Jun 01, 2024  
2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog 
2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Course Descriptions

Course descriptions are listed in alphabetical order.

Standard information for each course includes the number, title, and credits (sometimes called credit hours or semester hours). For some courses, you will find information on the hours of class, laboratory, or studio for which the course is scheduled in each week of a regular semester; these weekly hours are expanded during summer sessions. Fees for courses are assessed on the basis of credits and other factors.

The course-numbering system generally suggests levels of difficulty and appropriateness. Courses at the 100 and 200 levels comprise introductory offerings and those are most commonly taken by freshmen and sophomores. Courses at the 300 and 400 levels are primarily for juniors and seniors. In some Purdue programs, undergraduates take courses at the 500 level, but generally courses numbered 500 and above are for graduate students.

Preparation for courses is indicated as follows:

P: indicates a prerequisite that must precede your enrollment in the course described. You may find one or more specific course numbers, the number of credits you should already have in a subject, a placement-test level, or other conditions.

C: indicates a corequisite that must be taken no later than the same semester in which you take the course described.

R: indicates a recommendation concerning conditions to be met for enrollment in the course.

When no subject code is shown for prerequisites, corequisites, and recommended courses, they are in the same subject area as the course being described. If you lack a prerequisite or corequisite, or if you wish to take a course numbered at a higher level than your present status, you should seek the department’s or instructor’s consent to enroll in the course.

V.T. means Variable Title and is shown for courses for which the title may be changed to specify the topic or other special focus of each offering.

Session indicators (fall, spring, summer) suggest the times at which courses are generally offered. Scheduling patterns may, however, vary.

Purdue University Fort Wayne reserves the right to add, withdraw, or change courses without notice.


  • BIOL 21600 - Basic Mammalian Physiology

    Introduction to physiology emphasizing homeostasis and interrelationships of body functions, cells to systems. Includes selected functional anatomy. Specifically designed for students in IU Allied Health programs, nursing, and physical education for whom BIOL 20300-20400 is not accepted.

    Preparation for Course
    P: one semester of chemistry. R: BIOL 21500.

    Cr. 4.
    Class 3, Lab. 3.
  • BIOL 21700 - Intermediate Ecology

    Ecological principles of populations, communities, and ecosystems; interaction of biotic and abiotic factors regulating population and community structure; case studies, field studies, and simulation models of life history attributes, competition, predation, parasitism, and mutualism. This course is open only to science majors. Instructor’s permission required for non-biology majors.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BIOL 11700 and 11900 or equivalent with grades of C or higher.

    Cr. 3.
    Class 2, Lab. 3.
  • BIOL 21800 - Genetics and Molecular Biology

    The course will cover the principles of classical and molecular genetics. Mendelian inheritance, linkage, gene interaction and chromosomal aberrations, nucleic acids structure, gene function (replication, transcription, and translation), mutation and repair, regulation of gene expression, genetic engineering. The laboratory experiments include linkage mapping in Drosophila, allozyme variation in fish, DNA extraction, electrophoresis, restriction enzyme analysis, gene isolation by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). This course is open only to science majors. Instructor’s permission required for non-biology majors.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BIOL 11700 and 11900 with grades of C or higher, and CHM 11600 or permission of instructor.

    Cr. 4.
    Class 3, Lab. 3.
  • BIOL 21900 - Principles of Functional Biology

    This course will cover selected topics in both plant and animal physiology: photosynthesis, respiration, nutrition, solute and water transport, plant and animal hormones, neural control in animals, osmoregulation, and reproduction. Some laboratory time will be devoted to small-group discussions. This course is open only to science majors. Instructor’s permission is required for non-biology majors.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BIOL 11700 and 11900 with grades of C or higher, and CHM 11600 or permission of instructor.

    Cr. 4.
    Class 3, Lab. 3.
  • BIOL 22000 - Microbiology for Allied Health Professionals

    The biology of microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, and algae) and their interactions with humans. Emphasis on microbes with medical and/or public health significance. Specific areas of study include characteristics, metabolism, and genetics of bacteria; host-parasite interactions; factors affecting human health and disease states; principles of disinfection and sterilization; epidemiology of infectious disease with emphasis on transmission, prevention, and treatment; and nosocomial infection risks and prevention. This course is designed for nursing and Allied Health students.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BIOL 20300, CHM 10400 or CHM 11100.

    Cr. 4.
    Class 3, Lab. 2.
    Indiana Core Transfer Library course.
  • BIOL 25000 - Women and Biology

    An examination of modern concepts in biology. The scientific method will be examined and feminist criticisms of science will be discussed. The topics of reproduction and development, heredity, and ecology will be used as focal points for an in-depth discussion of the conceptual framework of biology and feminist criticism thereof. Cannot be used for Group A or B elective for biology majors. Credit given for only one of the following: BIOL 100, BIOL 250, or BIOL N200.

    Preparation for Course
    P: sophomore standing. For nonmajors.

    Cr. 3.
  • BIOL 29500 - Special Assignments

    Special work such as directed reading, library research, and laboratory or field research. The field in which studies are performed will be indicated on the student’s record. The substance of the project must be agreed upon by the student and a faculty member and approved by the chair.

    Cr. 1-3.
    Class 0-3, Lab. 0-6.
    Variable Title
  • BIOL 30400 - Major Ideas In Biology

    Major ideas in biology such as immunization, spontaneous generation, inheritance, evolution, genetic engineering and ecology will be examined. Students will analyze the methodology and results that lead to understanding of these ideas. Small group discussion, oral presentations and written papers will all be used to study the impact of these ideas on other areas such as economics, politics, or religion. Cannot be used as a group A or B elective for a biology major.

