retarded

    Definitions, classifications and diagnosis and treatment procedures from medical, psychological, sociological, and educational points of view.

    Preparation for Course
    P: K205 or K206 or K300.

    Cr. 3.
  • EDUC K370 - Introduction to Learning Disabilities

    Survey of historical development and current status of definitions, classifications, assessment, and treatment procedures for learning-disabled students.

    Preparation for Course
    P: K205 or K206.

    Cr. 3.
  • EDUC K371 - Assessment and Individualized Instruction in Reading and Mathematics

    Emphasizes assessment and remediation procedures addressing reading and math problems of mildly handicapped students.

    Preparation for Course
    P: K205 or K206.

    Cr. 3.
  • EDUC K400 - Computers for Students with Disabilities

    Provides knowledge and experience for the student to integrate special-education computer technology into the educational process of the self-contained classroom and mainstream environments: Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI), data management, and telecommunications software; adaptive devices for communication, learning, and environmental control; and other related experiences.

    Preparation for Course
    P: W200.

    Cr. 3.
  • EDUC K410 - Trends and Issues in Special Education

    Provides students with an overview of current movement in the field of special education. Major emphasis is on application and implication of principles mandated by P.L. 94-142 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

    Preparation for Course
    P: K205 or K206 or permission of instructor.

    Cr. 3.
  • EDUC K453 - Management of Academic and Social Behavior

    Surveys principles of behavior management as they pertain to educational environments. Students will learn how to define, observe, measure, record, and change academic and social behavior.

    Preparation for Course
    P: K205 or K206.

    Cr. 3.
  • EDUC K465 - Service Delivery Systems and Consultation Strategies

    Reviews methods of implementing service delivery systems; consulting with professionals and parents; designing in-service training programs; and developing referral systems, curricular and personnel resources, and evaluation techniques used in special education programs.

    Cr. 3.
  • EDUC M101 - Laboratory/Field Experience

    Laboratory or field experience for freshmen.

    Cr. 0-3.
    Lab. 0-3,
    Variable Title
    May be repeated.
  • EDUC M201 - Laboratory/Field Experience

    Laboratory or field experience for sophomores.

    Cr. 0-3.
    Lab. 0-3,
    Variable Title
    May be repeated.
  • EDUC M301 - Laboratory/Field Experience

    Laboratory or field experience for juniors.

    Cr. 0-3.
    Lab. 0-3,
    Variable Title
    May be repeated.
  • EDUC M323 - The Teaching of Music in the Elementary Schools

    Fundamental procedures of teaching elementary school music, stressing music materials suitable for the first six grades.

    Preparation for Course
    P: MUS Z241.

    Cr. 2.
    Not open to music majors.
  • EDUC M330 - Foundations of Art Education and Methods I

    Students develop a philosophy of art education while they explore the relationship between theory and practice in art education. Museum and public school participation required.

    Cr. 3
  • EDUC M333 - Art Experiences for the Elementary Teacher

    The selection, organization, guidance, and evaluation of art activities, individual and group. Laboratory experiences with materials and methods of presenting projects. Public school participation required.

    Preparation for Course
    P: FINA T255.

    Cr. 2.
  • EDUC M401 - Laboratory/Field Experience

    Laboratory or field experience for seniors.

    Lab. 0-3,
    Variable Title
    May be repeated.
  • EDUC M425 - Student Teaching: Elementary

    Classroom teaching and other activities associated with the work of the full-time elementary classroom teacher. Additional fee.

    Cr. 1-16.
  • EDUC M430 - Foundations of Art Education and Methods II

    The unique role of artist/educator as phenomenological examined both on a theoretical and practical level. Attention to curriculum development. Public school utilized for extension of class experience.

    Cr. 3
  • EDUC M443 - Methods of Teaching High School Social Studies

    Public school participation required.

    Cr. 3.
  • EDUC M445 - Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages

    Cr. 3.
  • EDUC M447 - Methods of Teaching High School English

    Public school participation required.

    Cr. 3.
  • EDUC M448 - Methods of Teaching High School Mathematics

    Cr. 2-4.
  • EDUC M449 - Methods of Teaching Science in the Secondary Schools

    Designed for students who plan to teach biology, chemistry, earth science, general science, or physics in junior high, middle, or secondary schools.

    Preparation for Course
    P: 35 credits of science.

