Sep 27, 2024  
Undergraduate Bulletin 2006-2008 
Undergraduate Bulletin 2006-2008 [Archived Catalog]

Part 5: Course Descriptions

Part 5 contains course descriptions in alphabetical order.

Standard information for each course includes the number, title, and credits (sometimes called credit hours or semester hours). For some courses, you will find information on the hours of class, laboratory, or studio for which the course is scheduled in each week of a regular semester; these weekly hours are expanded during summer sessions. Fees for courses are assessed on the basis of credits and other factors.

The course-numbering system generally suggests levels of difficulty and appropriateness. Courses at the 100 and 200 levels comprise introductory offerings and those are most commonly taken by freshmen and sophomores. Courses at the 300 and 400 levels are primarily for juniors and seniors. In some Purdue programs, undergraduates take courses at the 500 level, but generally courses numbered 500 and above are for graduate students.

Preparation for courses is indicated as follows:

P: indicates a prerequisite that must precede your enrollment in the course described. You may find one or more specific course numbers, the number of credits you should already have in a subject, a placement-test level, or other conditions.

C: indicates a corequisite that must be taken no later than the same semester in which you take the course described.

R: indicates a recommendation concerning conditions to be met for enrollment in the course.

When no subject code is shown for prerequisites, corequisites, and recommended courses, they are in the same subject area as the course being described. If you lack a prerequisite or corequisite, or if you wish to take a course numbered at a higher level than your present status, you should seek the department’s or instructor’s consent to enroll in the course.

V.T. means Variable Title and is shown for courses for which the title may be changed to specify the topic or other special focus of each offering.

Session indicators (fall, spring, summer) suggest the times at which courses are generally offered. Scheduling patterns may, however, vary.

IPFW reserves the right to add,withdraw, or change courses without notice.

  • SPEA H422 - The Social Epidemics: AIDS, Violence, and Substance Abuse

    This course examines HIV/AIDS, violence, and substance abuse in the context of racial, gender, sexual orientation, and class dynamics that may underlie the way these pathologies affect certain populations. Emphasized is the recognition that how we define disease and causation can influence how we attempt to find a cure.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA H441 - Legal Aspects of Healthcare Administration

    An overview of the liability and legal responsibility, as well as legal recourse healthcare facilities may exercise. This course will discuss policies and standards relating to health facility administration. Also included is a discussion of financial aspects unique to the hospital/healthcare facility environment, such as third-party payments and federal assistance.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA H455 - Topics in Public Health

    Extensive discussion of selected topics in public health. The topic may change from semester to semester with resource availability and student demand.

    Cr. 1-3.
    Variable Title
    May be repeated for credit.
  • SPEA H456 - Managed Care

    Course examines the organizational structures of managed care as used in the health industry. The strengths and weaknesses of managed care organizations are examined as well as the performance of both public and private managed care organizations. Course also examines and discusses current issues surrounding managed care.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA H474 - Health Administration Seminar

    This course will examine current issues in public health and governmental and private initiatives to resolve those issues.

    Preparation for Course
    P: H320 and senior standing.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA J101 - The American Criminal Justice System

    Introduction to the criminal justice system of the United States and its function in contemporary society.

    Preparation for Course
    P: The American Criminal Justice System is a prerequisite for all other criminal justice courses.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA J201 - Theoretical Foundations of Criminal Justice Policies

    This course examines the impact of sociological, biological, and economic theories of crime and the practice of criminal justice. Focus is upon the nature and importance of theory, context of theoretical developments, methods for the critical analysis of theoretical developments, and policy implications of the varying perspectives considered.

    Preparation for Course
    P: J101.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA J202 - Criminal Justice Data, Methods, and Resources

    Course examines basic concepts of criminal justice. Students become familiar with research techniques necessary for systematic analysis of the criminal justice system, offender behavior, crime trends, and program effectiveness. Students will learn to critically evaluate existing research. Students will become familiar with existing sources of criminal justice data and will learn to assess the quality of that data.

    Preparation for Course
    P: J101.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA J260 - Topics in Criminal Justice

    Study of selected issues in criminal justice. Topics vary from semester to semester. May be repeated for credit.

    Preparation for Course
    P: J101.

    Cr. 1-3.
    Variable Title
  • SPEA J301 - Substantive Criminal Law

    The development, limitations, and application of substantive criminal law utilizing the casestudy method.