    Preparation for Course
    P: an introductory course in biology.

    Cr. 3.
  • BIOL 31500 - Developmental Anatomy

    Comparative study of the vertebrate embryology and adult anatomy of selected vertebrates, including humans.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BIOL 11900 or 10900.

    Cr. 4.
    Class 2, Lab. 4.
  • BIOL 31700 - Addictions: Biology, Psychology, and Society

    It is an interdisciplinary, introductory course taught by a team from the biology and psychology departments. The course will focus on using the processes of addiction to alcohol, marijuana, nicotine, and psychomotor stimulants to teach the basics of biological and psychological sciences. Example topic areas include neurological/ brain function, impact on cognitive function, biochemistry, genetics, immunology, emotion and motivation, learning and memory, physiology and pharmacology, and the psychosocial aspects of addictions. Cannot be used as A or B elective for biology majors.

    Preparation for Course
    P: Placement at or above ENGL 13100.

    Cr. 3.
  • BIOL 32700 - Biology of Aging

    This course presents a basic understanding of how the human body ages from the biological standpoint. The student will gain an understanding of biological and physiological changes associated with aging in various organ systems. Discussions of potential intervention strategies and ways to extend the quality of life during aging will be presented. The course is primarily geared toward the student interested in obtaining a certificate in gerontology. Cannot be used as a group A or B elective for biology majors.

    Cr. 3.
    This course meets General Education Level B4 requirements.
  • BIOL 33400 - Clinical Pathophysiology

    A functional study of pathophysiology of major physiological systems of a human with special emphasis on clinical applications for baccalaureate nursing and allied health professionals. Major topics to be covered include fluid and electrolyte balance, medical genetics, and the pathophysiology of the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, hepatic, endocrine, immune, renal, and neural systems. Cannot be used as a group A or B elective  for biology majors.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BIOL 20300, 20400 or equivalent.

    Cr. 4.
  • BIOL 33500 - Animal Behavior

    Instinct vs. learning; genetics and development of learning; neurobiology; behavioral ecology: habitat selection, mating systems, foraging behavior; sociobiology and human behavior.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BIOL 11700, 11900, or equivalent.

    Cr. 3.
  • BIOL 34500 - Vertebrate Biology

    Vertebrate diversity and the manner in which species are designed for their particular lifestyles, the relatedness and origins of the major vertebrate taxa, the basic vertebrate body plan, adaptations for feeding and locomotion, natural history of selected vertebrates, current conservation issues regarding vertebrates. Field experiences will include periodic visits to local nature preserves during the lab period.  This course includes service learning. 

    Preparation for Course
    P: BIOL 11700, 11900.

    Cr. 4.
    Class 3, Lab. 3.
  • BIOL 34900 - Environmental Science

    Examines current major environmental issues through an investigation of the scientific and political aspects of human population growth, degradation of natural resources, and environmental regulations. Cannot be used as a Group A or B elective for biology majors.

    Preparation for Course
    P: junior or senior class standing.

    Cr. 3.
  • BIOL 35000 - Plant Physiology

    Basic physiological processes and their relationship to plant structure and function. Laboratory experiments provide personal experience with a broad range of psychological phenomena.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BIOL 10800 and one semester of general chemistry.

    Cr. 4.
    Class 3, Lab. 3.
  • BIOL 38100 - Cell Biology

    Details of cell structure and function, biochemical aspects of energy and information flow in eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells, cellular differentiation and function of specialized eukaryotic cells. Course open only to science majors.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BIOL 11900. R: one semester of organic chemistry or permission of instructor.

    Cr. 3.
  • BIOL 43400 - Marine Community Ecology

    Lecture involves a survey emphasizing tropical marine communities including coral reefs, mangrove estuaries, turtle grass, and hard and soft substrate intertidal communities. Community processes such as predation, competition, mutualism, zonation, and behavior are discussed as well as physical-chemical factors such as tides, currents, waves, and salinity. Course includes a required field trip to a marine biological station over spring break for the lab portion. Student required to pay for expenses associated with field trip. Prerequisite for field trip: swimming/snorkeling ability; use of scuba gear is optional.

    Preparation for Course
    P: one year of college biology; second semester may be taken concurrently.

    Cr. 3.
    Class 2, Lab. 1.
  • BIOL 43700 - General Microbiology

    An examination of microbial diversity that emphasizes the interrelationship between bacteria and their environments. Special emphasis is given to metabolic diversity, control of microbial growth and interactions of pathogenic microorganisms with their hosts. The laboratory is designed to complement the lecture and emphasizes pure culture techniques, isolation and identification of unknown organisms, measurement and control of microbial growth and studies of human commensal organisms.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BIOL 11700 and 11900 or equivalent with grades of C or higher; P or C: CHM 25500.

    Cr. 4.
    Class 3, Lab. 3.
  • BIOL 44500 - Aquatic Biology

    Introduction to the roles of physical and chemical factors, predation, and competition in determining the abundance of freshwater organisms and regulating the productivity of lake ecosystems. Laboratories emphasize field work and group or individual projects at the Crooked Lake Biological Station.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BIOL 11700 and one year of general chemistry.

