Sep 27, 2024  
Undergraduate Bulletin 2006-2008 
Undergraduate Bulletin 2006-2008 [Archived Catalog]

Part 5: Course Descriptions

Part 5 contains course descriptions in alphabetical order.

Standard information for each course includes the number, title, and credits (sometimes called credit hours or semester hours). For some courses, you will find information on the hours of class, laboratory, or studio for which the course is scheduled in each week of a regular semester; these weekly hours are expanded during summer sessions. Fees for courses are assessed on the basis of credits and other factors.

The course-numbering system generally suggests levels of difficulty and appropriateness. Courses at the 100 and 200 levels comprise introductory offerings and those are most commonly taken by freshmen and sophomores. Courses at the 300 and 400 levels are primarily for juniors and seniors. In some Purdue programs, undergraduates take courses at the 500 level, but generally courses numbered 500 and above are for graduate students.

Preparation for courses is indicated as follows:

P: indicates a prerequisite that must precede your enrollment in the course described. You may find one or more specific course numbers, the number of credits you should already have in a subject, a placement-test level, or other conditions.

C: indicates a corequisite that must be taken no later than the same semester in which you take the course described.

R: indicates a recommendation concerning conditions to be met for enrollment in the course.

When no subject code is shown for prerequisites, corequisites, and recommended courses, they are in the same subject area as the course being described. If you lack a prerequisite or corequisite, or if you wish to take a course numbered at a higher level than your present status, you should seek the department’s or instructor’s consent to enroll in the course.

V.T. means Variable Title and is shown for courses for which the title may be changed to specify the topic or other special focus of each offering.

Session indicators (fall, spring, summer) suggest the times at which courses are generally offered. Scheduling patterns may, however, vary.

IPFW reserves the right to add,withdraw, or change courses without notice.

  • ACS 544 - Performance Modeling and Evaluation of Computer Systems

    Emphasis is placed on the development and study of models for client-server systems, communication networks, and protocols. These models include Petri nets, other analytic models, and discrete event simulation models. Actual systems are modeled and performance predicted. Students are expected to complete a major project using simulation models and a standard simulation language, network modeling package, or a network protocol design tool.

    Cr. 3.
    If you are majoring in this discipline, you may want to consider the Science and Engineering Research Semester. See information under Arts and Sciences (Part 3).
  • ACS 560 - Software Engineering

    This course surveys the engineering aspects of software system design. It concentrates on such matters as formal specification and acceptance requirements, testing and quality management techniques, and the use of CASE tools as an aid to development. Depending on time available, it may include an introduction to database design, performance analysis, and project management tools. The course forms part of the required core for the ACS master’s degree.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CS 260 and either CS 460 or CS 367 or equivalent.

    Cr. 3.
    If you are majoring in this discipline, you may want to consider the Science and Engineering Research Semester. See information under Arts and Sciences (Part 3).
  • ACS 562 - Systems Analysis and Design

    This course introduces the process of modeling computer system requirements and design using an object-oriented language such as the UML. It presumes an iterative life-cycle, and concentrates on human-oriented aspects of systems development. These include the solicitation and definition of requirements, the design of effective interfaces, and the reconciliation of application and technical needs. Students will carry out a team project. The course forms part of the required core for the ACS master’s degree.

    Preparation for Course
    P: 560 and either CS 460 or CS 367 or equivalent.

    Cr. 3.
    If you are majoring in this discipline, you may want to consider the Science and Engineering Research Semester. See information under Arts and Sciences (Part 3).
  • ACS 564 - Human-Computer Interaction

    A survey of human-computer interaction (HCI) concepts, theory, and practice, including its interdisciplinary nature. Examination of human needs and capabilities, as well as technological opportunities in the design of interactive systems. Provides an overview and introduction to the field of human-computer interaction and a systematic approach to human-computer design, including tools, techniques, and sources of knowledge. Students are expected to design and evaluate user interface designs in small projects.

    Preparation for Course
    P: 562.