    Preparation for Course
    P: J101; R: J201 and J202.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA J302 - Procedural Criminal Law

    Criminal law application and procedure from the initiation of police activity through the correctional process utilizing the case-study method.

    Preparation for Course
    P: J101.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA J303 - Evidence

    The rule of law governing proof at trial of disputed issues of fact; burden of proof; presumptions and judicial notice; examination, impeachment, competency, and privileges of witnesses; hearsay rule and exceptions; all related as nearly as possible to criminal, as opposed to civil, process.

    Preparation for Course
    P: J101.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA J304 - Correctional Law

    Legal problems from conviction to release; pre-sentence investigations, sentencing, probation, and parole, incarceration; loss and restoration of civil rights.

    Preparation for Course
    P: J101.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA J305 - Juvenile Justice

    This course is designed to provide an overview of the justice system’s response to abused, neglected, and dependent children; juvenile misconduct; and delinquent behavior. An extensive review of the development of recent legal changes to the court, options for prevention, treatment of juvenile offenders, and possible system reforms.

    Preparation for Course
    P: J101.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA J306 - The Criminal Courts

    An analysis of the criminal justice process from prosecution through appeal. The organization and operation of felony and misdemeanor courts are examined. Topics include prosecutorial decision-making; plea-bargaining; judicial selection; and the conduct of trials, sentencing, and appeal.

    Preparation for Course
    P: J101; R: J201 and J202.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA J310 - Introduction to Administrative Processes

    Introduction to principles of management and system theory for the administration of criminal justice agencies. Credit not given for J310 and V270.

    Preparation for Course
    P: J101.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA J320 - Criminal Investigation

    Theory of investigation, crime-scene procedures, interviews, interrogations, surveillances, and sources of information; collection and preservation of physical evidence; investigative techniques in specific crimes.

    Preparation for Course
    P: J101.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA J321 - American Policing

    This course will examine the history, evolution, and organization of policing in the United States. Emphasis is placed on such major contemporary issues as the police role, discretion, use of force, corruption, accountability, and community policing.

    Preparation for Course
    P: J101; R: J201, J202.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA J322 - Introduction to Criminalistics

    The broad range of physical evidence developed through the investigative process, and methods of identifying and establishing validity and relevance through forensic laboratory techniques.

    Preparation for Course
    P: J101; R: J301.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA J331 - Corrections

    This course examines the historical development of the American correctional system; the study of administration of local, state, and federal corrections programs, including jail, probation, community corrections, and prisons. Includes the study of punishment rationales, current correctional policies, and possibilities for reform.

    Preparation for Course
    P: J101; R: J201, J202.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA J369 - Private Justice: Police, Courts, and Corrections

    This course examines the role of private policing and security; courts and adjudication; and corrections. Includes legislative and ethical issues and the economics of criminal and juvenile justice privatization. Principles of loss prevention, protection of assets, relationship between public and private services, and current issues in privatization will be discussed.

    Preparation for Course
    P: J101.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA J370 - Seminar in Criminal Justice

    Selected contemporary topics in criminal justice. May be repeated for credit.

    Preparation for Course
    P: J101.

    Cr. 3.
    Variable Title
  • SPEA J376 - Principles of Public Safety

    Examination of threats to public safety and of governmental response at various levels to those threats. Treatments of such areas as transportation and highway threats, occupational safety and health, criminal threats, emergency and disaster planning, consumer protection, and fire control and suppression. Discussion of techniques to identify and measure risk, the acceptability of risk, and governmental attempts to control risk.

    Preparation for Course
    P: J101.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA J380 - Internship in Criminal Justice

    Open to interested students who qualify upon approval of the faculty. Students may be placed with various criminal justice agencies for assignment to a defined task relevant to their educational interests. Tasks may involve staff work or research. Full-time participants may earn up to 6 credit hours.

    Preparation for Course
    P: J101; permission of instructor.

    Cr. 3.
    May be repeated for credit. Course is graded S/U (satisfactory/ unsatisfactory).
  • SPEA J433 - Institutional Corrections

    The history and development of the jail, penitentiary, prison, and reformatory. Analysis and evaluation of contemporary imprisonment.