    Cr. 3.
    Class 2, Lab. 3.
  • BIOL 49100 - Senior Biology Seminar

    Students conduct an in depth research project on a biological topic of their choice, and present upon their findings in both written and oral formats. Students will learn about scientific inquiry and communication techniques, and also critique and discuss seminar presentation. Open only to senior biology majors. Number of credits depends on student’s catalog year.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BIOL 21700, BIOL 21800, and BIOL 21900.

    Cr. 1-3.
  • BIOL 50100 - Field Botany

    Field botany is the study of plants in a landscape context. Major course themes include plant identification; plant community analysis and classification, focusing on major plant community types in northeast Indiana; an introduction to basic concepts of geology, hydrology, and soil science as they relate to the distribution and maintenance of plant communities, and a module on habitat preservation and restoration. The course includes two required Saturday field trips.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BIOL 21700 or consent of instructor.

    Cr. 4.
    Class 3, Lab 3.
    Dual Level Course
  • BIOL 50200 - Conservation Biology

    An investigation of the foundations of conservation biology and emergent topics within the field: conservation ethics, the Endangered Species Act, island biogeography, effective population size, minimum viable populations, edge effects, managing for threatened species, and refuge design.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BIOL 21700 and 21800.

    Cr. 3.
    Dual Level Course
  • BIOL 50500 - Biology of Invertebrate Animals

    A survey of the invertebrate animals, their morphology, physiology, ecology, and phylogeny.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BIOL 10900 or 11700 and 11900.

    Cr. 3.
    Class 2, Lab. 3.
    Dual Level Course
  • BIOL 50600 - Human Molecular Genetics

    A molecular characterization of the human genome, cloning human disease genes, the molecular basis of human genetic disorders that are due to biochemical defects and chromosomal abnormalities, molecular approaches in diagnosis of human disorders, mapping of human genes, and gene therapy.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BIOL 21800; one semester of organic chemistry or biochemistry or signature of instructor.

    Cr. 3.
    Dual Level Course
  • BIOL 50900 - Molecular Biology and Applications

    Up-to-date recombinant DNA methods will be covered; how molecular biology methods have enhanced our understanding of basic biological functions and structures; the applicability of molecular biology in pharmaceuticals, vaccine production, agriculture, bioremediation, and synthesis of commercial products.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BIOL 21800, and CHM 25400 or CHM 53300, or consent of instructor.

    Cr. 3.
    Dual Level Course
  • BIOL 51600 - Molecular Biology of Cancer

    A detailed course examining the molecular mechanisms controlling the growth of animal cells. Emphasis will be placed on current experimental approaches to defining the molecular basis of growth regulation in developing systems and the uncontrolled proliferation of cells in metabolic disorders, such as cancer.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BIOL 21800, 38100 or graduate student standing.

    Cr. 3.
    Dual Level Course
  • BIOL 51810 - Biomedicine

    To develop an understanding of the applications of the principles of natural sciences, especially biology and physiology, to modern medicine through evaluation of pre-clinical research.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BIOL 21900, and CHM 25500 or 26100, or consent of instructor.

    Cr. 3.
    Dual Level Course
    Undergraduate - Graduate
  • BIOL 52000 - Contemporary Parasitology

    This course is designed to provide students, in the various disciplines, with information on parasites that will augment their training to pursue more advanced areas in medicine, allied health, animal, and environmental sciences.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BIOL 21700 and 21900, or consent of instructor.

    Cr. 3.
    Dual Level Course
  • BIOL 52410 - Bacterial Diversity and Systematics

    This course will address modern techniques in prokaryotic identification and phylogenetic analysis. Molecular methods in culture-dependent and culture-independent prokaryotic identification will be discussed and students will learn how to integrate such results into a large phylogenetic context. Advanced characterization of several prokaryotic phyla will also be discussed.

    Preparation for Course
    P or C: BIOL 21800; C: BIOL 43700 or consent of instructor.

    Cr. 3.
    Dual Level Course
    Undergraduate - Graduate
  • BIOL 53300 - Medical Microbiology

    Host-parasite relationships, immunology, bacteria, and viruses associated with infectious diseases.

    Preparation for Course
    C: BIOL 43700.

    Cr. 3.
    Dual Level Course
  • BIOL 53700 - Immunobiology

    Readings and discussion in the structural, cellular, and genetic basis of the immune response.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BIOL 43700.

    Cr. 3.
    Dual Level Course
  • BIOL 54110 - Invasion Biology

    The study of species movements, dominance and functional roles within ecosystems, typically in relation to human interventions.  Covers theoretical and applied aspects of species introductions and invasions, including mechanisms impacts and management. Taxa include animals and plants in terrestrial and aquatlc ecosystems.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BIOL 21700 or consent of Instructor.

    Cr. 3.
  • BIOL 54300 - Population Ecology

    Interactions that determine the dynamics, abundance, and persistence of natural populations. Topics include competition, predation and disease, metapopulations, computer simulation and data analysis, discussions of classical and current literature.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BIOL 21700, 21800, and 21900; a statistics course is recommended.

    Cr. 4.
    Class 3, Lab. 2.
    Dual Level Course
  • BIOL 54400 - Principles of Virology

    Introduction to the molecular biology of animal, plant, and bacterial viruses. Interaction of viruses and the host cell, viral replication, mechanisms of viral pathogenesis, immunology, chemotherapy, viral genetics, oncology, and vaccines.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BIOL 21800.