    Cr. 3.
    If you are majoring in this discipline, you may want to consider the Science and Engineering Research Semester. See information under Arts and Sciences (Part 3).
  • ACS 566 - The Strategic Role of Information Systems

    A study of information systems (IS) as part of the corporate strategy. Topics include strategic planning, role of the chief information officer, value of the corporate information system, IS long-range planning, managing MIS development, managing information technologies and resources, and information systems as a corporate, competitive tool. Students complete case studies and an information systems strategic plan for their term project.

    Preparation for Course
    P: 562.

    Cr. 3.
    If you are majoring in this discipline, you may want to consider the Science and Engineering Research Semester. See information under Arts and Sciences (Part 3).
  • ACS 568 - Object-Oriented Systems Development

    An examination of the concepts of object technology in a language independent fashion, illustrated with examples from specific programming languages. Teaches strategies and patterns for applying object-oriented methodologies to real-world application. Emphasis is on object-oriented programming and object-oriented design. Students are expected to complete large-scale programming and design projects through team programming.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CS 367 or equivalent.

    Cr. 3.
    If you are majoring in this discipline, you may want to consider the Science and Engineering Research Semester. See information under Arts and Sciences (Part 3).
  • ACS 573 - Advanced Operating Systems

    Advanced topics in modern operating systems such as distributed operating systems, client-server models, mutual exclusive and concurrency control, threads models, load balancing, real-time distributed system, distributed file systems, and shared memory. Case studies of contemporary operating systems.

    Cr. 3.
    If you are majoring in this discipline, you may want to consider the Science and Engineering Research Semester. See information under Arts and Sciences (Part 3).
  • ACS 574 - Advanced Computer Networks

    Introduction to communication networks, the Internet, circuit and packet switching, interfaces between computers and network hardware. Network architecture: OSI seven layer protocol stack, reliable delivery over unreliable channels, transport protocols, datagrams, virtual circuits, internetworking as a fundamental design concept. Network management concepts, client server principles and paradigms, addressing and address resolution algorithms, and remote procedure cells.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CS 274.

    Cr. 3.
    If you are majoring in this discipline, you may want to consider the Science and Engineering Research Semester. See information under Arts and Sciences (Part 3).
  • ACS 575 - Advanced Survey of Database Design,

    Covers several emerging topics in database modeling, object-oriented databases, distributed databases, client-server databases, knowledge databases, and theory of transactions management. Projects involve Oracle 7, Dev/2000, and Des/2000 (client-server database management systems by Oracle), Vmark Object Studio (an object-oriented database system), and Coral (a deductive database programming language).

    Preparation for Course
    P: CS 364.

    Cr. 3.
    If you are majoring in this discipline, you may want to consider the Science and Engineering Research Semester. See information under Arts and Sciences (Part 3).
  • ACS 582 - Expert Systems

    The design and implementation of expert systems. Knowledge representation, organization, and architecture of knowledge-based systems; reasoning with uncertain and incomplete information; justification and explanation; production systems; rule-based programming; knowledge acquisition and knowledge engineering; historical overview and recent applications of expert systems; and languages and tools for building expert systems. Students complete programming assignments with an expert system development tool.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CS 572.

    Cr. 3.
    If you are majoring in this discipline, you may want to consider the Science and Engineering Research Semester. See information under Arts and Sciences (Part 3).
  • AFRO A210 - The Black Woman in America

    A historical overview of the black woman’s role in American society, including family, social, and political relationships.

    Cr. 3.
    Subject Area
    [US] - [US] United States [WE] Western Europe [OW] Other World
  • AGR 101 - Introduction to Agriculture and Purdue

    Students are introduced to the School of Agriculture and Purdue University. Specific areas discussed include the diversity of career opportunities within agriculture, the relationships between different areas of agriculture; ethics; the impact of undergraduate course work, including the core curriculum, on scholarship and career preparation; and the challenges facing the food, agricultural, and natural resource systems. The use of guest lecturers provides a networking opportunity for students.

    Cr. 1.
  • AHLT C460 - Clinical Hematology

    Lecture and clinical experiences related to the functions, maturation, morphology, and clinical laboratory evaluation of hemostasis. Techniques, instrumentation, and quality control routinely used in the hematology department of a clinical laboratory.