    Preparation for Course
    P: J101.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA J439 - Crime and Public Policy

    A detailed examination of the major efforts designed to control or reduce crime. A review of existing knowledge is followed by an investigation of current crime control theories, proposals, and programs.

    Preparation for Course
    P: J101; senior standing or consent of instructor.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA J440 - Corrections in the Community

    A detailed analysis of correctional alternatives to incarceration that focus on the reintegration of the offender while remaining in the community. Because of their extensive use, considerable attention is given to probation and parole. Other topics include diversion, community residential programs, restitution, halfway houses, and home detention.

    Preparation for Course
    P: J101.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA J445 - Trends in Corrections

    Analysis and evaluation of contemporary correctional systems. Discussion of recent research concerning the correctional institution and the various field services.

    Preparation for Course
    P: J101.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA J460 - Police in the Community

    In-depth examination of crime as an urban policy problem, focusing on the role of police and victims in defining crime as a policy problem, and their role in seeking to reduce the incidence of crime.

    Preparation for Course
    P: J101.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA J470 - Seminar in Criminal Justice

    Emphasizes current developments in legal, administrative, and operational aspects of the criminal justice system.

    Preparation for Course
    P: J101 and senior standing.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA J480 - Research in Criminal Justice

    Individual research under guidance of faculty member.

    Preparation for Course
    P: J101 and junior standing and consent of instructor.

    Cr. 1-6.
  • SPEA K300 - Statistical Techniques

    An introduction to statistics. Nature of statistical data. Ordering and manipulation of data. Measures of central tendency and dispersion. Elementary probability. Concepts of statistical inference decision. Estimation and hypothesis testing. Special topics discussed may include regression and correlation, analysis of variance, nonparametric methods. Credit given for only one of the following: K300, ECON E270, SOC S351, POLS Y395, PSY 201, STAT 301.

    Preparation for Course
    P: MA 113 or equivalent; R: MA 213.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA V170 - Introduction to Public Affairs

    Broad coverage of public affairs through critical and analytical inquiry into policy-making at all levels of government. Particular emphasis on intergovernmental relations as they affect policy in the federal system.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA V260 - Topics in Public Affairs

    Study of selected issues in public affairs. Topics may vary from semester to semester. May be repeated for credit.

    Cr. 1-3.
    Variable Title
  • SPEA V263 - Public Management

    This course is an examination of the management process in public organizations in the United States. Special attention will be given to external influences on public managers, the effects of the intergovernmental environment, and in particular, problems of management in a democratic, limited government system.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA V264 - Urban Structure and Policy

    An introduction to urban government and public policy issues. Topics include urban government structure and policy making, the economic foundations and development of cities, demography of cities and suburbs, land-use planning, and other selected urban policy problems.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA V270 - Survey of Administrative Techniques

    Introduction to principles of management and systems theory for the administration of public agencies. Credit not given for both V270 and J310.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA V275 - Introduction to Emergency Management

    An examination of the background and nature of the profession, the central theoretical debates concerning natural and human-induced disasters, mitigating and reacting to these catastrophic events, and the major roles and responsibilities of emergency managers. Current practical problems and future directions will be explored.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA V340 - Urban Government Administration

    Structure of local government in the United States, federalism and intergovernmental relations, policy problems faced by local officials, and the implications of these problems for local government administrators.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA V348 - Management Science

    Introduction to management-science models and methods for policy analysis and public management. Methods include decision analysis, linear programming queuing analysis, and simulation. Computer-based applications are included. Prior familiarization with computers is recommended, though not required.

    Preparation for Course
    P: K300, MA 153 or MA 213.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA V365 - Urban Development and Planning

    This course identifies the major problems associated with urban development in the United States and investigates the potential of public planning strategies and tools to deal with these problems. An emphasis is placed on the application of analytical approaches to problem definition and solution.

    Preparation for Course
    P: V264, K300.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA V366 - Managing Behavior in Public Organizations

    This course provides an introduction to the management of people in public organizations. Focus is on behavioral science in management and related analytical and experiential applications.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA V368 - Managing Government Operations

    Application of analytical techniques to operating decisions in the public-management sector. Cases are used extensively to illustrate the application of techniques (such as charting, capacity and demand analysis, forecasting, performance measurement, decision analysis, queuing/simulation, Markov modeling, and cost-effective analysis) to design, scheduling, inventory assignment, transportation, and replacement decisions.