    Cr. 3.
    Dual Level Course
  • BIOL 55110 - Proteins: Structure and Functions

    This course will explore the fascinating world of proteins which are the nanomachines that are indispensable to life because of their catalytic and structural functions.  Students will learn the principles governing protein function and get an integrated view of proteins at the molecular, cellular and systemic level.  Students will gain understanding of how enzymes work, how proteins make molecules move inside cells and transmit signals.  Bioinformatics and molecular biological techniques used for studying proteins will also be taught. Permission of instructor required. 

    Preparation for Course
    R: BIOL 21800 or consent of instructor. 

    Cr. 3.
  • BIOL 55600 - Physiology I

    General and comparative physiology. Principles of physiology. Nerve and muscle, temperature regulation, ion and water balance. The critical evaluation of original research papers.

    Cr. 3.
    Dual Level Course
  • BIOL 55900 - Endocrinology

    The study of hormone function. Consideration will be given to the role of hormones in growth, development, metabolism, homeostasis, and reproduction.

    Cr. 3.
    Dual Level Course
  • BIOL 56500 - Immunobiology Lab

    A survey course in laboratory experiments and demonstrations using classical immunological techniques and modern immunoassays with up-to-date technological equipment. The laboratory supplements the lecture portion of BIOL 537 but is not required. Typical assays include immuno-double diffusion Ouchterlony methodology, immunofluorescence identification of cell surface antigens, cytokine and mitogen stimulated proliferation of immune cells, ELISA assays, and PAGE with Western blotting.

    Preparation for Course
    P or C: BIOL 53700.

    Cr. 1.
    Lab. 3.
    Dual Level Course
  • BIOL 56600 - Developmental Biology

    Principles of development with emphasis on concepts and experimental evidence for underlying mechanisms, including molecular, cellular, and supracellular approaches.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BIOL 21800.

    Cr. 3.
    Dual Level Course
  • BIOL 56700 - Laboratory in Developmental Biology

    Descriptive and experimental study of the development of animals. Laboratories do not necessarily follow lecture material.

    Preparation for Course
    P or C: BIOL 56600 or consent of instructor.

    Cr. 1.
    Lab. 2.
    Dual Level Course
  • BIOL 57710 - Emerging Infectious Diseases

    This course will introduce the molecular biology and epidemiology of several emerging infectious diseases affecting humans caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi and protozoa using recent, peer-reviewed scientific reviews as course material. Students completing this course will obtain a deeper understanding of the microbial agents that are currently causing several important diseases worldwide. The topics covered will focus on how the pathogens enter and spread within the human body and between persons, the host response to infection, clinical symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Permission of instructor required. 

    Preparation for Course
    R: BIOL 21800 or consent of instructor. 

    Cr. 3.
  • BIOL 57810 - Biology Of Disease Vectors

    In this course, students will learn about the biology of plant and animal disease vectors with respect to their interactions with the pathogens and hosts, epidemiology of diseases, disease control strategies.

    Preparation for Course
    P:  BIOL 11900 and 21800 and Permission of Instructor required.

    Cr. 3.
  • BIOL 58000 - Evolution

    A study of evolution as a basic concept of the biological sciences; an examination of current methods of experimentation within areas, as well as evidences for the possible mechanisms of evolutionary change.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BIOL 21700 and 21800 or consent of instructor.

    Cr. 3.
    Dual Level Course
  • BIOL 58200 - Ecotoxicology

    An investigation into the effects of environmental pollutants on ecosystem structure and function. The fate of pollutants in the environment is considered as it relates to the direct and indirect effects of chemicals on biota. Also considered are regulatory aspects of ecotoxicology.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BIOL 21700, 21800, and 21900.

    Cr. 3.
    Dual Level Course
  • BIOL 58400 - Molecular Biology and Applications Laboratory

    The lab will consist of mini-projects that will emphasize the applications of several molecular biology techniques such as non-isotopic DNA detection by Southern Blot hybridization, nucleic acid purification (plasmid and genomic DNA, RNA), DNA restriction digestion and analysis by agarose gel electrophoresis, library construction, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), quantitative real-time PCR, protein purification and antibody-antigen interactions.

    Preparation for Course
    P or C: BIOL 50900. 

    Cr. 1.
    Lab. 3.
    Dual Level Course
  • BIOL 58600 - Topics in Behavior and Ecology

    In-depth examination of topics in ecology and behavior not treated extensively in other courses, e.g., behavioral ecology of reproduction, foraging ecology and behavior, and the behavioral ecology of defense against predators.

    Preparation for Course
    P: an ecology course or consent of instructor.

    Cr. 3.
    Variable Title
    May be repeated for credit with a different topic.
    Dual Level Course
  • BIOL 59500 - Special Assignments

    Independent study or research or presentation of material not available in the formal courses of the department. The field in which work is offered will be indicated on the student’s record. Research projects must be agreed upon by the student and a faculty member and approved by the chair. May be repeated for credit.

    Preparation for Course
    P: consent of instructor; open only to science majors.

    Cr. 1-4.
    Class 2-8, Lab. 0-12.
    Variable Title
    Dual Level Course
  • BUS 10000 - Introduction to College and Business Careers

    An orientation to the college environment and to the different careers in the field of business. Students will develop the skills needed to be successful college students and will be introduced to various business career options.

    Cr. 1.
  • BUS 10001 - Principles of Business Administration

    An introduction to functional areas of business, tracing the evolution of business, business forms, the role of government and society, relationships between administrators and employees, ethical issues, and the globalization of world markets. Ideal for prebusiness students or students of any major desiring a basic understanding of business.

    Cr. 3.
    Indiana Core Transfer Library course.
  • BUS 10300 - Learning Communities

    This course is designed to assist students to be successful at the university and to develop skills and competencies that will enable a student to perform well in courses offered by the School of Business.