    Cr. 1-8.
    Clinic 2-16,
  • AHLT C461 - Clinical Analysis of Urine and Body Fluids

    Lecture and clinical experiences in the biochemical, physical, and microscopic examination of urine and other body fluids.

    Cr. 1-2.
    Clinic 2-4,
  • AHLT C462 - Clinical Microbiology and Mycology

    Lecture and clinical experiences for the isolation, identification, and susceptibility testing of medically important microorganisms and fungi. Techniques, instrumentation, and quality control routinely used in the microbiology department of a clinical laboratory.

    Cr. 1-8.
    Clinic 2-16,
  • AHLT C463 - Clinical Parasitology

    Lecture and clinical experiences in the collection and processing of specimens, identification techniques, and diseases associated with clinically significant parasites.

    Cr. 1-2.
    Clinic 2-4,
  • AHLT C464 - Clinical Serology

    Lecture and clinical experiences in immunology as applied to the serologic diagnosis of infectious diseases and various syndromes. Technology, instrumentation, and quality control routinely used in the serology department of a clinical laboratory.

    Cr. 1-3.
    Clinic 2-6,
  • AHLT C465 - Clinical Chemistry

    Lecture and clinical experiences in the application of analytical methods for the clinical detection of clinical disorders. Techniques, instrumentation, and quality control routinely used in the clinical chemistry department of a clinical laboratory.

    Cr. 1-8.
    Clinic 2-16,
  • AHLT C466 - Clinical Immunohemtology

    Lecture and clinical experience in the serologic principles and methods for safe transfusion practice. Techniques, instrumentation, and quality control routinely used in the blood bank department of a clinical laboratory.

    Cr. 1-4.
    Clinic 2-8,
  • AHLT C467 - Professional Development Topics in Medical Technology

    Lectures and exercises in principles of supervision for the medical laboratory, teaching and evaluation in the clinical setting, and other aspects of professional development.

    Cr. 1-4.
    Clinic 2-8,
  • AHLT R100 - Orientation to Radiologic Technology

    Introduction to the field of radiology and its history. Students learn proper ethical standards, become acquainted with the duties and responsibilities in personal care for the patient, and investigate radiation protection for the patient and personnel. Degree credit will not be given for both R100 and R104.

    Preparation for Course
    C: R101, R102, R181.

    Cr. 2.
  • AHLT R101 - Radiographic Procedures I

    Concepts in radiography with emphasis on the radiographic procedures used to demonstrate the skeletal system.

    Preparation for Course
    C: R100, R102, R104, R181.

    Cr. 3-4.
  • AHLT R102 - Principles of Radiography I

    Basic concepts of radiation, its production, and its interactions with matter. Includes the production of the radiographic image and film processing.

    Preparation for Course
    C: R101, R181, Math 153.

    Cr. 3.
  • AHLT R181 - Clinical Experience in Radiography

    Clinical application of radiographic positioning, exposure techniques, and departmental procedures in all phases of radiologic technology, under the direct supervision of a registered technologist until mastery of clinical objectives is reached.

    Preparation for Course
    C: R100.

    Cr. 1-6.
    Variable Title
  • AHLT R182 - Clinical Experience in Radiography

    Clinical application of radiographic positioning, exposure techniques, and departmental procedures in all phases of radiologic technology, under the direct supervision of a registered technologist until mastery of clinical objectives is reached.

    Preparation for Course
    P: R101, R181.

    Cr. 1-6.
    Variable Title
  • AHLT R185 - Medical Terminology

    Introduction to origin and derivation of medical words as well as their meaning.

    Cr. 1.
  • AHLT R200 - Pathology

    A survey of the changes that occur in the diseased state to include general concepts of disease, causes of disease, clinical symptoms and treatment, and diseases that affect specific body systems.

    Preparation for Course
    P: Anatomy/Physiology.

    Cr. 2-3.
    Class 2-3,
  • AHLT R200 - Pathology

    A survey of the changes that occur in the diseased state to include general concepts of disease, causes of disease, clinical symptoms and treatment, and diseases that affect specific body systems.

    Preparation for Course
    P: anatomy/physiology.