    Preparation for Course
    P: V348.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA V370 - Research Methods and Statistical Modeling

    This course will introduce the student to the basic methods, issues, analytical techniques, and ethical considerations of evaluation research.

    Preparation for Course
    P: K300 (or equivalent).

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA V371 - Financing Public Affairs

    A survey of economic and political theories of market failures, public expenditure evaluation, economic stabilization, systems of redistribution and fiscal federalism. Examples and applications to contemporary government decisions.

    Preparation for Course
    P: V170, ECON E201, E202.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA V372 - Government Finance and Budgets

    Study of fiscal management in public agencies, including revenue administration, debt management, and public budgeting.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA V373 - Human Resources Management in the Public Sector

    The organization and operation of public personnel-management systems, with emphasis on concepts and techniques of job analysis, position classification, training, affirmative action, and motivation.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA V376 - Law and Public Policy

    The purpose of this course is to provide a basic understanding of the origins, process, and impact of law in the making and implementing of public policy. The course’s major objective is to provide students with the substantive concepts necessary to understand the judicial system and law in its various forms.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA V377 - Legal Process and Contemporary Issues in America

    An introduction to the American legal system, including the Constitution, courts system, and administrative law in federal and state agencies. Readings and discussion center around current issues affected by the legal process.

    Preparation for Course
    P: V376.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA V378 - Policy Processes in the United States

    Intended as an integrative senior course, primarily for SPEA-students. Course content includes analytical perspectives of the policy process, the centers of policy, and the public interest. Selected cases involving problem analysis and decision making on public issues are included, as well as discussion of current policy issues.

    Preparation for Course
    P: senior standing.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA V380 - Internship in Public Affairs

    Open to interested students upon approval of the faculty. Students are placed with public agencies or governmental units for assignment to a defined task relevant to their educational interests in public affairs. Tasks may involve staff work or research. Full-time participants may earn up to 6 credits.

    Preparation for Course
    P: permission of instructor.

    Cr. 1-6.
    Variable Title
    May be repeated for credit. Course is graded S/U (satisfactory/unsatisfactory).
  • SPEA V381 - Professional Experience

    Students will be required to fulfill a minimum of 120 hours of professional relevant work.

    Cr. 1-6.
  • SPEA V387 - Public Administration and Emergency Management

    An examination of the American federal system and how it affects policy making and emergency management. Topics include government programs, participation of agencies and actors from all three levels of government, the nonprofit sector, and the private sector. Administrative processes in managing major hazards and disasters will be presented.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA V389 - Risk and Hazard Mitigation

    An examination of the principles and practice of risk and hazard mitigation at all levels of government and private industry. The tools, techniques, resources, programs, intergovernmental relationships, public-private partnerships, and the broader social context involved in planning for organizational and business continuity and implementing risk reduction strategies are covered.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA V390 - Readings in Public Affairs

    Independent readings and research related to a topic of special interest to the student. Written report required. May be repeated for credit.

    Preparation for Course
    P: permission of instructor.

    Cr. 1-3.
  • SPEA V405 - Public Law and the Legislative Process

    This course focuses on Congress as a policy-making body in the U.S. public law system. It covers the constitutional framework for congressional operations as well as technical aspects of the legislative process such as bill drafting and analysis, the role of leadership, and the prerogatives of individual members.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA V406 - Public Law and the Electoral Process

    The purpose of this course is to facilitate understanding of the interaction of electoral politics and policy. It covers the legal framework of the evolution of the “right” to vote, the impact of the judiciary on the structure of elections, limitations on campaign practices, and the importance of legislative districting and its control.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA V407 - Public Law and Government Relations

    The purpose of this course is to build understanding of government relations work as applied to careers in the field. It covers the historical evolution of the constitutional right to petition the government with an understanding of the limitations imposed on the process. The interaction of public and private sectors is included.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA V421 - Metropolitan Development

    Discussion of the process of development in metropolitan regions. Includes topics such as economic development, land use evolution, and demographic change. Consideration of relevant policy issues.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA V432 - Labor Relations in the Public Sector

    An introductory overview of labor relations in the public sector. Course includes the development, practice, and extent of the collective bargaining process and administration of the labor agreement by state and local governments.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA V441 - Topics in Financial Management and Policy

    Various topics on financial management and policy are examined in a state and local setting. Course may be repeated for credit under different topics.