    Cr. 1-3.
  • BUS 20000 - Foundations Of Accounting

    Survey of financial and managerial accounting topics that provide a foundation for students who are not pursuing a business concentration. (No credit given for a degree in business.)

    Cr. 3.
  • BUS 20001 - Business Degree Seminar

    One time seminar which pre-business students must attend before being admitted into the bachelor’s degree program.

    Cr. 0.
  • BUS 20002 - Computer Literacy Concepts for Business

    Orientation to microcomputer hardware, software markets, and operating systems. Emphasis on end-user computer responsibilities for managers.

    Cr. 0-1.
  • BUS 20100 - Principles of Financial Accounting

    Introduction to concepts and issues of financial reporting for business entities; analysis and recording for business entities. Required for business majors and others who expect to take more than one semester of accounting.

    Preparation for Course
    P: sophomore class standing or permission of the department.

    Cr. 3.
    Indiana Core Transfer Library course.
  • BUS 20101 - The Computer In Business

    Introduction to the role of computers and other information technologies in business (with emphasis on microcomputer applications). Provides instruction in both functional and conceptual computer literacy. Experimental exercises include learning about Windows-based spreadsheets (Excel), relational databases (Access), electronic mail, and Internet navigation tools. These hands-on labs emphasize application of these learned skills to solve a variety of business problems. The lectures focus on the use and application of technology (hardware, software, storage/multimedia, Internet history, Internet in business, database management systems, and security/privacy of data in this information age).

    Preparation for Course
    P:  BUS 20002 or ETCS 10600 or placement exam; sophomore class standing

    Cr. 3
  • BUS 20102 - Marketing for the Small Business

    Overview of marketing management as it applies to the small business.  Gain an understanding of traditional and non-traditional marketing techniques.  Determine best marketing plan for different types of ventures. 

    Cr. 3.
    This course is required for the Certificate in Small Business Management.
    No credit toward a B.S. in business.
  • BUS 20103 - Small Business Management Capstone

    Application of concepts studied in previous courses in the Certificate in Small Business Management.  A business plan or project will be used in a simulated real world environment to clarify the concepts presented in previous required courses.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS 10001, ECON 20000, BUS 20102 and BUS 20000.

    Cr. 3.
    This course is required for the Certificate in Small Business Management.
    No credit toward B.S. in Business.
  • BUS 20200 - Principles of Managerial Accounting

    Introduction to concepts and issues of management accounting; budgeting, variance analysis, cost determination, and standard costs. Required for all business majors.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS 20100.

    Cr. 3.
  • BUS 20300 - Commercial Law I

    Survey of the fundamentals of business law; covers the judicial process, ways of organizing to conduct business, the nature of property, government regulation of business, and comprehensive study of the common law of contracts.

    Preparation for Course
    P: sophomore class standing.

    Cr. 3.
  • BUS 20401 - Business Communication

    Theory and practice of written communication in business; use of correct, forceful English in preparation of letters, memoranda, and reports.

    Preparation for Course
    P:  ENGL 13100 and COM 11400

    Cr. 3.
  • BUS 26000 - Personal Finance

    Financial problems encountered in managing individual affairs: family budgeting, installment buying, insurance, and home ownership. No credit toward B.S. in business if taken during junior or senior year.

    Cr. 3.
  • BUS 30000 - International Business Administration

    Economic and cultural environments for overseas operations. Governmental policies and programs that affect international business. International dimensions of marketing, finance, accounting, taxation, and human resources with emphasis on management decisions and implementation.

    Preparation for Course
    P: ECON 20101.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 30100 and above is restricted to students who meet established criteria: business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors; or students that have declared other pre-approved programs or minors which require particular business courses, and completed all course prerequisites; or students that have obtained written permission from the department through which the course is offered.
  • BUS 30100 - Financial Management

    An overview of the theory of the essentials of corporate finance needed to compete effectively in an increasingly global environment. Topics include time value of money, forecasting, stock and bond analysis, project analysis, cost of capital, short-term asset analysis, global financial markets, and ethical considerations.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS 20200 and MA 15300 (or higher);  P or C: ECON 27000 (or equivalent)

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 30100 and above is restricted to students who meet established criteria: business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors; or students that have declared other pre-approved programs or minors which require particular business courses, and completed all course prerequisites; or students that have obtained written permission from the department through which the course is offered.
  • BUS 30101 - Marketing Management in a Competitive Environment

    Overview of marketing management in a dynamic competitive environment. Examines marketing principles and tools for decision-making, from both the firm’s and the consumer’s viewpoint. Applications to global markets and other business disciplines. Provides a firm foundation in marketing theory and marketing lexicon.

    Preparation for Course
    P: sophomore class standing

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 30100 and above is restricted to students who meet established criteria: business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors; or students that have declared other pre-approved programs or minors which require particular business courses, and completed all course prerequisites; or students that have obtained written permission from the department through which the course is offered.
  • BUS 30102 - Operations Management

    An introduction to the principles of production and operations management that provides an integrated overview of the role of the operations function in gaining competitive advantage in a global environment. Topics include demand forecasting, product design, process materials management, planning and control, scheduling, and project management.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS 20101 and ECON 27000 or STAT 30100; sophomore class standing

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 30100 and above is restricted to students who meet established criteria: business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors; or students that have declared other pre-approved programs or minors which require particular business courses, and completed all course prerequisites; or students that have obtained written permission from the department through which the course is offered.
  • BUS 30200 - Management of Organizations and People

    An introduction to organizational behavior and management systems, the history and functions of management, and an analysis of the dynamic environment under which organizations operate. Topics include managerial functions, measures of organizational effectiveness, individual and group behavior, leadership, motivation, and strategies for developing teamwork.