    Cr. 2-3.
  • AHLT R201 - Radiographic Procedures II

    Concepts in radiography with emphasis on radiographic procedures used to demonstrate the skull and those requiring the use of contrast media.

    Preparation for Course
    C: R101, R182, R202.

    Cr. 3-4.
    Class 2-3, Lab. 0-3,
  • AHLT R202 - Principles of Radiography II

    Continuation of R102 with emphasis on the properties that affect the quality of radiographic image.

    Preparation for Course
    C: R102, R181, R201.

    Cr. 3.
  • AHLT R205 - Radiographic Procedures III

    Concepts in radiography with emphasis on special radiographic procedures and related imaging modalities.

    Preparation for Course
    C: R201, R222.

    Cr. 3-4.
    Class 2-3, Lab. 0-3,
  • AHLT R222 - Principles of Radiography III

    Continuation of R202 with emphasis on the application of radiography principles of imaging equipment.

    Preparation for Course
    P: R202.

    Cr. 3.
  • AHLT R250 - Physics Applied to Radiology

    Fundamentals of radiation physics, X-ray generation, and equipment quality control.

    Preparation for Course
    P: MA 153.

    Cr. 2-4.
  • AHLT R260 - Radiation Biology and Protection in Diagnostic Radiology

    Study of the biological effects of ionizing radiation and the standards and methods of protection. Emphasis is placed on X-ray interactions. Also included are discussions on radiation exposure standards and radiation monitoring.

    Preparation for Course
    P: R250.

    Cr. 1-3.
  • AHLT R281 - Clinical Experience in Radiography

    Clinical application of radiographic positioning, exposure techniques, and departmental procedures in all phases of radiologic technology, under the direct supervision of a registered technologist until mastery of clinical objectives is reached.

    Preparation for Course
    P: R182, R201.

    Cr. 1-6.
    Variable Title
  • AHLT R282 - Clinical Experience in Radiography

    Clinical application of radiographic positioning, exposure techniques, and departmental procedures in all phases of radiologic technology, under the direct supervision of a registered technologist until mastery of clinical objectives is reached.

    Preparation for Course
    P: R182, R201.

    Cr. 1-6.
    Variable Title
  • AHLT R283 - Clinical Experience in Radiography

    Clinical application of radiographic positioning, exposure techniques, and departmental procedures in all phases of radiologic technology, under the direct supervision of a registered technologist until mastery of clinical objectives is reached.

    Preparation for Course
    P: R182, R201.

    Cr. 1-6.
    Variable Title
  • AHLT R290 - Comprehensive Experience

    Clinical application of radiographic positioning, exposure techniques, and departmental procedures in all phases of radiologic technology under the direct supervision of a registered technologist. Successful completion involves mastery of all clinical aspects of the program.

    Preparation for Course
    P: R281, R282, R283.

    Cr. 1-8.
  • AMST A301 - The Question of American Identity

    Is American culture unified, or does it consist of a potpourri of more or less distinct cultures? Beginning with the 1600s, but emphasizing the 19th and 20th centuries, this course explores classic texts in American culture, seeking to locate the terms of American unity in the midst of obvious diversity.

    Cr. 3.
  • AMST A440 - Senior Seminar in American Studies

    Cr. 3.
  • ANSC 101 - Animal Agriculture

    Importance of livestock in the field of agriculture, and the place of meats and other animal products in the human diet.

    Cr. 3.
  • ANSC 221 - Principles of Animal Nutrition

    Classification and function of nutrients, deficiency symptoms, digestive processes, characterization of feedstuffs, and formulation of diets for domestic animals.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CHM 112 or equivalent.

    Cr. 3.
  • ANTH A200 - Topics in Anthropology

    Course is geared to the nonmajor and emphasizes the development of skills in the use of anthropological approaches to the study of human behavior and belief.

    Cr. 3
    Variable Title
  • ANTH A460 - Topics in Anthropology

    Cr. 1-3.
    Variable Title
  • ANTH A495 - Individual Readings in Anthropology

    Preparation for Course
    P: consent of instructor.