    Preparation for Course
    P: V372.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA V444 - Public Administrative Organization

    A review of research findings and analysis of the operation of public agencies and their performance.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA V447 - Federal Budget Policy

    Examination of the institutions and processes involved in putting together the annual federal budget, with emphasis on the role of the Appropriations and Budget committees in Congress and the White House and the Office of Management and Budget in the executive branch. Selected major policy areas will be considered.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA V449 - Policy Senior Seminar

    Discussion of the role of policy analysts in government. Applications of analytical tools to substantive policy areas such as transportation, community development, education, poverty, manpower, and health.

    Preparation for Course
    P: V348.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA V450 - Contemporary Issues in Public Affairs

    Extensive analysis of selected contemporary issues in public affairs. Topics vary from semester to semester. May be repeated for credit.

    Cr. 1-3.
    Variable Title
  • SPEA V450 - Contemporary Issues in Public Affairs - Honors

    Extensive analysis of selected contemporary issues in public affairs. Topics vary from semester to semester. May be repeated for credit under different topics.

    Preparation for Course
    P: honors eligibility or consent of instructor, and one or more of the following courses are recommended: HIST H105, HIST H106, SOC S161, POLS Y103, and/or SPEA V170.

    Cr. 1-3.
    Variable Title
    Honors Courses Sponsored by Various Departments. Equivalent of SPEA V450 for honors students.
  • SPEA V456 - Topics in Public Law

    Extensive analysis of selected contemporary issues in public law. Topics vary from semester to semester. May be repeated for credit.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA V457 - Management Science in the Public Sector

    An intermediate treatment of management science methods with primary application to public managerial decision support. Topics include network analysis, queuing, simulation, and others. Computer-based analysis is emphasized.

    Preparation for Course
    P: K300, V348, CS 106.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA V465 - Geographic Information Systems for Public and Environmental Affairs

    Students will learn the concepts, methodologies, and perspectives essential for using geographic information systems (GIS) to address critical public affairs issues. Through course projects, students will learn how to use desktop and Internet-based GIS applications and will develop complementary skills related to designing and implementing GIS applications for public-sector organizations.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CS 106.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA V471 - Urban Management Systems

    This course is designed to extend the students’ skill in applying a variety of qualitative and quantitative methods to the problems of urban government planning and management.

    Preparation for Course
    P: V348 and senior class standing.

    Cr. 3.
  • SPEA V490 - Directed Research in Public and Environmental Affairs

    To be arranged with the individual instructor and approved by the chairperson of the undergraduate program.

    Cr. 1-3.
    May be repeated for credit.
  • STAT 125 - Communicating with Statistics

    An introduction to the basic concepts and methods in statistical reasoning that are commonly referenced in the print media. Topics include data collection methods, descriptive statistics, basic techniques of estimation, and theory testing. Students will analyze and interpret statistics relating to contemporary problems in politics, business, science and social issues.

    Preparation for Course
    P: MA 109 with a grade of C or higher.

    Cr. 3.
  • STAT 240 - Statistical Methods for Biology

    An introduction to the basic concepts and methods in a statistical analysis, with emphasis on applications in the life sciences. Descriptive statistics, discrete and continuous distributions, confidence interval estimation, hypothesis testing, and contingency tables.

    Preparation for Course
    P: MA 149 or MA 153 with a grade of C or higher.

    Cr. 3.
  • STAT 301 - Elementary Statistical Methods I

    Not open to majors in mathematics or engineering. Credit should be allowed in no more than one of STAT 301or 511. Introduction to statistical methods with applications to diverse fields. Emphasis on understanding and interpreting standard techniques. Data analysis for one and several variables, design of samples and experiments, basic probability, sampling distributions, confidence intervals and significance tests for means and proportions, correlation and regression. Software is used throughout.

    Preparation for Course
    P: MA 149 or MA 153 or MA 168 with a grade of C or higher.

    Cr. 3.
  • STAT 340 - Elementary Statistical Methods II

    Statistical methods of simple linear regression, multiple linear regression, experimental design, analysis of variance, and nonparametric analysis. One or more statistical computer programs will be used. Student projects required, typically using data from the student’s major.