    Cr. 3.
  • EDUC M470 - Practicum

    Teaching or experience under the direction of an identified supervising teacher with university-provided supervision in the endorsement or minor area, and at the level appropriate to the area, and in an accredited school within the State of Indiana unless the integral program includes experience in an approved and accredited out-of-state site. The practicum may be full or part time. The amount of credit granted will be commensurate with the amount of time spent in the instructional meeting.

    Cr. 3-8.
    Variable Title
    Grade: S or F.
  • EDUC M474 - Undergraduate Seminar in Music Education

    Cr. 1-2.
  • EDUC M478 - Methods of Teaching High School Speech

    Cr. 2-4.
  • EDUC M480 - Student Teaching in the Secondary School

    Students assume, under the direction of the supervising teacher, responsibility for teaching in their subject-matter area in a public school in the state.

    Cr. 1-16.
    Additional fee.
  • EDUC M482 - Student Teaching: All Grades

    Full-time supervised student teaching in music at the elementary, junior high/middle school, and/or high school level in an accredited school within Indiana.

    Cr. 1-16.
    Additional fee.
  • EDUC N343 - Mathematics in the Elementary School

    Emphasizes the developmental nature of mathematical ideas and processes and the role of mathematics in the elementary school curriculum. Public school participation required.

    Cr. 3.
  • EDUC P249 - Growth and Development in Early Childhood

    Focuses on the cognitive, social, affective, and physical development of the child during the early years of life. The goal of understanding the growing child from multiple perspectives guides the study of theory and research on child development. Theoretical study is integrated with observations of, and experiences with, children in a way that increases the insights and competence of the teacher of young children. The unique developmental problems of special groups of children — handicapped, economically deprived, and minority groups — are addressed.

    Cr. 3.
  • EDUC P250 - General Educational Psychology

    The study and application of psychological concepts and principles as related to the teaching-learning process, introduction to classroom management, measurement/evaluation, and disability awareness. Public school participation required.

    Preparation for Course
    P: W200.

    Cr. 1-4.
  • EDUC P251 - Educational Psychology for Elementary Teachers

    The application of psychological concepts to school learning and teaching in the perspective of development from childhood through pre-adolescence. Special attention is devoted to the needs of the handicapped. Public school participation required.

    Preparation for Course
    P: W200.

    Cr. 1-4.
  • EDUC P252 - Educational Psychology for Junior High/Middle School Teachers

    The application of psychological concepts to school learning and teaching in the perspective of development during the pre-adolescent period. Public school participation required.

    Preparation for Course
    P: W200.

    Cr. 1-4.
  • EDUC P253 - Educational Psychology for Secondary Teachers

    The application of psychological concepts to school learning and teaching in the perspective of development from preadolescence through adolescence. Special attention is devoted to the needs of the handicapped. Public school participation required.

    Preparation for Course
    P: P250.

    Cr. 1-4.
  • EDUC P254 - Educational Psychology for Teachers of All Grades

    The application of psychological concepts to school learning and teaching in the perspective of development from childhood through adolescence. Special attention is devoted to the needs of the handicapped. Public school participation required.

    Preparation for Course
    P: W200.

    Cr. 1-4.
  • EDUC Q200 - Introduction to Scientific Inquiry

    Course provides the elementary education major with background in the process skills of science, with emphasis on the integration of these skills and science concepts.

    Cr. 1-3.
  • EDUC Q400 - Man and Environment: Instructional Methods

    For preservice and experienced teachers. Ideas on curriculum trends and instructional techniques coupled with current national and international topics in environmental education; new resource materials and related bibliographies. An examination of a holistic scheme for teaching/learning about the environment.

    Cr. 3.
  • EDUC S405 - The Middle and Junior High School

    The course provides future middle school and junior high teachers with an understanding of how early adolescent students and school structures impact curriculum, instruction, and classroom management decisions. The course meets the middle/junior high school endorsement requirement for elementary school majors.

    Cr. 3.
  • EDUC S490 - Research in Secondary Education

    Individual research in a given subject area.

    Cr. 1-3.
    Variable Title
  • EDUC W200 - Using Computers for Education

    Introduction to instructional computing, educational computing literature, and BASIC programming. Review and hands-on experience with educational software packages and commonly used microcomputer hardware.

    Cr. 1.
  • EDUC W210 - Introduction to Computer- Based Education

    Students achieve facility in BASIC at the intermediate level; are introduced to social, moral, and technical issues relating to educational computing; and examine a variety of educational software.