    Cr. 1-4.
    Session Indicators
    (fall, spring)
    Variable Title
    Dual Level Course
    Eligible for graduate credit. Maximum of 4 credits.
  • ANTH A496 - Field Study in Anthropology

    Planning of research project during year preceding summer in field. Time spent in research must amount to at least one week for each credit hour granted. Research paper must be presented by end of semester following field study.

    Preparation for Course
    P: consent of instructor and department chair.

    Cr. 3-8.
    Maximum of 8 credits.
  • ANTH B200 - Bioanthropology

    An introduction to the biological nature of mankind. The evolution of human beings. An examination of speciation, race, and racial groups. The future evolution of humans.

    Cr. 3.
    Session Indicators
    (fall, spring)
  • ANTH E102 - Anthropology of America

    Anthropological analysis of American society: marriage, descent, kinship organization, religion, social stratification, and economic basis of social structure.

    Cr. 3.
  • ANTH E105 - Culture and Society

    An introduction to the variations and diversities of living human groups. Social structure, religion, ecology, marriage, and personality variations of peoples of the world. Emphasis on preliterate cultures.

    Cr. 3.
    Session Indicators
    (fall, spring, summer)
  • ANTH E200 - Social and Cultural Anthropology

    Intermediate survey of theories and problems in social and cultural anthropology. Historical development, methods of inquiry, focal problems, and contemporary theoretical perspectives.

    Cr. 3.
  • ANTH E301 - Plain People of Indiana

    Introduction to two representative groups of Plain People: Old Order (house) Amish and Old German Baptist Brethren. Topics include their beliefs and practices, societal structure, sense of community (in language, dress, architecture, transportation, schooling, demography), and the special problems that beset them as traditional societies in a technocratic age.

    Cr. 3.
  • ANTH E310 - Introduction to the Cultures of Africa

    Explores the vitality and diversity of African cultures today in communities ranging from town neighborhoods to remote villages and from desert to rainforest. Demonstrates the tenacity and creativity of human societies facing severe political, social, and ecological pressures, but also contributes new questions and answers to global debates about family values, ethnicity, terrorism, hunger, and economic growth.

    Cr. 3.
  • ANTH E320 - Indians of North America

    An examination of the political, economic, ecological, religious, kinship, and warfare patterns of representative Native American groups before and at the time of European contact.

    Preparation for Course
    P: E105.

    Cr. 3.
    Approved by Arts and Sciences for the Cultural Studies (Non-Western Culture) requirement.
  • ANTH E321 - Peoples of Mexico

    Surveys modern Indian groups, peasant societies, and problems of acculturation and urbanization in contemporary Mexico.

    Preparation for Course
    P: E105.

    Cr. 3.
    Approved by Arts and Sciences for the Cultural Studies (Non-Western Culture) requirement.
  • ANTH E330 - Indians of South America

    The cultural development and contemporary life of aboriginal societies in the tropical and marginal areas of the continent. Ethnic relationship and characteristics of major cultural groups are examined through detailed study of representative tribal units.

    Preparation for Course
    P: E105.

    Cr. 3.
    Approved by Arts and Sciences for the Cultural Studies (Non-Western Culture) requirement.
  • ANTH E335 - Ancient Civilizations of Mesoamerica

    The cultural development of the great pre-Columbian civilizations in Mexico and Guatemala, especially the Aztec, Toltec, Olmec, and Maya. Emphasis on the social life, cultural achievements, religion, world view, and political systems to illustrate the diversity and richness of Amerindian life before the Spanish conquest.

    Preparation for Course
    P: E105.

    Cr. 3.
    Approved by Arts and Sciences for the Cultural Studies (Non- Western Culture) requirement.
  • ANTH E341 - Culture of China

    Survey of Chinese culture and society. Geography, history, linguistic and ethnic groups, social and political organizations, education, religion, etc.

    Preparation for Course
    P: junior class standing and consent of instructor.

    Cr. 3.
    Approved by Arts and Sciences for the Cultural Studies (Non-Western Culture) requirement.
  • ANTH E350 - European Ethnography

    European peoples and cultures. Emphasis on comparison of cultural assumption and social organization of selected European cultures; techniques for anthropological research in European societies.