    Preparation for Course
    P: 240, 301, ECON 270, PSY 201 (or equivalent), one semester statistics course with a grade of C or higher.

    Cr. 3.
  • STAT 490 - Topics in Statistics for Undergraduates

    Directed study for students who wish to undertake individual reading on approved topics.

    Cr. 1-5.
    Variable Title
  • STAT 511 - Statistical Methods

    Descriptive statistics; elementary probability; sampling distributions; inference, testing hypotheses, and estimation; normal, binomial, Poisson, hypergeometric distributions; one-way analysis of variance; contingency tables; regression.

    Preparation for Course
    P: two semesters of calculus with a grade of C or higher.

    Cr. 3.
  • STAT 512 - Applied Regression Analysis

    Inference in simple and multiple linear regression, residual analysis, transformations, polynomial regression, model building with real data, nonlinear regression. One-way and two-way analysis of variance, multiple comparisons, fixed and random factors, analysis of covariance. Use of existing statistical computer programs.

    Preparation for Course
    P: 511 or 517 or 528 with a grade of C or higher.

    Cr. 3.
  • STAT 514 - Design of Experiments

    Fundamentals, completely randomized design; randomized complete blocks; latin square; multi-classification; factorial; nested factorial; incomplete block and fractional replications for 2n, 3n, 2m x 3n; confounding; lattice designs; general mixed factorials; split plot; analysis of variance in regression models; optimum design. Use of existing statistical programs.

    Preparation for Course
    P: 512 with a grade of C or higher.

    Cr. 3.
  • STAT 516 - Basic Probability and Applications

    A first course in probability intended to serve as a background for statistics and other applications. Sample spaces and axioms of probability, discrete and continuous random variables, conditional probability and Bayes’ theorem, joint and conditional probability distributions, expectations, moments and moment generating functions, law of large numbers and central limit theorem. (The probability material in Course 1 of the Society of Actuaries and the Casualty Actuarial Society is covered by this course.)

    Preparation for Course
    P: MA 261 or MA 263 with a grade of C or higher.

    Cr. 3.
  • STAT 517 - Statistical Inference

    A basic course in statistical theory covering standard statistical methods and their application. Estimation including unbiased, maximum likelihood and moment estimation; testing hypotheses for standard distributions and contingency tables; confidence intervals and regions; introduction to nonparametric tests and linear regression.

    Preparation for Course
    P: 516 with a grade of C or higher.

    Cr. 3.
  • STAT 519 - Introduction to Probability

    Algebra of sets, sample spaces, combinatorial problems, independence, random variables, distribution functions, moment generating functions, special continuous and discrete distributions, distribution of a function of a random variable, limit theorems.

    Preparation for Course
    P: MA 510 with a grade of C or higher or C: MA 441.

    Cr. 3.
  • STAT 528 - Introduction to Mathematical Statistics

    Distribution of mean and variance in normal samples, sampling distributions derived from the normal distribution, Chi square, t and F. Distribution of statistics based on ordered samples. Asymptotic sampling distributions. Introduction to multivariate normal distribution and linear models. Sufficient statistics, maximum likelihood, least squares, linear estimation, other methods of point estimation, and discussion of their properties. Cramer-Rao inequality and Rao-Blackwell theorem. Tests of statistical hypotheses, simple and composite hypotheses, likelihood ratio tests, power of tests.

    Preparation for Course
    P: 519 with a grade of C or higher.

    Cr. 3.
  • THTR 105 - Dance History

    Designed to promote understanding and appreciation of the role of dance throughout history and the modern world. Acquaints students with outstanding ballet, tap, jazz, and modern dance, choreography, and companies throughout the world.

    Cr. 3.
  • THTR 117 - Jazz Dance I

    A study of jazz dance, including early jazz and musical theatre as well as contemporary styles. May be repeated for credit.

    Cr. 2.
    Credit may be granted by audition.
  • THTR 121 - Tap I

    The emphasis in this course will be on learning basic steps and tap progressions. Class will include barre work, across the floor and center floor combinations. Graded technique will be incorporated to monitor progress. This class may be repeated for credit.

    Cr. 2.
    Credit may be granted by audition.
  • THTR 125 - Ballet I

    Beginning ballet offers an introduction to basic ballet positions, techniques, and terminology. No previous training necessary. Emphasis on body alignment and effective methods for gaining strength and flexibility necessary for proper ballet training. May be repeated for credit.