    Preparation for Course
    P: W200 or consent of instructor.

    Cr. 3.
  • EDUC W310 - Computer-Based Teaching Methods

    Students will study the methods for teaching programming, application of pedagogical and technical principles of software design, software evaluation, and staff development techniques in computer-based education.

    Preparation for Course
    P: W210.

    Cr. 3.
  • EDUC W410 - Practicum in Computer- Based Education

    The culminating experience for candidates seeking to be licensed in computer instruction. Either eight weeks of full-time fieldwork or 16 weeks of half-time fieldwork in an educational setting that incorporates instructional computing.

    Preparation for Course
    P: W310.

    Cr. 3-8.
  • EDUC X210 - Career Planning

    Designed to teach the career-planning process, which includes an assessment of the student’s individual interests, values, and abilities; an exploration into several career possibilities; choosing a major; development of decision-making skills; and job searches, including résumé writing and interviewing techniques.

    Cr. 2.
  • EDUC X401 - Critical Reading in the Content Area

    Aids elementary and secondary teachers in the development of instructional strategies that assist students in the comprehension, critical analysis, and integration of ideas presented in literature of various subject-matter areas. Public school participation required.

    Cr. 1-3.
  • ENG G104 - Language Awareness

    A nontechnical introduction to the study of linguistics, this course takes an interdisciplinary approach to language behavior. Particular attention is paid to cultural, social, and psychological aspects of language use. Topics vary and may include language origin, child language acquisition, gender and language, dialects, and slang, among others.

    Preparation for Course
    P: placement at or above ENG W131 (or equivalent) and exemption from or completion of ENG R150.

    Cr. 3.
    If you are required by placement examination to take ENG P131, R150, or W130, it is recommended that you complete that requirement before enrolling in any other English course.
  • ENG G205 - Introduction to the English Language

    Introduction to reasoning about English syntax and semantics.

    Preparation for Course
    P: W131 or equivalent.

    Cr. 3.
    If you are required by placement examination to take ENG P131, R150, or W130, it is recommended that you complete that requirement before enrolling in any other English course.
  • ENG G206 - Introduction to the Study of Grammar

    Presents the basic principles of structural and transformational grammar: phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics with comparative reference to traditional grammar. Required for advanced elementary education majors.

    Preparation for Course
    P: W131 or equivalent.

    Cr. 3.
    If you are required by placement examination to take ENG P131, R150, or W130, it is recommended that you complete that requirement before enrolling in any other English course.
  • ENG G301 - History of the English Language

    Historical and structural analysis of English language in stages of its development. Political and social events affecting development of language; interrelationship of language and literature, evolution of modern English phonology, syntax, orthography, and lexicon.

    Preparation for Course
    P: G205 or LING L103.

    Cr. 3.
    If you are required by placement examination to take ENG P131, R150, or W130, it is recommended that you complete that requirement before enrolling in any other English course.
  • ENG G302 - Structure of Modern English (TESOL)

    Linguistic analysis of present-day spoken and written English, with attention to its phonemic, morphemic, and syntactical systems and its system of expressive features.

    Cr. 3.
    If you are required by placement examination to take ENG P131, R150, or W130, it is recommended that you complete that requirement before enrolling in any other English course.
  • ENG G310 - Social Speech Patterns

    This course explores the relationships among language, society, and culture. The influence of such social factors as age, sex, status, class, and education on language use are discussed within the framework of various theoretical and methodological approaches. Reasons for positive and negative evaluations of several high and low prestige varieties of English are investigated.

    Preparation for Course
    P: G205, G206, or consent of instructor.

    Cr. 1-3.
    Class 1-3,
    If you are required by placement examination to take ENG P131, R150, or W130, it is recommended that you complete that requirement before enrolling in any other English course.
  • ENG G405 - Studies in English Language

    Topics will vary from semester to semester. May be repeated with different topics for a maximum of 9 credits.

    Preparation for Course
    P: G205 or LING L103.

    Cr. 3.
    Variable Title
    If you are required by placement examination to take ENG P131, R150, or W130, it is recommended that you complete that requirement before enrolling in any other English course.
  • ENG G432 - Second Language Acquisition

    An introduction to a broad range of issues in the field of second language acquisition, providing the student with an overview of the most important approaches to the fundamental questions of how people learn a second language. Provides students with basic knowledge of theories of second language acquisition, and an understanding of how theoretical perspectives inform practical application.