    Preparation for Course
    P: sophomore class standing

    Cr. 3
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 30100 and above is restricted to students who meet established criteria: business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors; or students that have declared other pre-approved programs or minors which require particular business courses, and completed all course prerequisites; or students that have obtained written permission from the department through which the course is offered.
  • BUS 30300 - Intermediate Investments

    Provides a rigorous treatment of the core concepts of investments. Covers portfolio optimization, market efficiency, the pricing of equity, fixed income and derivative securities, and analyzes international investments. Makes extensive use of spreadsheet modeling to implement financial models. Serves as a foundation for all 40000-level finance electives.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS 30100.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 30100 and above is restricted to students who meet established criteria: business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors; or students that have declared other pre-approved programs or minors which require particular business courses, and completed all course prerequisites; or students that have obtained written permission from the department through which the course is offered.
  • BUS 30301 - Commercial Law II

    Emphases on Uniform Commercial Code (sales, negotiable instruments, and secured transactions), business organizations and relationships, bankruptcy, and the law of ownership, custody, and possession.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS 20003.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 30100 and above is restricted to students who meet established criteria: business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors; or students that have declared other pre-approved programs or minors which require particular business courses, and completed all course prerequisites; or students that have obtained written permission from the department through which the course is offered.
  • BUS 30302 - Marketing Research

    Focuses on the role of research in marketing decision making.  Topics include defining research objectives, syndicated and secondary data sources of marketing information, exploratory research methods, survey research design, observational research techniques, experimental design, sampling procedures, data collection and analysis, and communicating research findings.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS 30101 and ECON 27000.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 30100 and above is restricted to students who meet established criteria: business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors; or students that have declared other pre-approved programs or minors which require particular business courses, and completed all course prerequisites; or students that have obtained written permission from the department through which the course is offered.
  • BUS 30500 - Intermediate Corporate Finance

    Provides a rigorous treatment of the core concepts of corporate finance. Covers capital budgeting, the valuation of firms, capital structure choices and payout policies. Makes extensive use of spreadsheet modeling to implement financial valuation models. Serves as a foundation for all 40000-level finance electives.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS 30100.

    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 30100 and above is restricted to students who meet established criteria: business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors; or students that have declared other pre-approved programs or minors which require particular business courses, and completed all course prerequisites; or students that have obtained written permission from the department through which the course is offered.
  • BUS 30800 - Risk Management and Insurance

    Students develop a broad understanding of the world of risk management and insurance world. Learn basic fundamental knowledge, concepts, and principles of this industry. Plus understand the activities they engage in and why they do so.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 30100 and above is restricted to students who meet established criteria: business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors; or students that have declared other pre-approved programs or minors which require particular business courses, and completed all course prerequisites; or students that have obtained written permission from the department through which the course is offered.
  • BUS 30900 - Retirement Plan Fundamentals

    Understand basic concepts, terminology, and procedures involved in the retirement industry in the United States. Also understand the dynamic and highly regulated processes of pension plan administration. Course covers the material included on exam for the nationally recognized certificate in Retirement Plan Fundamentals.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 30100 and above is restricted to students who meet established criteria: business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors; or students that have declared other pre-approved programs or minors which require particular business courses, and completed all course prerequisites; or students that have obtained written permission from the department through which the course is offered.
  • BUS 31000 - Financial Statement Analysis - Finance Perspective

    Analysis of financial statements to provide basis from which informed decisions concerning investments, financing opportunities, and appropriate financing instruments can be made.

    Preparation for Course
    P or C: BUS 30100.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 30100 and above is restricted to students who meet established criteria: business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors; or students that have declared other pre-approved programs or minors which require particular business courses, and completed all course prerequisites; or students that have obtained written permission from the department through which the course is offered.
  • BUS 31100 - Intermediate Accounting I

    Theoretical framework and application of generally accepted accounting principles to the preparation of financial statements, with emphasis upon the assets and liabilities of an enterprise.

    Preparation for Course
    P or C: BUS 31700.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 30100 and above is restricted to students who meet established criteria: business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors; or students that have declared other pre-approved programs or minors which require particular business courses, and completed all course prerequisites; or students that have obtained written permission from the department through which the course is offered.
  • BUS 31101 - New Venture Creation

    Primarily for those interested in creating a new business venture or acquiring an existing business. Covers such areas as choice of a legal form, problems of the closely held firm, sources of funds, preparation of a business plan, and negotiation.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 30100 and above is restricted to business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors, or students in other pre-approved programs which require particular business courses.
  • BUS 31200 - Intermediate Accounting II

    A continuation of the work begun in A31100. Theoretical framework and application of generally accepted accounting principles to the preparation of financial statements, with emphasis upon owners’ equity and special topics such as earnings per share, pensions, leases, income tax allocation, and cash flow statement.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS 31100.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 30100 and above is restricted to students who meet established criteria: business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors; or students that have declared other pre-approved programs or minors which require particular business courses, and completed all course prerequisites; or students that have obtained written permission from the department through which the course is offered.
  • BUS 31201 - Entrepreneurship

    New venture creation, business planning and its formalization, corporate and social entrepreneurship.