    Cr. 2.
    Credit may be granted by audition.
  • THTR 134 - Fundamentals of Performance

    An introduction to the art of acting as practiced in the world today.

    Cr. 3.
  • THTR 136 - Rehearsal and Performance I

    Study and practice of rehearsal techniques and stage performance. Students will be assigned to acting and stage management duties in stage productions. May be repeated for credit.

    Preparation for Course
    P: consent of instructor.

    Cr. 1-2.
    Lab. 3 or 6,
  • THTR 137 - Jazz Dance II

    Jazz Dance II is a continuation of Jazz I. Further training of the dancer’s body with more detailed warm-ups and combinations is the emphasis of the class. Preparing the dancer for performance level is stressed. May be repeated for credit.

    Preparation for Course
    P: 117, or instructor permission.

    Cr. 2
    Credit may be granted by audition.
  • THTR 138 - Acting I

    Student experientially and analytically explores the foundation of the acting process based on Stanislavski’s system. Emphasis is on developing the actor’s ability to work moment-to-moment through the use of improvisational theatre games, scene work, and monologues. Areas covered include beginning voice and movement work, concentration, imagination, objectives, obstacles, and actions. Explorations culminate in the presentation of scenes and monologues. May be repeated for credit with consent of instructor.

    Preparation for Course
    P: 134, or theatre major or consent of instructor.

    Cr. 3.
    Class 3, Lab. 1,
  • THTR 145 - Ballet II

    This class is for those individuals with some prior training in ballet technique. Class work includes barre work and simple combinations in the center of the floor. Emphasis on body alignment and effective methods for gaining strength and flexibility for proper ballet training. Must be taken in sequence. May be repeated for credit.

    Preparation for Course
    P: 125 or permission of instructor.

    Cr. 2.
    Class 1,
    Credit may be granted by audition.
  • THTR 158 - Stagecraft

    Theory and application of current and traditional technical theatre practices. Training in stage carpentry, painting, and preproduction organization.

    Cr. 3.
    Class 3, Lab. 2,
  • THTR 168 - Theatre Production I

    Application of technical-theatre practice in scenic construction, painting, lighting, sound, costuming, and stage management. Students will be assigned to work on experimental and major stage productions. May be repeated for credit.

    Cr. 1-2.
    Lab. 6,
  • THTR 201 - Theatre Appreciation

    Understanding and appreciation of the theatre’s role in the modern world. Includes a seminar approach in discussion of the nature of theatre, critical analysis of drama, the actor, the director, design, and careers in the theatre. Also deals with professional, regional, community, and educational theatre. All discussions and work are related to current stage productions that students are required to attend.

    Cr. 3.
  • THTR 213 - Voice for the Actor

    Designed to heighten the actor’s awareness of the vocal instrument. Elementary vocal techniques will be practiced to expand the student’s vocal flexibility and range. Emphasis on freeing habitual vocal tensions and teaching the student the fundamentals of vocal health.

    Preparation for Course
    P: 134, theatre major or consent of instructor.

    Cr. 2.
  • THTR 221 - Tap II

    The emphasis in this course will be on building upon the basic steps and progressions achieved in beginning tap. Class will include barre work, across the floor and center combinations. As in Tap I, graded technique will be incorporated to monitor progress. This class may be repeated for credit.

    Cr. 2.
    Credit may be granted by audition.
  • THTR 238 - Acting II

    Emphasis is on developing a character within a truthful reality based on the given circumstances of the script. Students will be challenged through scene-work, monologue preparation, and script analysis that connect the actor’s internal choices to the external needs of the character. May be repeated for credit with consent of instructor.

    Preparation for Course
    P: 138 or consent of instructor.

    Cr. 3.
    Class 3, Lab. 1,
  • THTR 256 - Stage Makeup

    Study of facial anatomy, the aging process, the principles of light and shadow, and character analysis. Theory and practice in the basic techniques of applying stage makeup.

    Cr. 2.
    Class 1, Lab. 3,
  • THTR 261 - Introduction to Theatrical Design

    An introduction to the principles and practices of contemporary theatrical design. Emphasis on the study and development of unified production theory and its practical application to the areas of theatrical design.

    Cr. 3.
    Class 3, Lab. 2,

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