    Preparation for Course
    P: E105 or consent of instructor.

    Cr. 3.
  • ANTH E400 - Undergraduate Seminar

    Intensive examination of selected topics in anthropology. Emphasis upon analytic investigation and critical discussion.

    Preparation for Course
    P: E105.

    Cr. 3.
    Variable Title
  • ANTH E401 - Ecology and Culture

    How human beings, nature, and culture interrelate. Examination of the varied approaches used in hunting, agricultural, and industrial societies for adapting to the physical environment.

    Preparation for Course
    P: E105.

    Cr. 3.
    Approved by Arts and Sciences for the Cultural Studies (Non-Western Culture) requirement.
  • ANTH E402 - Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective

    This course considers the meaning and social implications of gender in human society. Cultural definitions of “male” and “female” gender categories as well as associated behavioral and structural differentiation of gender roles will be analyzed using current anthropological concepts and theories.

    Cr. 3.
  • ANTH E420 - Economic Anthropology

    Comparative study of technologies and economic systems of selected non-Western peoples.

    Preparation for Course
    P: E105.

    Cr. 3.
    Approved by Arts and Sciences for the Cultural Studies (Non-Western Culture) requirement.
  • ANTH E421 - The Anthropology of Aging

    This course explores age and the aging process cross-culturally by looking at the specific cultural context in which individuals age and by analyzing similarities and differences across cultures.

    Cr. 3.
  • ANTH E445 - Medical Anthropology

    An examination of the cross-cultural properties of disease and curing. Focus on investigations into the ideology and meaning of illness, the relationship between patient and healer, and how responsibility for illness is assigned. Medical anthropology is concerned with knowledge about sociocultural contexts of disease and healing and with how such knowledge might inform the management of our own health problems.

    Cr. 3.
    Session Indicators
    Approved by Arts and Sciences for the Cultural Studies (Non-Western Culture) requirement.
    Dual Level Course
    Eligible for graduate credit.
  • ANTH E455 - Anthropology of Religion

    Critical evaluation of current approaches to the analysis of religious myth, ritual, and symbolism. Problems in understanding religious beliefs of other cultures. Modern development of the anthropology of religion.

    Cr. 3.
    Approved by Arts and Sciences for the Cultural Studies (Non-Western Culture) requirement.
    Dual Level Course
    Eligible for graduate credit.
  • ANTH E462 - Anthropological Folklore

    Function, forms, and interpretations of folklore in traditional societies. Folklore as an expression of continuity and change.

    Preparation for Course
    P: E105.

    Cr. 3.
    Approved by Arts and Sciences for the Cultural Studies (Non- Western Culture) requirement.
  • ANTH E470 - Psychological Anthropology

    The similarity and diversity of human personalities. How culture forms personalities and is formed by them. Focus on individual variation within a cultural framework.

    Preparation for Course
    P: E105.

    Cr. 3.
    Approved by Arts and Sciences for the Cultural Studies (Non-Western Culture) requirement.
    Dual Level Course
    Eligible for graduate credit.
  • ANTH E479 - Indian Cultures of Peru

    Detailed examination of past and present of one of the largest Indian populations in Latin America. Emphasis on the role of Indians in contemporary society.

    Preparation for Course
    P: consent of instructor.

    Cr. 3.
  • ANTH H445 - History and Theory of Anthropology

    An examination of the historical development of the field of anthropology concentrating upon the intellectual roots and context that surrounded its emergence as well as contemporary problems, perspectives, methods, and theories. Course designed for graduating anthropology majors.

    Preparation for Course
    P: E105 and B200.

    Cr. 3.
  • ANTH L200 - Language and Culture

    An introduction to the study of language and its relations to the rest of culture.

    Cr. 3.
  • ANTH L400 - Seminar in the Ethnography of Communication

    Current issues in linguistic anthropology, designed to acquaint the student with readings and points of view not covered in the introductory courses. Topics such as (1) languages of the world, (2) variation in language, (3) problems in linguistic structure, and (4) culture and communication.

    Cr. 3.
    Variable Title
    May be repeated once for credit with a different topic.
  • ANTH P200 - Introduction to Prehistoric Archaeology

    World archaeology in the framework of major prehistoric cultural innovations. History, techniques, methods, and significance of archaeological research.