    Cr. 3-6.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 30100 and above is restricted to students who meet established criteria: business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors; or students that have declared other pre-approved programs or minors which require particular business courses, and completed all course prerequisites; or students that have obtained written permission from the department through which the course is offered.
  • BUS 31700 - Computer-Based Accounting Systems

    This course presents a framework for students to help them think in innovative ways about providing accounting user support through the use of technology. The focus of the course is on understanding organizations (their activities, processes, and objectives) in order to understand how technology can be used as an enabler of organization activities and objectives. Topics covered include modeling business processes, revenue and expenditure cycles, information systems architecture, systems analysis and design, internal control systems, and EDP controls.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS 20100 and 20200.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 30100 and above is restricted to students who meet established criteria: business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors; or students that have declared other pre-approved programs or minors which require particular business courses, and completed all course prerequisites; or students that have obtained written permission from the department through which the course is offered.
  • BUS 31800 - Fraud Examination I

    Fundamentals of fraud examination including identifying the nature and types of fraud, creating systems to prevent fraud, and investigating and resolving fraudulent activities.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS 31100.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 30100 and above is restricted to students who meet established criteria: business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors; or students that have declared other pre-approved programs or minors which require particular business courses, and completed all course prerequisites; or students that have obtained written permission from the department through which the course is offered.
  • BUS 32100 - Management of Information Technology

    An introduction to information systems and technology and their role in the modern business enterprise. Topics include computer-based information systems; managers’ role in use, acquisition, and control of information systems and technology for a competitive advantage; ethical use of information; global information systems; and emerging information technologies.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS 20101  P or C: BUS 30102.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 30100 and above is restricted to students who meet established criteria: business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors; or students that have declared other pre-approved programs or minors which require particular business courses, and completed all course prerequisites; or students that have obtained written permission from the department through which the course is offered.
  • BUS 32500 - Cost Accounting

    Conceptual and procedural aspects of management and cost accounting. Product costing, cost control over projects and products; decision-making emphasis; profit planning; quantitative modeling; and computer applications.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS 20200.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 30100 and above is restricted to students who meet established criteria: business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors; or students that have declared other pre-approved programs or minors which require particular business courses, and completed all course prerequisites; or students that have obtained written permission from the department through which the course is offered.
  • BUS 32700 - Deterministic Models in Operations Research

    This course provides an intense immersion into the problem solving and troubleshooting processes, including critical thinking and the analytical decision-making tools used by companies to solve a variety of problems.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS 30102.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 30100 and above is restricted to students who meet established criteria: business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors; or students that have declared other pre-approved programs or minors which require particular business courses, and completed all course prerequisites; or students that have obtained written permission from the department through which the course is offered.
  • BUS 32800 - Introduction to Taxation

    A comprehensive study of the federal income tax structure. Individual taxation will be emphasized with an exposure to business taxation.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS 20100.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 30100 and above is restricted to students who meet established criteria: business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors; or students that have declared other pre-approved programs or minors which require particular business courses, and completed all course prerequisites; or students that have obtained written permission from the department through which the course is offered.
  • BUS 33100 - Taxation of Business Entities

    An introduction to the income taxation of business entities including C corporations, partnerships, S corporations, limited liability companies, and some overlapping material of individual taxation. This course will include the basic topics of tax research, gross income, business deductions, property transactions, and special entity formation rules.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS 32800.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 30100 and above is restricted to students who meet established criteria: business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors; or students that have declared other pre-approved programs or minors which require particular business courses, and completed all course prerequisites; or students that have obtained written permission from the department through which the course is offered.
  • BUS 34500 - Money/Banking/Capital Markets

    An analysis of the interrelated financial systems of central banks, private banks, and other sources and users of financial capital. Theoretical, empirical, policy, and institutional issues are analyzed using economics and finance. Topics include the theory of money demand and supply, monetary policy and central banks, interest rate determination, financial intermediaries, and international financial markets.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS 30100.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 30100 and above is restricted to students who meet established criteria: business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors; or students that have declared other pre-approved programs or minors which require particular business courses, and completed all course prerequisites; or students that have obtained written permission from the department through which the course is offered.
  • BUS 38000 - Professional Practice in Business

    A supervised cooperative education experience integrating academic studies with relevant work experience. Alternates a semester of full-time study with a semester of full-time employment. Maximum of 3 credits may be applied toward graduation. Cannot be substituted for required course.

    Preparation for Course
    P: admission to co-op program.

    Cr. 0-1.
    Variable Title
  • BUS 38100 - Professional Practice in Business

    A supervised cooperative education experience integrating academic studies with relevant work experience. Part-time employment concurrent with study. Maximum of 3 credits may be applied toward graduation. Cannot be substituted for required course.

    Preparation for Course
    P: admission to co-op program.

    Cr. 0-1.
    Variable Title
  • BUS 39400 - Practicum in Business

    Laboratory experience of learning with practicing entrepreneurs. Shadowing and coinvesting experiences with the clientele of the Northeast Indiana Innovation Center and the Center for Entrepreneurial Excellence. Experience in taking vision to reality.

    Cr. 6.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 30100 and above is restricted to students who meet established criteria: business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors; or students that have declared other pre-approved programs or minors which require particular business courses, and completed all course prerequisites; or students that have obtained written permission from the department through which the course is offered.
  • BUS 40000 - Business Senior Seminar

    One time seminar which business students must complete before graduating from the bachelors degree program.