    Cr. 3.
    If you are required by placement examination to take ENG P131, R150, or W130, it is recommended that you complete that requirement before enrolling in any other English course.
  • ENG L101 - Western World Masterpieces I: Ancient to Renaissance

    Literary masterpieces from Homer to Dante.

    Preparation for Course
    P: placement at or above ENG W131 (or equivalent) and exemption from or completion of ENG R150.

    Cr. 3.
    Session Indicators
    (fall, spring, summer)
    Approved by Arts and Sciences for the Cultural Studies (Western Tradition) requirement. If you are required by placement examination to take ENG P131, R150, or W130, it is recommended that you complete that requirement before enrolling in any other English course.
  • ENG L102 - Western World Masterpieces II: Renaissance to Modern

    Plays, poems, and fiction from the 16th century to the present, including works by Shakespeare, Ibsen, Shaw,Wordsworth, Whitman, Yeats, Dostoevsky, Faulkner, Hemingway.

    Preparation for Course
    P: placement at or above ENG W131 (or equivalent) and exemption from or completion of ENG R150.

    Cr. 3.
    Session Indicators
    (fall, spring)
    Approved by Arts and Sciences for the Cultural Studies (Western Tradition) requirement. If you are required by placement examination to take ENG P131, R150, or W130, it is recommended that you complete that requirement before enrolling in any other English course.
  • ENG L103 - Introduction to Drama

    Significant plays from various times and countries to acquaint students with the conventions and types of drama; works by such playwrights as Sophocles, Shakespeare, Moliere, Ibsen, Strindberg, Shaw, Miller, and Albee.

    Preparation for Course
    P: placement at or above ENG W131 (or equivalent) and exemption from or completion of ENG R150.

    Cr. 3.
    If you are required by placement examination to take ENG P131, R150, or W130, it is recommended that you complete that requirement before enrolling in any other English course.
  • ENG L104 - Introduction to Fiction

    Representative short stories and novels from various periods and countries by such writers as Austen, Hawthorne, Melville, Lawrence, Dostoevsky, Kafka, Marquez, Faulkner, Hemingway, and Welty.

    Preparation for Course
    P: placement at or above ENG W131 (or equivalent) and exemption from or completion of ENG R150.

    Cr. 3.
    If you are required by placement examination to take ENG P131, R150, or W130, it is recommended that you complete that requirement before enrolling in any other English course.
  • ENG L106 - Introduction to Poetry

    Representative poems in English; a course that enables students to read poetry with pleasure and to talk or write about it with ease.

    Preparation for Course
    P: placement at or above ENG W131 (or equivalent) and exemption from or completion of ENG R150.

    Cr. 3.
    If you are required by placement examination to take ENG P131, R150, or W130, it is recommended that you complete that requirement before enrolling in any other English course.
  • ENG L107 - Oriental World Masterpieces

    Literary masterpieces from the Indian, Chinese, Japanese, and other oriental cultures.

    Preparation for Course
    P: placement at or above ENG W131 (or equivalent) and exemption from or completion of ENG R150.

    Cr. 3.
    Approved by Arts and Sciences for the Cultural Studies (Non-Western Culture) requirement. If you are required by placement examination to take ENG P131, R150, or W130, it is recommended that you complete that requirement before enrolling in any other English course.
  • ENG L108 - Introduction to Contemporary Literature

    Significant fiction and drama of the past 20 years. The course may emphasize traditional writers such as Updike and Solzhenitsyn, or experimentalists such as Robbe-Grillet and Brecht.

    Preparation for Course
    P: placement at or above ENG W131 (or equivalent) and exemption from or completion of ENG R150.

    Cr. 3.
    Session Indicators
    (fall, spring)
    If you are required by placement examination to take ENG P131, R150, or W130, it is recommended that you complete that requirement before enrolling in any other English course.
  • ENG L113 - Introduction to African Literature

    A study of African oral and written fiction, poetry, and drama. Designed to give students a basic knowledge of African literature and the issues surrounding it.

    Preparation for Course
    P: placement at or above ENG W131 (or equivalent) and exemption from or completion of ENG R150.