    Cr. 3.
    Session Indicators
    (fall, spring)
  • ANTH P220 - Rise and Fall of Ancient Civilizations

    Focus on how societies develop from band and tribal level to state-level social organization. Special emphasis on the continuing evolution of the state.

    Preparation for Course
    P: P200.

    Cr. 3.
  • ANTH P240 - Archaeology and the Movies

    Examines how archaeologists and archaeological knowledge are represented in popular cinema, and compares these views with the work that archaeologists actually do. Topics include the history of archaeology, archaeological ethics, and archaeological interpretation. Feature film studies cover archaeological practice, the archaeology of early humans, Rome, and ancient Egypt and related topics.

    Cr. 3.
  • ANTH P300 - Topics in Prehistory

    World archaeology in the framework of major cultural stages. The methods, analysis, and significance of archaeological research.

    Cr. 3.
  • ANTH P310 - Old World Archaeology

    Prehistoric cultures of Europe, Asia, and Africa from Old Stone Age through Iron Age.

    Cr. 2-3.
    Maximum of 3 credits.
  • ANTH P360 - Archaeology of North America

    Introduction to antiquity of the American Indian, principal culture areas, and field methods and techniques incident to recovery of archaeological data and materials.

    Cr. 3.
    Approved by Arts and Sciences for the Cultural Studies (Non- Western Culture) requirement.
  • ANTH P361 - Prehistory of Eastern North America

    Survey of prehistoric cultural developments in eastern North America from man’s first occupation of this area until European contact, set primarily within the framework of changing ecological adaptations.

    Preparation for Course
    P: P200 or P360 and consent of instructor.

    Cr. 3.
    Dual Level Course
    Eligible for graduate credit.
  • ANTH P370 - Ancient Cultures of South America

    Evidence for successive migrations into the continent, the subsequent development of local cultures, and civilization in the central Andes.

    Preparation for Course
    P: P200 or consent of instructor.

    Cr. 3.
    Approved by Arts and Sciences for the Cultural Studies (Non-Western Culture) requirement.
  • ANTH P376 - Archaeology of Death

    Examination of mortuary behavior using archaeological and biological data. Methods of studying variation in mortuary practices. Identification of skeletal remains in laboratory setting.

    Preparation for Course
    P: P200.

    Cr. 3.
  • ANTH P382 - Archaeological Research Design

    Construction and implementation of archaeological research design using a graphics-oriented computer simulation model. Computer displays sites, features, and artifacts located by student using various methods of survey and excavation. Hypothesis testing, sampling strategies, and budget constraints are emphasized.

    Cr. 3.
  • ANTH P399 - Undergraduate Seminar

    Intensive examination of selected topics in archaeology. Development of skills in analysis and criticism. Topic varies.

    Preparation for Course
    P: P200 or consent of instructor.

    Cr. 3.
    Variable Title
    May be repeated once for credit.
  • ANTH P400 - Archaeological Methods and Techniques

    Methods and mechanics of archaeology in field and laboratory. Use of survey instruments, drawing tools, and photographic equipment, treatment of recovered materials leading to printed report.

    Preparation for Course
    P: consent of instructor.

    Cr. 2-4.
    Dual Level Course
    Eligible for graduate credit. Maximum of 4 credits.
  • ANTH P405 - Fieldwork in Archaeology

    Archaeological work directed toward field techniques: excavation and preservation of materials, surveying, photography, cataloguing.

    Cr. 1-8.
    One credit hour per full week of fieldwork.
    Dual Level Course
    Eligible for graduate credit. Maximum of 8 credits.
  • ARET 123 - Construction Graphic Communication

    Introduction to graphic communication in the architectural, engineering, interior design professions. CAD software  and/or other digital media are utilized in the production of working drawings. Projects are adapted to the various professions.

    Cr. 3.
    Class 2, Lab. 4-6
  • ARET 124 - Architectural Engineering Construction I

    A study of residential building and the graphic and written documents required for its construction. CAD familiarity is required and a model may be required.