    Cr. 0-3.
    Variable Title
  • BUS 40100 - Policy and Strategy

    The capstone business course integrating, via case analysis, functional areas of study into a comprehensive real-world experience. Emphasis on critical thinking, analysis, strategic planning, and implementation of astute, ethical plans to gain a competitive advantage in the global marketplace.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS 30100, 30101, 30102, 30200 and 32100; senior class standing.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 30100 and above is restricted to students who meet established criteria: business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors; or students that have declared other pre-approved programs or minors which require particular business courses, and completed all course prerequisites; or students that have obtained written permission from the department through which the course is offered.
  • BUS 40400 - Social, Legal, and Ethical Implications of Business Decisions

    Covers topics in corporate social responsibility and the social control of business; the major ethical theories relevant to determining that responsibility; and applications of those theories in areas such as financial management, competition, marketing, advertising, the environment, employer-employee relations, and the international arena. The course addresses some of the major questions about the ethical responsibilities of businesses. Should a business just look out for its “bottom line,” or should it look out for its employees, customers, community, and environment, too? When a business operates in a foreign country, is it morally obligated to pay wages that would be considered fair in America, or is it enough to abide by local laws and regulations? and how can the ethical point of view shed light on disasters such as the Challenger explosion?

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS 30100, 30101, 30102, 30200 and 32100; senior class standing

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 30100 and above is restricted to students who meet established criteria: business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors; or students that have declared other pre-approved programs or minors which require particular business courses, and completed all course prerequisites; or students that have obtained written permission from the department through which the course is offered.
  • BUS 40500 - Consumer Behavior

    This course provides a detailed understanding of how marketers create value for customers, what motivates shoppers to buy, how consumers process information and make decisions, persuasion techniques, cross-cultural influences on consumer behavior, and the impact of sustainable business practices on consumer choice.

    Preparation for Course
    P:  BUS 30302.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 30100 and above is restricted to students who meet established criteria: business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors; or students that have declared other pre-approved programs or minors which require particular business courses, and completed all course prerequisites; or students that have obtained written permission from the department through which the course is offered.
  • BUS 40800 - Quantitative Methods for Marketing Management

    Application of key quantitative tools to marketing management problems. Emphasis given to application of quantitative methods to basic marketing problems and the role of quantitative methods in marketing management.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS 30302.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 30100 and above is restricted to students who meet established criteria: business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors; or students that have declared other pre-approved programs or minors which require particular business courses, and completed all course prerequisites; or students that have obtained written permission from the department through which the course is offered.
  • BUS 41500 - Advertising and Promotion Management

    Basic concepts applicable to the use of advertising and sales promotion. Addresses the overall planning, management, and integration of the firm’s promotional strategy. Public policy aspects and the role of advertising in marketing communications as they may relate to different cultures.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS 30101.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 30100 and above is restricted to students who meet established criteria: business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors; or students that have declared other pre-approved programs or minors which require particular business courses, and completed all course prerequisites; or students that have obtained written permission from the department through which the course is offered.
  • BUS 42000 - Equity and Fixed Income Investments

     A detailed examination of the management and valuation of equity and fixed income securities. The analysis of individual securities, the grouping of these securities into portfolios, and the use of derivative securities to modify the return/risk profiles of more traditional stock and bond portfolios will be discussed.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS 30300.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 30100 and above is restricted to students who meet established criteria: business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors; or students that have declared other pre-approved programs or minors which require particular business courses, and completed all course prerequisites; or students that have obtained written permission from the department through which the course is offered.
  • BUS 42200 - Advanced Financial Accounting

    Theory and problems of business combinations, foreign currency transactions, and partnerships.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS 31200.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 30100 and above is restricted to students who meet established criteria: business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors; or students that have declared other pre-approved programs or minors which require particular business courses, and completed all course prerequisites; or students that have obtained written permission from the department through which the course is offered.
  • BUS 42400 - Auditing & Assurance Services

    Public accounting organization and operation; review of internal control systems, verification of balance sheet and operating accounts; the auditor’s opinion.

    Preparation for Course
    C: BUS 31200; senior class standing

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 30100 and above is restricted to students who meet established criteria: business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors; or students that have declared other pre-approved programs or minors which require particular business courses, and completed all course prerequisites; or students that have obtained written permission from the department through which the course is offered.
  • BUS 42600 - Sales Management

    Students will engage in an interactive exploration of the strategic and tactical issues important to managing a professional sales organization.  Key topics will include organizing a sales force, recruiting, training, compensation, motivation, forecasting, territory design, evaluation, and control. Lectures and case studies.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS 30101.

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 30100 and above is restricted to students who meet established criteria: business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors; or students that have declared other pre-approved programs or minors which require particular business courses, and completed all course prerequisites; or students that have obtained written permission from the department through which the course is offered.
  • BUS 43000 - Organizations And Organizational Change

    The objective of this class is to introduce the principles of organization design - the blueprint by which different parts of the organization (e.g., production, marketing, financial, accounting, and MIS systems) fit together to create an effective organization. Organization design provides the means by which strategy and goals are implemented so it is as important to a firm’s overall  performance as financial performance, operational efficiencies or market share.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BUS 30100, 30101, 30102, 30200 and 32100; senior class standing

    Cr. 3.
    Enrollment in business (BUS) courses numbered 30100 and above is restricted to students who meet established criteria: business majors who have met the pre-business requirements and been admitted into one of the business majors; or students that have declared other pre-approved programs or minors which require particular business courses, and completed all course prerequisites; or students that have obtained written permission from the department through which the course is offered.

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