    Cr. 3.
    Approved by Arts and Sciences for the Cultural Studies (Non-Western Culture) requirement. If you are required by placement examination to take ENG P131, R150, or W130, it is recommended that you complete that requirement before enrolling in any other English course.
  • ENG L150 - Representative American Writers

    Great American books by such writers as Hawthorne, Melville, Mark Twain, Cather, Faulkner, and Wright. Books might include The Scarlet Letter, Billy Budd, Huckleberry Finn, My Antonia, The Sound and the Fury, and Native Son.

    Preparation for Course
    P: placement at or above ENG W131 (or equivalent) and exemption from or completion of ENG R150.

    Cr. 3.
    If you are required by placement examination to take ENG P131, R150, or W130, it is recommended that you complete that requirement before enrolling in any other English course.
  • ENG L202 - Literary Interpretation

    Close analysis of representative texts (poetry, drama, fiction) designed to develop art of lively, responsible reading through class discussion and writing of papers, including a documented research paper. Attention to literary design of critical method. May be repeated once for credit by special arrangement with Department of English and Linguistics.

    Preparation for Course
    P: W131, W135, or W140 with a grade of C or better.

    Cr. 3.
    Session Indicators
    (fall, spring)
    Approved by Arts and Sciences for use in fulfilling the writing requirement. Recommended prior to taking upper-level courses. If you are required by placement examination to take ENG P131, R150, or W130, it is recommended that you complete that requirement before enrolling in any other English course.
  • ENG L207 - Women and Literature

    Issues and approaches to critical study of women writers and treatment in British and American literature. May be repeated with different topics for a maximum of 6 credits.

    Preparation for Course
    P: W131 or equivalent.

    Cr. 3.
    Variable Title
    If you are required by placement examination to take ENG P131, R150, or W130, it is recommended that you complete that requirement before enrolling in any other English course.
  • ENG L220 - Introduction to Shakespeare

    Shakespeare’s best-known plays and poems. Credit not given for both L220 and L315.

    Preparation for Course
    P: W131 or equivalent.

    Cr. 3.
    If you are required by placement examination to take ENG P131, R150, or W130, it is recommended that you complete that requirement before enrolling in any other English course.
  • ENG L230 - Introduction to Science Fiction

    The major themes and types of modern science fiction: space opera, utopia, apocalypse, cautionary tale. Writers considered range from Mary Shelley, Verne, and Wells in the 19th century to contemporary figures such as LeGuin, Herbert, Clarke, Clement, Lem, and Vonnegut. The reading list varies.

    Preparation for Course
    P: W131 or equivalent.

    Cr. 3.
    If you are required by placement examination to take ENG P131, R150, or W130, it is recommended that you complete that requirement before enrolling in any other English course.
  • ENG L232 - Topics in Literature and Culture

    Examination of a particular theme, such as the hero, death, or the city, and the techniques by which it is treated in various literary works, usually in more than one genre. May be repeated with different topics for a maximum of 6 credits.

    Preparation for Course
    P: W131 or equivalent.

    Cr. 3.
    Variable Title
    If you are required by placement examination to take ENG P131, R150, or W130, it is recommended that you complete that requirement before enrolling in any other English course.
  • ENG L250 - American Literature Before 1865

    An introductory survey of representative works with an emphasis on major writers.

    Preparation for Course
    P: W131 or equivalent.

    Cr. 3.
    If you are required by placement examination to take ENG P131, R150, or W130, it is recommended that you complete that requirement before enrolling in any other English course.
  • ENG L251 - American Literature Since 1865

    An introductory survey of representative works with an emphasis on major writers.

    Preparation for Course
    P: W131 or equivalent.

    Cr. 3.
    If you are required by placement examination to take ENG P131, R150, or W130, it is recommended that you complete that requirement before enrolling in any other English course.
  • ENG L301 - Critical and Historical Survey of English Literature I

    Representative selections with emphasis on major writers from the beginnings to Swift and Pope.

    Preparation for Course
    P: L202, or W233 or equivalent.

    Cr. 3.
    If you are required by placement examination to take ENG P131, R150, or W130, it is recommended that you complete that requirement before enrolling in any other English course.
  • ENG L302 - Critical and Historical Survey of English Literature II

    Representative selections with emphasis on major writers from the rise of romanticism to the present.

    Preparation for Course
    P: L202 or W233 or equivalent.

    Cr. 3.
    If you are required by placement examination to take ENG P131, R150, or W130, it is recommended that you complete that requirement before enrolling in any other English course.

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