    Preparation for Course
    P: 123 and 167.

    Cr. 3.
    Class 1, Lab. 4-6
  • ARET 167 - Construction Systems and Materials

    Properties of construction materials and components and an introduction to their use in various construction systems.

    Cr. 3.
  • ARET 222 - Architectural Engineering Construction II

    Preparation of graphic and written documents to construct an intermediate-sized commercial or institutional building. A model may be required. Computer applications.

    Preparation for Course
    P: 124.

    Cr. 3.
    Class 1, Lab. 4-6
  • ARET 281 - Environmental Equipment for Buildings I

    A survey of basic environmental control parameters of heating, ventilating, air conditioning, plumbing, lighting, electricity, and their equipment (size and shapes) and the physiological effects on mankind. Emphasis placed on definitions, types of systems, and physical characteristics of equipment.

    Preparation for Course
    P: 124, MA 151.

    Cr. 3.
  • ARET 282 - Environmental Equipment for Buildings II

    Continuation of ARET 281 with emphasis on calculation and basic design for heating, ventilating and air conditioning, plumbing, lighting, electrical, and other equipment with laboratory practice applying concepts and calculations to a term project. Term project is the development of mechanical, plumbing, lighting, and power plans for a light commercial building or residence. Computer application.

    Preparation for Course
    P: 281.

    Cr. 3.
    Class 2, Lab. 2
  • ARET 291 - Architectural Technology Cooperative I

    Practice and experience in the professional community through short-term work assignments and projects. A written report of the co-op student’s work experience is required.

    Preparation for Course
    P: admission to the Cooperative Education program.

    Cr. 1.
  • ARET 292 - Architectural Technology Cooperative II

    Practice and experience in the professional community through short-term work assignments and projects. A written report of the co-op student’s work is required.

    Preparation for Course
    P: 291.

    Cr. 1.
  • ARET 321 - Architectural Presentation Techniques I

    Professional office-oriented project presentation techniques. Can include model building, sketching, perspective, and rendering with a variety of media.

    Preparation for Course
    P: 222 and INTR 121; must be in CNTB program/CNET major.

    Cr. 3.
    Class 1, Lab. 6
  • ARET 324 - Architectural Engineering Construction III

    Continuation of ARET 222 with emphasis on space planning and more complex structures. A model may be required. Computer application.

    Preparation for Course
    P:222; must be in CNTB program/CNET major.

    Cr. 3.
    Class 1, Lab. 6
  • ARET 354 - Principles of Land Use

    Comprehensive study of how land is used by human communities in the context of planners, architects, engineers, and constructors. Case studies will be examined in conjunction with problems and procedures in land-use planning.

    Preparation for Course
    P: Must be in CNTB program/CNET major.

    Cr. 3.
  • ARET 355 - Techniques of Land Utilization

    Lectures and projects in land analysis and planning techniques for use in assessment of land development. Subjects will cover building location, grading, drainage, roads, parking requirements, and utilities. Computer application.

    Preparation for Course
    P: Must be in CNTB program/CNET major.

    Cr. 3.
    Class 2, Lab. 3
  • ARET 384 - Environmental Equipment for Buildings III

    Course covers the advanced study of plumbing, HVAC, lighting, electrical, and sprinkler and alarm systems for buildings. This course builds on material and calculations presented in ARET 281 and ARET 282. Students are required to present a research paper, written and orally.

    Preparation for Course
    P: 282; must be in CNTB program/CNET major.

    Cr. 3.
  • ARET 391 - Architectural Technology Cooperative III

    Practice and experience in the professional community through short-term work assignments and projects. A written report of the co-op student’s work experience is required.

    Preparation for Course
    P: 292.

    Cr. 1.
  • ARET 392 - Architectural Technology Cooperative IV

    Practice and experience in the professional community through short-term work assignments and projects. A written report of the co-op student’s work experience is required.

    Preparation for Course
    P: 391.

    Cr. 1.
  • ARET 491 - Architectural Technology Cooperative V

    Practice and experience in the professional community through short-term work assignments and projects. A written report of the co-op student’s work experience is required.

    Preparation for Course
    P: 392.

    Cr. 1

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